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“The Chemtrails Must Be Stopped,
Geoengineering Must Be Terminated”

Chemtrails in North Florida

Extreme Chemcloud Cover Over Tallahassee, Florida:
Residents Oblivious to Nonstop Chemtrail Operations
as They Are Conducted Over Cities Across America

State of the Nation

Special Note from The Health Coach: Governor Ron DeSantis is being attacked by the New World Order globalist cabal like no other governor in U.S. history.  In point of fact, DeSantis, who is currently domiciled in Tallahassee, FL, has been under withering attack since the day he threw his support behind then President Trump.  No other state government poses a greater threat to the NWO agenda than the DeSantis administration.  With strong Republican majorities in both chambers of the Florida legislature, DeSantis was confident enough to permanently outlaw vaccine passports anywhere in the state.  He was also the first governor to do away with masks and social distancing mandates; and he banned all fines issued by any city or county that attempted to subvert his EOs.  In light of these and many other courageous initiatives, both Governor DeSantis and the city he lives in — Tallahassee — are being bombarded with chemtrails as never before.  The spraying of these toxic aerosols is now so relentless and intense that folks all over Leon County are getting sick with either Chemtrail Flu or Chemtrail Syndrome.  The Health Coach resides in Tallahassee and is well aware of these developments as the skies above have become darkened with a perpetual chemcloud cover, which always translates to an uptick in respiratory illnesses, especially upper respiratory health conditions during the springtime.  The bottom line is that the weather geoterrorists are determined to sicken the whole city using this shotgun approach against DeSantis himself.  These unparalleled chemtrailing operations also foreshadow devastating weather warfare that the globalist-directed geoengineers will wage between now and Election Day 2022 to oust DeSantis from the Governor’s Mansion.

Criminally Insane Psychopaths Are Controlling Our Weather

We don’t know about your locale but here in Tallahassee, Florida we have been witnessing a relentless chemical assault by way of chemtrail aerosols for many years now.  2019 has been the worst yet.

CHEMTRAILS: A Chemical Assault On People And Chemical Trespass of Property

These acts of premeditated chemical assaults and weather warfare have completely changed the regional weather pattern.

Florida was once known as the “Sunshine State”, however, that moniker is no longer valid.

What follows is a photo of the Old Capital Building in Tallahassee.  Look at the raw intensity of that chemtrail spraying operation right over the city center.

In point of fact, the ever-increasing intensity of chemical geoengineering via chemtrails in the skies of the state capital is both extraordinary and alarming.

The significant uptick in these highly destructive and dangerous spraying regimes began in January of 2015 when it was predicted by a very brave Air Force chemtrail pilot.

Chemtrail Pilot Blows the Cover Off of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD

Since that time, each successive year has seen a steady increase in chemtrail activity in the skies of North Florida. See: Chemtrailing Caught on Camera from Airplane over Florida Panhandle (Video)

Whereas 2016, 2017 and 2018 were progressively worse, 2019 has seen chemtrail spraying put on super-steroids.  Yes, it’s really that bad here … and still getting worse by the month.  Here’s a video from 2017: Chemtrails being sprayed over Tallahassee, Florida.

The sun simply no longer shines here.

Chemtrails in North Florida

Changing weather patterns and climate trend shifts

What’s more important to any locale than the stability of its weather patterns and general climate?

Well, that stability, and especially weather predictability is a thing of the past.

Even as the local weathermen routinely make their weather forecasts in the morning, they reflexively see them sabotaged by the ensuing chemical geoengineering citywide.

Virtually every forecast for clear blue skies is quickly replaced by clouds and overcast, rain and drizzle.

It’s like clockwork: the geoengineers are determined to prevent the sun from shining on different areas of the country that have been deemed as high-level targets for their experiments.  Apparently, all the capital cities of the biggest states have all been identified as ground zero for these enormously expensive chemtrail programs.

What kind of experiments?

All kinds, actually.

However, there are multiple objectives that the weather controllers have in mind.  They not only seek to shut down the sunlight for certain reasons, they are conducting immense atmospheric engineering operations in order to alter the climate trends worldwide.

CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering

Why, pray tell, would the geoengineers want to do such a thing?

The globalist cabal that is implementing the New World Order agenda has several goals that must be accomplished if they are to form their totalitarian One World Government.  Many of them are directly related to the various UN agendas— Agenda 212030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Vision 2050.

The BP Gulf oil spill was another manufactured ecological disaster designed to adversely impact the Gulf of Mexico coastline. See: Obama Staged His Own 9/11 That Nobody Suspected

The back story that is driving this NWO agenda is far beyond the scope of this article.  The explicit purpose of this exposé is to bring awareness to hundreds of counties and cities, towns and villages across America about this perilous plague of chemtrails.

Were the American people to comprehend the sheer depth and breadth of these criminal chemical geoengineering programs, they would shut them down in a New York minute.

Quite unfortunately, most folks are too busy staring at their smartphones.

Not only that, so many people are completely disconnected from the environment, from nature, from the Earth itself.

This profound disconnection has proved to be an unmitigated disaster for the country.

The citizens don’t even know that they are being systematically sprayed from above like bugs with highly toxic chemicals and poisons.

And, that these never-ending chemtrail operations are radically altering the biosphere.

The different formulations of chemical aerosols contain all sorts of contaminants and pollutants that rain upon the land and the water bodies, as some remains in the atmosphere.

Chemtrails sprayed in Panama City, Florida.  This city is located very close to both Tyndall and Eglin Air Force Bases in North Florida where many chemtrail jets take off from.

Eventually these toxic chemicals end up in the food and water supply as well as in the homes and businesses of anyone who lives below these spraying operations.

