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A Timeline—Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms Have Been Decades in the Making

From the moment of “COVID-19’s” naming—and particularly since the imposition of unprecedented restrictions on “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”—some people have smelled a rat. And with each passing week, the smell becomes worse. A growing chorus of ordinary citizens and world-renowned medical and scientific experts is raising questions about matters ranging from the coronavirus’s origins to the rationale for continued lockdowns (see herehere and here).

The mainstream media have shown themselves only too ready to lob ad hominem attacks against any and all such non-conformists. However, one does not have to be insensitive to the illness and deaths associated with COVID-19 to recognize that powerful agendas are riding on the coattails of SARS-CoV-2. Citizens are waking up to the fact that the countries, officials and public figures who embrace draconian interventions such as immunity certificatesmicrochippingforced vaccination and the removal of children from their homes also approve of making our sovereign rights—whether to earn a living, maintain bodily integrity, congregate to practice our spirituality, enjoy the arts or protect and educate our children—contingent upon our acceptance of these Big Brother measures and technologies.

To make it easier for the public to assess what is happening and what is at stake, Children’s Health Defense has put together the following timeline of selected events. We invite readers to consider how these events—some of them seemingly unrelated—and the network of partnerships and relationships that they illustrate have contributed to the unfolding set of circumstances in which we now find ourselves.

While the lockdown is a cataclysm for the world economy, it is an opportunity for Gates” and his billionaire brotherhood…

Notes/Explanatory Context

Gain-of-function research: COVID-19 has prompted renewed questioning about a long-debated branch of virology that, around 2012, scientists benignly rebranded as “gain-of-function” (GOF) research. GOF experiments seek to generate viruses “with properties that do not exist in nature” or, stated another way, “alter a pathogen to make it more transmissible or deadly.” One of the leading proponents of GOF work is Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC), a “legend in coronavirology” and “trailblazer of synthetic genomic manipulation techniques” who specializes in engineering lethal coronaviruses from “mail-order DNA.” Baric and other GOF enthusiasts argue that this type of viral tinkering is “critical to the development of broad-based vaccines and therapeutics,” but critics, such as Dr. Thomas Inglesby (director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security), dispute this putative benefit.

Big Data and Big Telecom: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dafna Tachover (director of  CHD’s “Stop 5G and Wireless Harms Project”) wrote on May 8: “5G has almost nothing to do with improving your lives; it’s all about controlling your life, marketing products, and harvesting your data for Artificial Intelligence purposes. The 21st century’s ‘black gold’ is data.” They note that Bill Gates, along with a number of other players and companies, is helping set up a “microwave radiation-emitting spider web [that] will allow Big Data/Big Telecom and Big Brother to capture what happens inside and outside every person at every moment of life” using a sinister brain-machine interface and other technologies, many financed by Gates. In short, “While the lockdown is a cataclysm for the world economy, it is an opportunity for Gates” and his billionaire brotherhood, ably assisted by an unadmirable fleet of medical and scientist yes-men.

Timeline of selected events


May 18: The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and 20 states file antitrust charges against Microsoft.

August 4: In a letter to Ralph Nader, Bill Gates states, “I am in agreement with my friend, Warren Buffet, when he says that people who are successful in one field should be careful about suggesting they know all the answers in other areas.”


2000: Bill Gates steps down from his position as Microsoft CEO, and Bill and Melinda Gates launch their eponymous foundation.

2000: The Gates Foundation (along with other partners) launches the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), known today as Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. The foundation has given $4.1 billion to Gavi over the past 20 years.


May: The chairman and CEO of Merck joins the board of directors of Microsoft.

November: After initially losing the antitrust lawsuit and appealing the decision, Microsoft settles its case with the DOJ out of court.


November 2002: University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (UNC) researcher Ralph Baric publishes a “breakthrough work” in gain-of-function research (studies that alter pathogens to make them more transmissible or deadly, see Notes above), describing the creation of a synthetic clone of a natural mouse coronavirus.

