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The NHS is ramping up pressure on its workforce to undergo continual testing and take the vaccine. The same can be said of Care Homes and other workplaces.

Employees will be placed under increasing and almost intolerable pressure to submit and conform to strong ‘recommendations’.

Many NHS staff are of the view that governments across the world are ‘gaslighting’  their populations (i.e. brainwashing the healthy into believing they are sick) for  political purposes that have nothing to do with our collective good health. They want to resist the advancing tyranny.

This post suggests one way of doing so, by demanding ‘proof of claim’ from employers and government.

A template letter/demand/petition is presented below (and below that the PHE reply to an FOI request referred to).

Please read and use or adapt as you please. It is recommended that colleagues work together to protect their basic inalienable human rights. Like-minded staff might present something like the following to their superiors to “put their minds at rest”? If superiors fail to produce ‘proof of claim’ (and they certainly will fail) then employees are fully within their rights to refuse to comply with recommendations.

Remember that knowing this with certainty is half the battle. Most injustices are suffered because people abandon rights and comply with authority under pressure from that ‘authority’.  Ultimately we stand under the protection of the Law of our Divine Creator. AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM RECOGNISES THIS. If we do no harm we are entitled to live in freedom and free from any who would claim authority over us. We can enter into contractual agreements that define our responsibilities to employers but we are not subject to claims without evidence, extraneous to that contract, asserted by those employers.

Dear Sir or Madam,
Regarding the NHS demand that all its staff must take “swab” and PCR tests and considering the following extracts from the  circular of April 16th 2021:
“I encourage you to support this public safety exercise and protect yourselves, your patients and your loved ones …”
“Please remain vigilant by maintaining social distancing, wearing correct personal protection equipment at all times and do your COVID-19 vaccination …”
1) Please see the attached FOI reply from PUBLIC HEALTH ENGLAND containing the following lines:
FOI Request: Please could you forward any information you have relating to experimental evidence demonstrating that COVID-19 is person-to-person transmissible.
FOI REPLY: PHE can confirm it does not hold information in the way specified by your request.  
This is astounding. What other kind of transmissibility/contagion are we dealing with if not “person-to-person”?! What is ‘social distancing’, ‘lockdown’ and mask-wearing all about if not reducing person-to-person transmissibility? … but here PHE admits …
There is NO direct scientific evidence to support this assumption?!!
2) Why is it necessary to take swab samples from deep inside a person’s head using a very long swab-stick potentially damaging that individual’s blood-brain barrier in the process of taking the test. The barrier exists for a good reason and should never be damaged.
If this virus can be simply passed on via droplets exhaled from a person’s mouth or nose into a room or even into the open air on the street, why is such a procedure  necessary?
We demand, for our own (and the public’s) protection, the standard legal demand of any lawyer when a client is charged with a potential penalty or harm … PROOF OF CLAIM.
This is a core principle of Common Law, which remains to this day the fundamental law of the land, despite what statutes our elected representatives try to impose on us.
If the NHS is going to accuse any person of causing harm or potentially causing harm or demanding that they participate in actions that could possibly harm themselves and others then you MUST provide PROOF OF CLAIM.
We demand you produce the scientific EVIDENCE that clearly demonstrates:
1) COVID-19 is person-to-person transmissible/contagious, and …
2) That a long swab (or, indeed, any swab) is necessary for carrying out a COVID-19 test when sputum could  be delivered into a receptacle external to the body (e.g. a small bowl) before being ‘swabbed’ and sent off for testing. 
We know that such a sample, according to PHE/government theories, will contain the offending viruses because …
… we have restructured the entire Health Service and our national economy on the basis of this assumption. 

A recent (April 2021) circular to NHS staff:

Dear Colleague

As you may have seen in the news, NHS Test and Trace is currently providing additional COVID-19 ‘surge’ testing in the London Boroughs of Lambeth, Wandsworth and in parts of Southwark and Barnet. This surge testing is in response to a number of cases of the variant first identified in South Africa having been identified locally.

Everybody aged 11 years and over who lives in, works in, or travels through these boroughs is being strongly encouraged to take a COVID-19 PCR test by the end of next week, whether they are showing symptoms or not.

As such, because many of our hospital and community services are based in Lambeth, and because many of our staff travel between our sites, all staff who spend any time working on either the Guy’s or St Thomas’ sites, including nearby office buildings, or in our community services, are asked to take a one-off PCR test as soon as possible.

