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  1. Alan Vaughn says:

    And the Supreme Court of Canada will no doubt enjoy laughing this one right out the door. ?
    When will these people wake up? The courts are not there for us in this Brave New World, not that they really were under the old normal.
    It’s pathetic and so cringeworthy to watch this stuff.
    ‘Know thy enemy’. These fools clearly don’t.
    We need to stop relying on or hoping other people can solve this one for us. Its just laziness. Freedom is worth fighting for two world wars provided indisputable testimony for that. Yet here we are giving it away to even worse tyrants than those our fathers, grandfathers / great grandfathers lost their lives to defend us and our God-given freedoms from.
    Especially when those other people these complacent, lazy people invest all their hopes in, still naively think the biased and treasonous cabal owned courts will listen to them!
    The only key that will open the door to freedom is in OUR hands – the oppressed and downtrodden little people, not the courts or hot-shot lawyers.
    We need to wake up the compliant masked zombies – beat them awake if necessary, then RISE UP en masse and make it very clear to these gutless billionaires and the LYING complicit governments they control: WE DO NOT and NEVER WILL COMPLY with any of your dehumanizing diktats.

    There are many millions of us, ALL of their police and military combined are vastly outnumbered, they cannot possibly arrest us all.

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