November 2002: China’s Guangdong province reports the first case of “atypical pneumonia” (later labeled as SARS).

The speed of the Baric group illustrates how quickly a qualified team of virologists can create a synthetic clone from a natural virus, and therefore make genetic modifications to it.


October 28: paper by the Baric research group at UNC describes their synthetic recreation of the “previously undescribed” SARS coronavirus. (Writing in 2020, a scientist states, “The speed of the Baric group illustrates how quickly a qualified team of virologists can create a synthetic clone from a natural virus, and therefore make genetic modifications to it. Moreover, that was back in 2003. Today, a qualified laboratory can repeat those steps in a matter of weeks.”)


December: Congress approves the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “to issue a PREP Act Declaration . . . that provides immunity from liability for any loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats, and conditions determined in the Declaration to constitute a present or credible risk of a future public health emergency.”


2009-present (and earlier): The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awards millions of dollars in global health funding to Imperial College London; funding covers areas such as polio, HIV, family planning, malaria, health care delivery, agricultural development, information technology and “public awareness and analysis.”

2009: The Gates Foundation funds human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine trials in India, administering the vaccine to 23,000 young girls in remote provinces. Seven die and approximately 1,200 suffer autoimmune conditions, fertility disorders or other severe reactions. Ethical violations include forged consent forms and refusal of medical treatment for the injured girls.

October 2009: Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), goes on YouTube to declare that serious adverse events for the H1N1 influenza vaccine are “very, very, very rare.” Months later, serious adverse events such as miscarriages, narcolepsy and febrile convulsions explode in multiple countries.


January: Bill Gates pledges $10 billion in funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) and announces “the Decade of Vaccines.”

May 18: Senator and physician Tom Coburn calls out Dr. Fauci for misleadingly touting “significant progress in HIV vaccine research”—research that has ushered millions into NIAID’s coffers. Dr. Coburn stated, “Most scientists involved in AIDS research believe that an HIV vaccine is further away than ever.”


December 30: Dr. Fauci promotes gain-of-function research on bird flu viruses, arguing that the research is worth the risk. The risks worry other “seasoned researchers.”

… wife of Anthony Fauci since 1985, becomes head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, opening up the possibility of numerous conflicts of interest concerning vaccines, HIV and COVID-19.


2012: Christine Grady, wife of Anthony Fauci since 1985, becomes head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center, opening up the possibility of numerous conflicts of interest concerning vaccines, HIV and COVID-19. Grady previously served in the Department of Bioethics as an investigator (2004-2012), senior staff bioethicist (1996-2004) and head of the Section on Human Subjects Research (1998-2014). Like her husband, Grady has made HIV a central career focus, including stints on the Scientific Advisory Board of the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (which Fauci helped launch), as a paid consultant for the WHO and UNAIDS and, in 1987-1988, as a staffer for President Reagan’s Commission on the HIV Epidemic. Grady’s 1995 book is titled The Search for an AIDS Vaccine. Fauci, who became NIAID director in 1984 under Reagan, holds a number of HIV-vaccine-related patents.

April 20: Baylor College researchers publish their evaluation of four vaccine candidates for SARS, concluding that “Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”

May: The 194 Member States of the World Health Assembly endorse the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in collaboration with NIAID, WHO, Gavi, UNICEF and others. Dr. Fauci is one of five members on the GVAP’s Leadership Council.


2014: Dr. Deborah Birx takes the helm of PEPFAR (the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief), which Dr. Fauci helped launch (in 2003) and which benefits from generous Gates Foundation support. Birx and Fauci are long-time allies, having worked together during the early years of AIDS and sharing overlapping career paths.

October 7: National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis Collins announces a “new phase of cooperation” between NIH and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, including partnering for vaccine development.

October 17: Under President Obama, the NIH halts federal funding for gain-of-function (GOF) research (see Notes) and asks federally funded GOF researchers to “agree to a voluntary moratorium.” The funding hiatus applies to 21 studies “reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses such that the virus would have enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route.” NIH later allows 10 of the studies to resume.

