WARNING: New World Health Organization Group to Plan Health and the Economy of the Entire World
Sun 1:11 pm +01:00, 9 May 2021 1Economic Policy Journal – May 7, 2021
The World Health Organization is convening eleven “leading” figures in economics, health and development from around the world as the first members of the WHO Council on the Economics of Health For All.
This is an extremely dangerous development.
Remember the WHO played a lead role in advising globally on the lockdowns that occurred as a result of a virus, COVID-19, that is not a serious threat to over 99% of the population.
Now they appear to want to expand their authoritarian reach with a group of “experts” that are extremely radical leftists.
The chairwoman of the all-female group is Professor Mariana Mazzucato who has stated the world may be forced into “climate lockdowns.”
Among those joining her on the committee are:
- Economist Stephanie Kelton, who is the number one promoter of massive government spending. She argues that deficits don’t matter and has written a book on her view, The Deficit Myth. (I discussed the errors in her thinking in, Problems With Modern Monetary Theory: A Comment on Stephanie Kelton’s “The Deficit Myth”).
- Senait Fisseha is a member of the Lancet–SIGHT Commission on Peaceful Societies Through Health and Gender Equality.
- Member Vanessa Huang, a graduate of Brown University who also studied at the Queer Women of Color Media Arts Project, contributed to the essay collection Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex.
- Kate Raworth is known for her work on ‘doughnut economics’, which she explains is an economic model that balances between essential human needs and “planetary boundaries.”
I don’t believe I have ever seen such a radical group in such a position to influence global power in a hands-on way. Don’t for a moment be fooled by the name of the group which indicates that it is about “the Economics of Health For All.”
This group will interpret everything in the economy as needing to be controlled for the “health of all.”
If the power freaks at the World Economic Forum wanted a key front group to launch major parts of the “Great Reset,” they couldn’t do much better than these radicals with the heavily Bill Gates-funded WHO as their global vehicle of influence.
Their first meeting was Thursday.
WARNING: New World Health Organization Group to Plan Health and the Economy of the Entire World
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“Enlightenment is man’s leaving his self-caused immaturity. Immaturity is the incapacity to use one’s intelligence without the guidance of another. Such immaturity is self-caused, if it is not caused by lack of intelligence, but by lack of determination and courage to use one’s intelligence without being guided by another. Sapere Aude! [dare to know] Have the courage to use your own intelligence! is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.”
That is the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant speaking in 1784.