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Great Propaganda Tricks of Today: ignoring context


by Fabian Ubiquitus

The pic provides a fascinating look at how the Corporate Media Matrix of fear and dismay is created and operates as a blight upon our civilisation.

 You look at the fake photo and alarming headline and you get the impression there is some sort of apocalypse unfolding in India.

But what is missing is CONTEXT. As a crude example not original to me, the headline “MILLIONS DEAD!!” is alarming until you add the context of “…IN HISTORY”.
In this particular case of India, the context is the sheer size of India’s population. Plus of course the fact that the photo itself is of another, disrelated incident.

The deaths (IF you believe stats that government’s are notorious for fiddling in the traditional manner) are about 198,000 people who have died of or with Covid 19.

But that is out of about 17.7Million alleged cases.
I make that roughly a 0.8% fatality rate of cases that die (although as we know whether they all died of COVID is debatable).
The population of India is about 1400, 000, 000. So I make that just 0 0.5% have allegedly caught the bug (but given the legendary uselessness of the PCR test for diagnosis the true number is probably FAR fewer even than that).

But if you take the numbers issued by the gov at face value, roughly 0.014% of the Indian population have died of or with COVID19 if my math is correct .

I got the stats from these links and worked in round figures so as not to over-stress my brain: here and here.

We should also bear in mind that India’s population is about 23 times the size of ours, yet compare our alleged fatalities (120, 000) with their alleged fatalities (198 000) and India is allegedly doing about 20 times better than we supposedly are.
Bear in mind as well that many Indian citizens do not have access to medical care and people dying in the streets in some cities of various illnesses is not uncommon.

This disreputable newspaper article gives a good insight into how the merchants of fear behind news stories work their dark magic upon the minds of the citizenry.

It is worth reflecting that these misleading headlines and carefully wrought scare stories are not created by accident. Someone had to sit down and work out how to choose words and pictures so as to make a not particularly terrifying truth as terrifying as possible. What kind of degenerate does that to people?


PS. Another interesting thing that emerges from a  look at the stats: the vax rollout in India began around mid January when cases were already down trending.  As that rollout got under underway, the downtrend reverted and became an unprecedented surge so there appears on the face of it to be a correlation between number of cases and number of vaccinations. Not conclusive but a string to pull if we had authorities willing to do so – and if we trust official figures of course. Unfortunately we live in aa era when statistics like “science” have been turned into a propaganda tool.


This article gives great insight into the propaganda drive concerning the alleged apocalypse in India

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