[T]hese data and restrictions represent a crossroads of [gain-of-function] research concerns; the potential to prepare for and mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of creating more dangerous pathogens.


2015: NIAID, under Fauci, awards a five-year, $3.7 million grant to EcoHealth Alliance (whose director gets credit on subsequent publications for “funding acquisition” rather than scientific work) to conduct gain-of-function studies on the “risk of bat coronavirus emergence.” Ten percent of the award goes to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which does “the bulk of the on-the-ground sample collection and analysis.”

January: In a public appearance, Bill Gates states, “We’re taking things that are genetically modified organisms and we’re injecting them into little kids’ arms; we just shoot ‘em right into the vein.”

September 24: UNC’s Ralph Baric is granted a patent for the creation of chimeric coronavirus spike proteins.

November 9: Baric and the Wuhan Institute’s Shi Zheng-Li (the leading GOF coronavirus researcher in China) publish what some refer to as “the most famous gain-of-function virology paper” (in Nature Medicine), describing their creation of a synthetic chimeric coronavirus. The authors state: “[T]hese data and restrictions represent a crossroads of GOF research concerns; the potential to prepare for and mitigate future outbreaks must be weighed against the risk of creating more dangerous pathogens [emphasis added]. In developing policies moving forward, it is important to consider the value of the data generated by these studies and whether these types of chimeric virus studies warrant further investigation versus the inherent risks involved.”


May 2016: In 2016, the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity issued a report titled “Recommendations for Evaluation and Oversight of Proposed Gain-of-Function Research.” The Board’s report concluded that gain-of-function “research of concern” entails risks “that are potentially significant enough to warrant additional [federal and institutional] oversight” and that some of these studies “should not be conducted because the potential risks… are not justified by the potential benefits.” The Board also stated that funding and conducting such research “encompasses many issues that are international in nature.”

…researchers blame the Gates-funded polio vaccination campaign for almost half a million cases of childhood paralysis.


January 10: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. meets with President-elect Trump to discuss vaccine safety and the creation of a vaccine safety commission. The Administration does not subsequently follow up on the idea of a commission.

January 10: Speaking at a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Dr. Fauci states that the incoming Trump Administration can expect a “surprise outbreak” of infectious disease on its watch. Fauci adds, “The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years.”

February 8: The Modi administration in India severs ties with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, after researchers blame the Gates-funded polio vaccination campaign for almost half a million cases of childhood paralysis.

May 31: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., at the request of the White House, has a two-hour meeting at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to discuss vaccine safety. Present at the meeting are NIH director Francis Collins; Dr. Fauci; the directors of several other NIH institutes (NICHD, NIEHS, NIMH); and other senior NIH administrators. In subsequent correspondence, Dr. Collins declines to make the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (a database housing the vaccine and health records of ten million children) available to independent researchers and asserts that evidence “supports the safety and exceptional value of vaccinations.” Signatories to Collins’ letter include Fauci and the other May 31 meeting attendees.

November 30: Shi Zheng-Li and coauthors publish a paper in PLoS Pathogens describing the creation of eight new synthetic coronaviruses.

December 19: The NIH and Dr. Fauci’s NIAID restore federal funding for gain-of-function research, ending the moratorium that began in October 2014.

December 19: Dr. Marc Lipsitch of the Harvard School of Public Health tells the New York Times that the type of gain-of-function experiments endorsed by Dr. Fauci’s NIAID have “done almost nothing to improve our preparedness for pandemics, and yet risked creating an accidental pandemic.”


April 18: Bill Gates makes a speech at the Malaria Summit in London in which he warns that a deadly new disease could arise within a decade, taking the world “by surprise,” spreading globally and killing tens of millions. Proposing increased communication and coordination between governments and militaries, Gates states: “The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”

NIAID awards a six-year renewal grant of $3.7 million to EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology to continue their gain-of-function studies on bat coronaviruses.


