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Canadian Doctor Blows Whistle on Neurological Side Effects of Moderna Vaccine in First Nations Indigenous Patients

A rural Canadian family doctor has stepped forward to blow the whistle on serious neurological adverse effects from the Moderna Messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine he has witnessed in his First Nations indigenous patients.

Dr. Charles Hoffe, a family doctor in the village of Lytton in the Canadian Province of British Columbia, wrote an open letter to BC Provincial Health Officer Bonnie Henry voicing his concerns generated from his experiences treating patients suffering adverse reactions to the vaccine.

In an interview with independent Canadian media outlet Rebel News, which cannot be viewed on the outlet’s YouTube, but is available on Rumble, Hoffe said his community is composed of approximately two-thirds First Nations indigenous people and the only vaccine given to the community by the Canadian government is Moderna’s Messenger RNA variant.

“My concerns about it are just what I’ve seen in my own patients. You know, this is not some kind of theory, this is not a ‘what if.’ I’m just telling what I’ve seen,” he said in the interview.

Hoffe said that in mid-January approximately 900 doses were administered to residents in his area, that mainstream media had made many people in the community very afraid of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) it may cause, adding that many of the younger community members were encouraged to get the vaccine themselves in order to protect elders through herd immunity.

After the first round of vaccine distribution, the doctor left his town for approximately six weeks to visit his elderly mother in South Africa.

After returning, Hoffe said he was shocked to find patients who had received only the first dose of Moderna’s injection coming to him with serious neurological side effects never seen before, “As people were coming into my office I started seeing more and more very troubling neurological side effects from it. And initially I thought ‘maybe it’s just one, you know?’ And as more and more came in I got more and more concerned about that.”

“There’s now six people. It’s almost three months since their vaccine and I have six people with ongoing, neurological side effects from this vaccine, and they only got the first shot,” he said.

The Village of Lytton, British Columbia.
The Village of Lytton, British Columbia. (Image: Andrew Bowden via Flickr CC BY SA 2.0)

When asked whether he had much experience treating COVID-19 in his community, Hoffe’s reply was an emphatic “No.”

“No. Absolutely not. People were terrified. The elders wouldn’t go out. People were very afraid initially, and we all were because we were told this was a deadly thing that was going to kill tens or hundreds of millions of people, and everyone needed to be very afraid.”

He continued to say that while there have been several people who have tested positive and/or shown symptoms of COVID-19, “Not a single one has needed any medical care for COVID whatsoever. They just stayed at home until they were better and didn’t even need a phone call. I mean literally, it was less than the flu for everyone in our community who has had it so far.”

Startling neurological symptoms

The doctor says in his capacity as a family doctor, he is familiar with the administration of tested, conventional vaccines such as the influenza vaccine and their common side effects, but sees a sharp contrast in the adverse reactions he is witnessing from this age of experimental and untested COVID-19 vaccines, which are released to the public under emergency use orders, “This is a whole different ball of wax…In the 28 years that I’ve been here I’ve only ever seen one, really serious reaction to [the influenza vaccine]. That’s a patient who now has Multiple Sclerosis from it, but that’s literally one in 28 years,” he said.

“I have never seen any vaccine do this.”

The most troubling adverse reaction Hoffe found of the six victims in his care was the case of a 38-year-old woman who suffered an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine on the day of injection. She returned home after recovering from the initial symptoms, but the next day she woke in tremendous pain throughout her entire body.

The woman suffered from incapacitating fatigue and slept almost the entire day for the next three weeks. As she started to slowly recover from the pain and fatigue, Hoffe says she developed what he called “quite a dense Bell’s Palsy.” Hoffe says half of the woman’s face was paralyzed, she was unable to close one eye, and her speech was impeded from a lack of motor functions in her mouth, which also caused drooling.

A UPS employee holds a box containing some of the first Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines before delivering it into the Donald Berman Maimonides Geriatric Centre in Montreal, Quebec on December 14, 2020.
A UPS employee holds a box containing some of the first Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines before delivering it into the Donald Berman Maimonides Geriatric Centre in Montreal, Quebec on December 14, 2020.  (Image:  by ANDREJ IVANOV/AFP via Getty Images)

“But what was peculiar,” Hoffe said, “Was that her Bell’s Palsy was painful. Now, I’ve never seen that before. Bell’s Palsy is not usually painful because the Seventh Nerve that’s affected is not a sensory nerve, it’s a motor nerve. You get weakness, not sensory symptoms. So this is very weird. I don’t know how to explain that.”