Produce has changed

One of the most alarming outcomes of what happens when an agricultural region is exposed to heavy chemtrail spraying concerns the quality of the produce which invariably changes in a number of negative ways.

There are now many examples of fruits and vegetables being harder than ever.  Grape skins and raisins are tougher than ever, as are the skins of plums, peaches, pears, apples and apricots.  All types of lettuce and greens and cucumbers are harder to chew because of how leathery they have become in the wake of relentless spraying.  Even banana and plantains are much harder to separate from the bunch because of how sinewy the peels have become.

The longer that these chemtrail operations are conducted over agricultural fields, the more that chemically mobile metals such as aluminum end up in the soil, the water courses and the chemical fertilizers that are used to grow the food crops.

It has been scientifically proven that flora and fauna now have a much higher concentration of aluminum and barium in the plant structure.  That’s because aluminum oxide and barium salts are two of the primary constituents of chemtrail aerosols.

Over time, the more of this structurally altered food that is eaten, the more people and animals will likewise be altered wherein these detrimental metals become incorporated into human tissue, organs and fluids.  The matrix of the human body is slowly changing over the decades.

Back to Tallahassee

The truth of the matter is that every city in the USA is a “Tallahassee” where it concerns chemtrail overwhelm.

The push to spray municipal areas has been quite evident for years; however, now the geoengineers have gone full-bore.  The weather controllers are more determined than ever to depopulate the urban areas with a slow-motion kill…to make room for the many rural folks who are now migrating to the cities for jobs.

There’s not a day that goes by here in North Florida where the sun is not blocked out as soon as it appears.  It’s as if the perps are attempting to deprive the populace of their natural vitamin D production in the skin.  What better way to weaken their immune system?!

Cases of Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) have also seen a dramatic upsurge in places like Tallahassee where the sun was once always shining brightly.

In fact, there are many medical ailments and health conditions that are directly caused by the repeated exposure to harmful chemtrail aerosols.  As always, the more compromised an individual’s overall health, the more likely they will succumb to some of these maladies.

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions

The real problem confronting the American people is that when they do flip the switch on 5G, “the chemtrails will be put on super steroids”.  It is this single development that ought to move the public to demand an immediate halt to the 5G roll-out that’s now happening at warp speed.

What follows are a few photos of chemtrails and their rapidly forming chemclouds that were taken by Tallahassee residents.

KEY POINT: When the same perps flip the 5G switch, everything changes.  Conveying those powerful electromagnetic frequencies and radiation through a geoengineered atmosphere full of metals and chemicals will create a highly precarious environment.  The most vulnerable will be the first to die terrible deaths.  Even the most healthy among us will experience an insidious slide into ill health so hazardous is the completely untested and unsafe 5G technology.  It’s true that chemtrails married with 5G is the greatest threat to humanity today.


It’s never been so important to shut down chemtrails and terminate the chemical geoengineering.  That can only happen when a critical mass of concerned citizens sounds the alarm.  Hence, many more people need to be educated about this whole NWO depopulation scheme.

When enough folks become aware that climate change is really caused by these global geoengineering programs and not human-generated CO2, they will want it stopped post-haste.  After all, the number of weather catastrophes and climate disruptions has greatly impacted everyone on the Planet.  The inevitable death and destruction that comes in the wake of so much extreme weather and subsequent earth movements continues to escalate by the year.

Geoengineering Is The Primary Cause Of Global Climate Change, Not CO2

However, it’s the hidden reasons for so many calamitous weather events that will really cause the necessary outrage.  Here in Tallahassee, we just witnessed the most devastating superstorm in North Florida history last year named Hurricane Michael.  Mega-hurricanes like Michael are geoengineered into lethal weather weapons which give the science of weather warfare new and cataclysmic  meaning. See HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why!

Action Plan

How about we all do this each month: We pick one city in the 50 states.  For instance, we can choose Tallahassee for the month of March.  Every resident who is aware of these chemical assaults throughout the greater Tallahassee area can then send their photos to the following email address:


We can also organize leaflet drives and/or drops which flood the city with info on the chemtrails that are being secretly sprayed against the law.  These drives/drops can be followed by public meetings in which a qualified speaker presents a talk and fields questions on this dire matter.  Strategies and tactics can then be developed that are unique to each community whereby the locals decide on how best to get the word out.  Then, the real movers and shakers can formulate a serious lawful plan of action.

At the same time, the Alt Media can focus on the selected city offering full support of that targeted urban area.  This will provide an opportunity for the residents in each locale to quickly get up to speed with the polluted status of their skies.  Who ever wants to breathe toxic chemtrailed air — 24/7 — as many folks around the nation do at this very moment?  Who ever wants to live under perpetually overcast skies where the sun hardly shines?

There are several other malevolent intentions behind these environment-degrading endeavors carried out by the U.S. government.  Were the citizenry to know exactly what those are, they would have already overthrown those responsible.  As follows:

NWO Cabal Pursues Total Dominion Over The
Earth’s Weather And Natural Resources

State of the Nation
February 21, 2019


It’s entirely true that the systematic, wide-area and indiscriminate spraying of chemtrails represents an egregious crime against humanity.  As a matter of indisputable fact, these chemical geoengineering programs are a “gross violation of the public trust” as well as a “flagrant breach of the social contract”.  Their very existence “irreparably breaks the sacred covenant between the governed and the government”.
(Source: CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity)

Perhaps the following screenshot from the preceding link can be used by environmental activists and health advocates alike in cities that take up this urgent cause in earnest.


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  1. Gordon says:

    Weather Warfare Scotland 13/12/2021


    And you wonder why there’s so many sore throats and colds going about.

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