2019: NIAID awards a six-year renewal grant of $3.7 million to EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology to continue their gain-of-function studies on bat coronaviruses. The renewal is approved “unusually quickly,” receiving a “really extremely high priority for funding.”

August 12-19U.S. Congressman Bobby Rush (D-Illinois) takes part in a week-long event in Rwanda sponsored by the Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. While attending the event, Rush meets with Gates Foundation representatives to discuss who a future government contact tracing program will award contracts to—well before any mention of a pandemic. Nine months after these meetings, Rush introduces HR 6666, the $100 billion COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act. [See also May 1 and May 15, 2020.]

August 14: Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) records show that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation owns 5.3 million shares of Crown Castle International Corp., representing the Foundation’s second largest tech holding after Microsoft. Crown Castle dominates ownership of 5G infrastructure throughout the U.S., including cell towers, small cell nodes and fiber.

September:Italian researchers collect blood samples subsequently found to contain SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (see November 11, 2020).

October: A report released by NBC News in May, 2020 declares, “The analysis of commercial telemetry data in Wuhan suggests the COVID-19 pandemic began earlier than initially reported” and “supports the release of COVID-19 at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.” NBC’s May 8 summary states, “there was no cellphone activity in a high-security portion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology from Oct. 7 through Oct. 24, 2019, and that there may have been a ‘hazardous event’ sometime between Oct. 6 and Oct. 11.”

October 6: On May 5, 2020, British and French researchers publish a study estimating that COVID-19 could have started as early as October 6, 2019.

October 18-27: Wuhan hosts the Military World Games (“Wuhan 2019”), held every four years. More than 9,000 athletes from over 100 countries compete. The telecom systems for the Athletes’ Village constructed for the event are powered by 5G technology, “showcas[ing] its infrastructure and technological prowess.”

October 18: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security convene an invitation-only “tabletop exercise” called Event 201 to map out the response to a hypothetical global coronavirus pandemic.

October 18: Segment 4 of the Event 201 exercise addresses “strategic problems around communication.” The hypothetical members of the “Pandemic Emergency Board” discuss how to manage misinformation and disinformation (while “flooding good information”); strategies to control Internet access, including “limited Internet shutdowns”; “penalties. . . for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests”; and ways to push back against the “strong” anti-vaccine movement.

November-December: General practitioners in northern Italy start noticing a “strange pneumonia.”

December 2-3: Vaccine scientists attending the WHO’s Global Vaccine Safety Summit confirm major problems with vaccine safety around the world.

December 18: Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) report the development of a “novel way to record a patient’s vaccination history,” using smartphone-readable nanocrystals called “quantum dots” embedded in the skin using microneedles—this work is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

December 31: Chinese officials inform the WHO about a cluster of “mysterious pneumonia” cases. Later, the South China Morning Post reports that it can trace the first case back to November 17.

Dr. Peter Hotez of Baylor College … tells a Congressional Committee that coronavirus vaccines have always had a “unique potential safety problem”


January 7: Chinese authorities formally identify a “novel” coronavirus. 

January 10: China makes the genome sequence of the new coronavirus publicly available.

January 11: China records its first death attributed to the new coronavirus.

January 20: The first U.S. coronavirus case is reported in Washington State.

January 23: Shi Zheng-Li releases a paper reporting that the new coronavirus is 96% identical to a strain that her lab isolated from bats in 2013 but never publicized.

January 30: The WHO declares the new coronavirus a “global health emergency.”

Jan. 31, 2020: A group of Indian scientists publishes a study finding HIV sequences in the 2019-nCoV coronavirus. The scientists withdraw the study within 24 hours, presumably under some pressure.

