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This article says it all – COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.

 The government forecast for the autumn is for 250 deaths per day out of 300 to be of vaccinated people – despite their claims that being vaccinated will protect you from (only) a severe case of COVID.

If they believe their forecast they should now be issuing advice to people who have been vaccinated on how to avoid death this autumn.

I think the truth is that even at 250 a day the number of people dying is just too small to bother them.

COVID Vaccines: Necessity, Efficacy and Safety

Abstract: COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have been exempted from legal liability for vaccine-induced harm. It is therefore in the interests of all those authorising, enforcing and administering COVID-19 vaccinations to understand the evidence regarding the risks and benefits of these vaccines, since liability for harm will fall on them.

In short, the available evidence and science indicate that COVID-19 vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.

Last section on safety

Sent by Charles Vickers of www.englishdemocrats.party

To read whole article go to link at foot of post.

2. Contrary to claims that blood disorders post-vaccination are “rare”, many common vaccine side effects (headaches, nausea, vomiting and haematoma-like “rashes” over the body) may indicate thrombosis and other severe abnormalities. Moreover, vaccine-induced diffuse micro-thromboses in the lungs can mimic pneumonia and may be misdiagnosed as COVID-19. Clotting events currently receiving media attention are likely just the “tip of a huge iceberg” [34] — The vaccines are not safe.

3. Due to immunological priming, risks of clotting, bleeding and other adverse events can be expected to increase with each re-vaccination and each intervening coronavirus exposure. Over time, whether months or years [35], this renders both vaccination and coronaviruses dangerous to young and healthy age groups, for whom without vaccination COVID-19 poses no substantive risk.

Since vaccine roll-out, COVID-19 incidence has risen in numerous areas with high vaccination rates [36–38]. Furthermore, multiple series of COVID-19 fatalities have occurred shortly after the onset vaccinations in senior homes [39,40]. These cases may have been due not only to antibody-dependent enhancement but also to a general immunosuppressive effect of the vaccines, which is suggested by the increased occurrence of Herpes zoster in certain patients [41]. Immunosuppression may have caused a previously asymptomatic infection to become clinically manifest. Regardless of the exact mechanism responsible for these reported deaths, we must expect that the vaccines will increase rather than decrease lethality of COVID-19 — The vaccines are not safe.

4The vaccines are experimental by definition. They will remain in Phase 3 trials until 2023. Recipients are human subjects entitled to free informed consent under Nuremberg and other protections, including the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe’s resolution 2361 [42] and the FDA’s terms of emergency use authorisation [29]. With respect to safety data from Phase 1 and 2 trials, in spite of initially large sample sizes the journal Vaccine reports that, “the vaccination strategy chosen for further development may have only been given to as few as 12 participants” [32]. With such extremely small sample sizes, the journal notes that, “larger Phase 3 studies conducted over longer periods of time will be necessary” to establish safety. The risks that remain to be evaluated in Phase 3 trials into 2023, with entire populations as subjects, include not only thrombosis and bleeding abnormalities, but other autoimmune responses, allergic reactions, unknown tropisms (tissue destinations) of lipid nanoparticles [35], antibody-dependent enhancement [43–46] and the impact of rushed, questionably executed, poorly regulated [47] and reportedly inconsistent manufacturing methods, conferring risks of potentially harmful impurities such as uncontrolled DNA residues [48]. The vaccines are not safe, either for recipients or for those who administer them or authorise their use.

5. Initial experience might suggest that the adenovirus-derived vaccines (AstraZeneca/Johnson & Johnson) cause graver adverse effects than the mRNA (Pfizer/Moderna) vaccines. However, upon repeated injection, the former will soon induce antibodies against the proteins of the adenovirus vector. These antibodies will then neutralize most of the vaccine virus particles and cause their disposal before they can infect any cells, thereby limiting the intensity of tissue damage.

In contrast, in the mRNA vaccines, there is no protein antigen for the antibodies to recognize. Thus, regardless of the existing degree of immunity, the vaccine mRNA is going to reach its target — the body cells. These will then express the spike protein and subsequently suffer the full onslaught of the immune system. With the mRNA vaccines, the risk of severe adverse events is virtually guaranteed to increase with every successive injection. In the long term, they are therefore even more dangerous than the vector vaccines. Their apparent preferment over the latter is concerning in the highest degree; these vaccines are not safe.

4. Ethics and legal points to consider

  1. Authorities, doctors and medical personnel need to be similarly careful not to ignore the credible and independent literature on vaccine necessity, safety and efficacy, given the foreseeable mass deaths and harms that must be expected unless the vaccination campaign is stopped.
  2. Vaccine manufacturers have exempted themselves from legal liability for adverse events for a reason. When vaccine deaths and harms occur, liability will fall to those responsible for the vaccines’ authorisation, administration and/or coercion via vaccine passports, none of which can be justified on a sober, evidence-based risk-benefit analysis.
  3. All political, regulatory and medical actors involved in COVID-19 vaccination should familiarise themselves with the Nuremberg code and other legal provisions in order to protect themselves.


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Doctors for Covid Ethics

We are doctors and scientists from 30 countries, seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety and human rights in response to COVID-19. t: @Drs4CovidEthics

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4 Responses to “This article says it all – COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ are unnecessary, ineffective and unsafe.”

  1. Tapestry says:

    Reading posts about deaths to come is one thing. Today we heard of a friend who agreed her child could be vaccinated, and wishes she hadn’t done so, but the pressures were so great on her from the child’s carers. I like that word ‘carers’. The child is seriously ill, and everyone is worried. Vaccine tragedies are coming thick and fast now, closer and closer to home. Neighbours. Friends. The evidence is piling up. A suicide every week. People signed off work with depression. Staring into space. Another in a coma in her forties. This poor child. Deaths of grandparents on all sides. We are seeing results from the 30 million vaccines after just a couple of months. There will be many more to come as the effects of the mRNA are longterm. Tragedy is becoming an every day event.

    • ian says:

      Difficult times Tap’, around here, a good number of old people have died due to the lockdowns. A couple of suicides, and everyone else really sick and tired of all the government crap, BUT they still believe it. I even had a very attractive” lady,” “loosely used”, prison officer, who forcefully insisted that the government hid many Covid cases and blamed it on other illnesses. I was unable to sway her into believing it was the opposite. We parted friends, I mean she was very nice.

    • Gordon says:

      Dr. Carrie Madej is an Internal Medicine Specialist in Georgia with 19 years in practice. She’s concerned about the transhumanist agenda behind the push for the COVID vaccine and the biological, legal and spiritual ramifications of all of it and she joined Alex Jones on InfoWars yesterday to talk about her latest findings, starting with reports of unvaccinated women having 400% the rate of miscarriages in connection with their exposure to vaccinated people.