He added that with the onset of the Bell’s Palsy the woman also suffered from “just relentless headaches” and “incapacitating dizziness.” Hoffe noted that the dizziness was, however, unique, “This isn’t dizziness like you’ve just stepped off the merry-go-round.  It’s not the sort of vertigo that makes everything spin. This is a dizziness where you feel like you stood up too soon or too quickly, and maybe you should sit back down again.”

He says the dizziness has continued for almost two months, and the woman can no longer drive or go to work, “She has been disabled since her COVID shot in mid-January,” he said.

“She’s probably just the most tragic because she’s young, she’s got kids, she’s got a family, and now she is disabled.”

Government response

Hoffe says he wrote the letter to the Province’s Chief Health Officer because he was directed to send his concerns to her, adding he wrote his letter in the form of an open letter after being chastised and threatened by fellow medical professionals, and because he wasn’t expecting to receive any response from the Minister.

“I know the authorities are determined to roll out this vaccine no matter what. And so I really didn’t expect a reply from her, which is why I made it an open letter,” he said.

“To my absolute astonishment she did reply in referring it to a vaccine specialist, who I then spoke to and unfortunately got no answers.”

Protestors at a “Ban Dr. Bonnie Henry” demonstration at a Vancouver Freedom Rally in Vancouver in November, 2020.
Protestors at a “Ban Dr. Bonnie Henry” demonstration at a Vancouver Freedom Rally in Vancouver in November, 2020. (Image: GoToVan via Flickr CC BY 2.0)

“According to the vaccine specialist that I spoke to, we should not be having any neurological side effects. This is not a recognized side effect. Apparently it’s not in the literature from Moderna…I’m just telling you what I’ve seen, what’s happened in my patients.”

Hoffe says he asked the vaccine safety specialist in an online meeting, “What is causing all these neurological changes in my patients?” The answer he received “to put it in a nutshell,” he said, was: “These are all coincidences. These are nothing to do with the vaccine. These were just going to happen. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Just like people can have blood clots, people die, people get Bell’s Palsy.”

He pointed out to the specialist that his six cases with very similar symptoms and long-term neurological problems, all happened within 72 hours of taking Moderna’s Messenger RNA injection, “To say these are all just coincidences to me makes…you have to have a lot of faith to believe that, I think.”

Peer response

When asked about “how easy” it was to step forward with his concerns about his six patients, Hoffe replied somberly: “Difficult.”

Hoffe said when he initially started airing his concerns it wasn’t in response to his patients, but resulted from the reports of adverse reactions he had been hearing around the world while in South Africa and visiting his mother, making preparations to return to his practice.

He said he sent an email to a group of other healthcare professionals in his area involved in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. His email was in reference to the AstraZeneca adenovirus vector vaccine’s blood clotting issue, saying he “Basically put out a word of caution and said ‘Do you think maybe we should just be pausing things for a bit until we actually find out what this vaccine’s doing?’”

“I unfortunately got reprimanded by the local health authority for causing ‘vaccine hesitancy’,” he said. “They told me that they would be reporting me to the College of Physicians and Surgeons [the Provincial licensing body for medical professionals] and that I was not allowed to say anything negative about this vaccine in our health facility.”

Hoffe says he has experienced “enormous frustration” in trying to get a diagnosis or treatment for his patients from the BC health system, “I have spoke[n] to neurologists at our local tertiary center to try to get somebody there to assess these patients urgently to try to figure out what is happening.”

The doctor says the symptoms his patients are displaying require the expertise of specialists because the severity and specificity of the symptoms are outside the territory of a family practice, “But the specialists don’t want to see it. As soon as you tell them it’s related to a vaccine, literally they go dead silent on the phone and say ‘Well, uh, I think you better take them somewhere else.’”

Hoffe was told by the local center to instead contact Vancouver General Hospital, located approximately 3.5 hours away. When he called the neurology department at the Hospital he was told by the person he spoke with that they would speak to the other people in their department and “see if anyone wants to take this on.”

Hoffe said he never heard back from Vancouver General, “Instead, all I got was a text message sending me a vaccine injury reporting form.”


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