February 4: Sixty-seven year-old scientist Dr. Frank Plummer, head until 2015 of Canada’s level-4 National Microbiology Laboratory, dies under mysterious circumstances while in Nairobi, Kenya. During the SARS outbreak in the early 2000s, Plummer told the New York Times that 60% of “probable” and “suspected” SARS cases had failed the test needed to confirm a link between coronavirus and SARS: “[W]hether it is the entire explanation for SARS I am just not sure yet.”

February 4: With just 11 people in the U.S. who are confirmed to have COVID-19, HHS issues a Declaration, published on March 17 in the Federal Register, that places the new coronavirus under the umbrella of the 2005 PREP Act, making medical countermeasures (including vaccines) immune from liability. 

February 5: Bill and Melinda Gates announce $100 million in funding for coronavirus vaccine research and treatment efforts. 

February 10: French and Canadian scientists publish a paper about the new coronavirus describing an “important” anomaly—12 additional nucleotides—not observed in previous coronaviruses. They suggest that the distinct feature “may provide a gain-of-function . . . for efficient spreading in the human population.” 

February 11: The WHO gives the disease thought to be caused by the new coronavirus a name: “COVID-19.” WHO’s Director-General explains, “We had to find a name that did not refer to a geographical location, an animal, an individual or group of people, and which is also pronounceable and related to the disease.”

… coronavirus vaccines have always had a unique potential safety problem—a kind of paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon.

February 24: Moderna, Inc. sends the first batch of its experimental coronavirus vaccine, mRNA-1273, to its research partner, NIAID.

February 25: Moderna stock shares trade 15% higher. 

February 29: The U.S. reports its first COVID-19 death. 

March 5: Dr. Peter Hotez of Baylor College (who has previously tried to develop a SARS vaccine) tells a Congressional Committee that coronavirus vaccines have always had a “unique potential safety problem”—a “kind of paradoxical immune enhancement phenomenon.” 

March 6: President Trump signs an $8.3 billion emergency coronavirus spending package, much of which “directly benefit[s] the drug industry.” 

March 10: Dr. Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia expresses concerns about the push to “rush [a vaccine] through,” particularly in the absence of “any history of making a coronavirus vaccine.” 

March 10: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome and Mastercard commit $125 million to identify, assess, develop and scale up COVID-19 treatments, forming the COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator. The $50 million in Gates Foundation funding is part of the $100 million in COVID-19 funding announced by Gates on February 5. 

March 11: The WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. 

March 13: Bill Gates steps down from the Boards of Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway to “dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities.” 

March 16: Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London, scientific advisor to the UK government, publishes his computer simulations warning that there will be over two million COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. unless the country adopts “intensive and socially disruptive measures.” 

March 16: Dr. Fauci tells Americans that they must be prepared to “take more drastic steps” and “hunker down significantly” to slow the coronavirus’s spread. 

March 16: NIAID launches a Phase 1 trial in 45 healthy adults of the mRNA-1273 coronavirus vaccine co-developed by NIAID and Moderna, Inc. The trial skips the customary step of testing the vaccine in animal models prior to proceeding to human trials. 

March 17: The Nation publishes an analysis covering conflicts of interest in the Gates Foundation’s charitable giving, describing “close to $2 billion in tax-deductible charitable donations to private companies,” including GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), and “close to $250 million in charitable grants . . . to companies in which the foundation holds corporate stocks and bonds,” including Merck, GSK, Sanofi and other pharmaceutical corporations. A critic states that the foundation has “created one of the most problematic precedents in the history of foundation giving by essentially opening the door for corporations to see themselves as deserving charity claimants at a time when corporate profits are at an all-time high.”

March 22: U.S. bioweapons expert Dr. Francis Boyle repeats earlier statements that the purpose of Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4) labs such as the Wuhan Institute of Virology “is the research, development, testing and stockpiling of offensive biological weapons” and that the new virus is a “weaponized” SARS coronavirus that leaked out of the Wuhan BSL-4 lab. 

Dr. Fauci publishes an editorial … stating that “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza,” with a case fatality rate of perhaps 0.1%.