Please note, if you have received a positive COVID-19 PCR test result in the last 90 days, you do not need to complete another test.

Collecting your test kit

To make this as easy as possible for you, we will be making self-testing kits available on-site every day from Monday to Saturday next week.

You can collect a test kit from, and return your completed tests to, the following locations:

·       Where: Atrium 1 at Guy’s Hospital, or Central Hall at St Thomas’ Hospital

·       When: Monday (12 noon-8pm), or Tuesday to Saturday (8am-8pm)

So that we can maintain social distancing at the collection points, I encourage you to coordinate your efforts so that one person collects testing kits for everyone in your team, where possible.

In addition, we will be arranging local delivery and collection of kits to and from our community sites and will share the details of these arrangements as soon as we can.

Local testing centres have also been set up by the affected boroughs for people to collect and return self-test kits (see Lambeth Council’s website and Wandsworth Council’s website for details).

If you work in our community services or live in Lambeth or Wandsworth, please collect a test kit from the most convenient location for you.

Taking the test and returning your swab

I strongly recommend that you read the accompanying instructions fully before attempting to take the throat and nose swab test. Once you have taken the test, please return your swab as soon as possible.

If you decide to collect a test kit from one of our Trust locations, please return your swabs to the same location from which you collected the test kit. Please do not return the swab by post. The samples will be collected in bulk and taken to an external lab for analysis.

Your results

As part of the test you will be asked to enter some personal details online, so that the testing team can inform you of your result. You can expect to receive your result within 48 hours. Importantly, you do not have to isolate between the time of your test and the time you get your result.

If your result is positive, you should inform your manager and our Occupational Health team immediately, as outlined in the existing guidance.

Existing staff testing

For those of you carrying out regular lateral flow testing as part of our staff testing programme, you will still need to take a PCR test, as lateral flow tests do not distinguish between different variants of COVID-19.

However, if you are one of the small number of people already undertaking weekly PCR tests as part of your role, you do not need to take an extra test.

Thank you

I encourage you all to support this public safety exercise and protect yourselves, your patients and your loved ones by taking a PCR test.

Please also remember to remain vigilant by maintaining social distancing and, wearing the correct personal protective equipment at all times, and do get your COVID-19 vaccine if you have not already done so.

Thank you for your ongoing support.



Dr Ian Abbs

Chief Executive

Chief Medical Officer

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

FOI REQUEST from PHE (discussed here)

Public Accountability Unit
T  020 8327 6920
Wellington House

133-155 Waterloo Road

London SE1 8UG

By email

Our ref: 06/02/nk/2729
04 March 2021
Dear Kevin Boyle

Re: Evidence regarding COVID19 person-to-person transmissibility

Thank you for your request received on 06 February 2021 addressed to Public
Health England (PHE). In accordance with Section 1(1)(a) of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000 (the Act), I can confirm that PHE partly holds the information
you have specified.


Please could you forward any information you have relating to experimental
evidence demonstrating that COVID-19 is person-to-person transmissible.

PHE can confirm it does not hold information in the way specified by your request.

If no such experimental evidence exists for COVID-19 please could you
forward any available evidence collected, targeting this particular issue over
the past 150 years, that demonstrates person-to-person transmissibility for
any other influenza-type illness?”

PHE can confirm it does hold this information. However, the information is exempt
under section 21 of the FOI Act because it is reasonably accessible by other means,
and the terms of the exemption mean that we do not have to consider whether or not
it would be in the public interest for you to have the information. However, for your
convenience we have included a link to the report ‘Impact of mass gatherings on

You may also find the ‘Weekly National Flu reports’ beneficial, a link has been
provided below;

If you have any queries regarding the information that has been supplied to you,
please refer your query to me in writing in the first instance. If you remain dissatisfied

and would like to request an internal review, then please contact us at the address
above or by emailing xxx@xxx.xxx.xx. 

Please note that you have the right to an independent review by the Information
Commissioner’s Office if a complaint cannot be resolved through the PHE
complaints procedure. The Information Commissioner’s Office can be contacted by
calling the ICO’s helpline on 0303 123 1113, visiting the ICO’s website at
www.ico.org.uk or writing to the ICO at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow,
Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Yours sincerely
FOI Team


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  1. Aldous says:


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