March 24: Bill Gates announces significant funding for a company, EarthNow, that will blanket Earth with $1 billion in video surveillance satellites. 

March 26: Microsoft announces that it is acquiring Affirmed Networks, a company focused on 5G and “edge computing.” 

March 26: Dr. Fauci publishes an editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine (with senior NIAID official H. Clifford Lane and CDC director Robert Redfield), stating that “the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza,” with a case fatality rate of perhaps 0.1%.

March 27: President Trump signs the $2 trillion CARES Act into law.

March 27: Children’s Health Defense publishes its video and article, “Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 priorities: therapeutics now or vaccines later?” Shortly thereafter, Mailchimp deactivates CHD’s account with no advance notice and no violation of Mailchimp’s rules.

March 29: President Trump extends nationwide social distancing guidelines until April 30.

March 31: White House coronavirus advisors Dr. Deborah Birx and Dr. Fauci cite models showing a potential 100,000 to 240,000 coronavirus deaths “even if the country keeps stringent social distancing guidelines in place.” Fauci describes social distancing and lockdowns as “inconvenient” but “the answer to our problems.”

April 2: Bill Gates states that a coronavirus vaccine “is the only thing that will allow us to return to normal.”

April 3: Forbes reports that Moderna’s CEO has become an overnight billionaire after the company ended 2019 with a net loss.

April 6: Dr. Fauci describes a COVID-19 vaccine as a “showstopper” and states, “I hope we don’t have so many people infected that we actually have . . . herd immunity.”

April 9: Dr. Fauci states that the U.S. death toll from the coronavirus “looks more like the 60,000 [range],” adding the “models are really only as good as the assumptions that you put into the model.”

April 9: The Gates-funded Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) reports that 115 COVID-19 vaccines are in the pipeline.

April 9: Children’s Health Defense publishes “Gates’ globalist vaccine agenda: a win-win for pharma and mandatory vaccination.”

April 11: Children’s Health Defense publishes “Here’s why Bill Gates wants indemnity… Are you willing to take the risk?”

April 15: Bill Gates pledges another $150 million to coronavirus vaccine development and other measures. He states, “There are seven billion people on the planet. We are going to need to vaccinate nearly every one.”

April 16: Moderna announces up to $483 million in funding from the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to speed up the mRNA-1273 vaccine’s development.

April 18: Professor Luc Montagnier, recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of HIV, appears on French television and states that SARS-CoV-2 has been “manipulated” to include “added sequences” from HIV. Professor Montagnier asserts that this “meticulous” insertion could only have been carried out in a laboratory. Others raise similar questions about the origins of SARS-CoV-2.

April 18: News outlets report that the country’s first coronavirus tests are ineffective due to CDC lab contamination and the CDC’s violation of its manufacturing standards.

April 21: Washington State announces plans to have a 1,500-person contact tracing team in place by mid-May.

April 23: Researchers issue a preprint reporting “direct evidence” of at least 30 different SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants.

April 23: News outlets report that American billionaires’ wealth increased by 10% during the first few months of COVID-19.

April 23: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. publishes “The Bill Gates effect: WHO’s DTP vaccine killed more children in Africa than the diseases it targeted.”

April 24: The NIH cancels the funding awarded to EcoHealth Alliance and the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain-of-function research on coronaviruses (funding awarded continuously since 2015). The NIH and Dr. Fauci decline to comment.

April 27: Former FDA head Scott Gottlieb (now with Pfizer) and former Medicare/Medicaid official Andy Slavitt urge the Trump administration to dedicate $46 billion to contact tracing and isolation.

April 28: Newsweek article reports, “Dr. Fauci backed controversial Wuhan lab with U.S. dollars for risky coronavirus research.” Fauci does not respond to requests for comments.

Bill Gates writes that the world will be able to go back to the way things were . . . when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.

April 29: Bloomberg publishes a story about President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed,” a planned pharmaceutical-government-military collaboration to shrink the development time for a coronavirus vaccine.

April 30: Bill Gates writes that “the world will be able to go back to the way things were . . . when almost every person on the planet has been vaccinated against coronavirus.” Gates also states that “Governments will need to expedite their usual drug approval processes in order to deliver the vaccine to over 7 billion people quickly.”

April 30: Dr. Fauci states that it is “doable” to have hundreds of millions of doses of a coronavirus vaccine available by January 2021.

May 1: Dr. Thomas Inglesby (director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security), discussing gain-of-function research, states that “laboratory systems are not infallible, and even in the greatest laboratories of the world, there are mistakes.”

May 1: Democratic Representative Bobby Rush of Illinois introduces the TRACE Act (“HR 6666: COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, and Contacting Everyone”). The conspicuously vague Act would allocate $100 billion to CDC-hired entities for contact tracing and “other purposes,” including family separation. (See also May 15.)

May 4: Bill Gates pledges another $50 million toward COVID-19, for a total of $300 million in commitments.

May 4: President Trump states that the U.S. will have a coronavirus vaccine by the end of 2020.

May 5: British and French researchers publish “Emergence of genomic diversity and recurrent mutations in SARS-CoV-2,” suggesting that the recurrent mutations detected “may indicate ongoing adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 to its novel human host.”

May 5: Neil Ferguson resigns from the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) after flouting his own social distancing rules. The married lover with whom Ferguson has his trysts works for an organization “loosely connected with Bill Gates, through the World Economic Forum.”

May 5: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. publishes “Redfield and Birx: can they be trusted with COVID?”

May 6: An anonymous software engineer (ex-Google) pronounces Neil Ferguson’s COVID-19 computer model “unusable for scientific purposes.”

May 6: New York governor Andrew Cuomo announces that the state will partner with “visionary” Bill Gates to restructure education by placing “technology at the forefront.” Cuomo appoints former Google CEO Eric Schmidt to lead a blue-ribbon committee for this purpose. Critics push back, describing past Gates-Foundation-funded educational fiascos that amassed “detailed personal information about millions of students” in the cloud.

May 7: Business Insider reports that over 33 million Americans have filed for unemployment over the seven-week period since COVID-19 restrictions began.

May 7: NPR reports that 44 states and the District of Columbia have plans to deploy a contact tracing workforce of over 66,000 workers.

May 8: NBC News releases a private report describing an unconfirmed shutdown of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in October 2019.

May 8: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dafna Tachover (director of  CHD’s “Stop 5G and Wireless Harms Project”) publish “The brave new world of Bill Gates and Big Telecom.”

May 9: A German Interior Ministry official leaks a 93-page report denouncing Covid-19 as a “global false alarm” and warning that Covid-19-related restrictions will be responsible for “grave,” “manifold” and “heavy” consequences.

May 11: UK chief medical officer Dr. Chris Whitty (an insider who has received millions in malaria research funding from the Gates Foundation and who endorses stigma as a useful public health intervention) states that COVID-19 is “harmless to [the] vast majority.”

May 13: Australian researchers report that “SARS-CoV-2 is uniquely adapted to infect humans, raising important questions as to whether it arose in nature by a rare chance event or whether its origins might lie elsewhere.”

May 14: Microsoft announces that it is acquiring UK-based Metaswitch Networks “to expand its Azure 5G strategy.”

May 14: University of Oxford researchers announce “promising” results from tests of their experimental Covid-19 vaccine in monkeys, not dwelling on the fact that all six vaccinated monkeys became infected when subsequently exposed to the coronavirus.

May 15: The House passes the 1,815-page, $3 trillion HEROES Act (“Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act”), sneaking in portions of the TRACE ACT that would funnel $75 billion to the CDC for “coronavirus testing, contact tracing and isolation measures.”

May 18: Moderna announces interim results from the Phase 1 trial of its mRNA-1273 coronavirus vaccine. The company reports that three out of 15 healthy participants (20%) experienced Grade 3 systemic adverse events following a second dose. (The Merck Manual defines Grade 3 as “severe or medically significant but not immediately life-threatening; hospitalization or prolongation of hospitalization indicated; disabling; limiting self care.”)

May 18: Discussing the interim results from Moderna’s Phase 1 trial of its mRNA-1273 vaccine—co-developed with NIAID—Dr. Fauci states: “I must warn that there’s also the possibility of negative consequences, where certain vaccines can actually enhance the negative effect of the infection.”

May 18: After describing its interim Phase 1 results as “promising,” shares of Moderna stock soar 25%, closing at a “record high.” The company’s stock has gained 241% since the beginning of 2020.

May 19: Children’s Health Defense Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. publishes “How Bill Gates controls global messaging and censorship.”

May 20: Microsoft announces its new supercomputer intended to create “human-like” artificial intelligence.

July 16: Saudi researchers publish a preprint reviewing “precautionary actions” taken by 175 countries in response to Covid-19, including lockdowns, school closures and curfews. They report that few countries have benefited from applying these measures.

July 20: Researchers publish a study in The Lancet indicating that a single dose of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine—compared in Phase 3 clinical trials against a meningitis (MenACWY) vaccine rather than against an inert placebo—has a higher “reactogenicity profile” (a stronger inflammatory response) than the meningitis vaccine. Reactogenicity includes both injection-site reactions and systemic reactions. The soi-disant “less reactogenic” MenACWY vaccines are associated (in manufacturers’ package inserts) with a wide variety of serious adverse reactions, including anaphylaxis, appendicitis, fainting, Kawasaki disease, seizures and sepsis.

August 29: The New York Times states that “up to 90 percent of people testing positive [for coronavirus] carried barely any virus,” diagnosing “huge numbers of people” who “are not likely to be contagious.”

September 8: NPR reports that eating disorders are “thriving” during Covid-19 and pose a “lethal threat,” with a 70%-80% increase in calls to hotlines, increased binge-eating episodes and worsening symptoms in 62% of those with anorexia.

September 8: AstraZeneca calls a global timeout for the Phase 3 clinical trials of its experimental Covid-19 vaccine (co-developed with the University of Oxford) when one of the previously healthy participants experiences and is hospitalized for a “suspected serious adverse reaction.” AstraZeneca denies reports that the new condition is transverse myelitis, while NIH director Francis Collins describes it as a “spinal cord problem.” The trials had been taking place in the UK, the United States, Brazil and South Africa.

September 8: The CEOs of nine companies with Covid-19 vaccines in Phase 3 clinical trials pledge not to rush their vaccines to approval and state that they will “uphold the integrity of the scientific process.” The companies include AstraZeneca, BioNTech, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Moderna, Novavax, Pfizer and Sanofi.

September 11: A CDC survey reports that two in five Americans had delayed or avoided medical care (as of June 30) due to Covid-19, including urgent or emergency care.

September 12: AstraZeneca and Oxford announce that they will restart Phase 3 clinical trials of their Covid-19 vaccine in the UK and Brazil but not yet in South Africa or in the 62 study sites in the U.S. Some vaccine scientists question AstraZeneca’s lack of transparency, stating that “the transparency bar should be set much higher.” AstraZeneca belatedly discloses that there was also a “brief trial pause” in July until an “independent panel” pronounced a clinical trial participant’s multiple sclerosis diagnosis “unrelated to the vaccine.” Since 2010, AstraZeneca has paid over $1 billion in fines and settlements for false claims pertaining to one product.

September 12: A senior Irish health official, Dr. Martin Feeley, accuses the media of engaging in “scaremongering” and states that the media reaction to Covid-19 “borders on hysteria.” The surgeon also asserts that “draconian” restrictions are not justified and calls attention to the restrictions’ impact on quality of life.

September 14: Bill Gates’ father, William Gates, Sr.—who helped launch and steer the Gates Foundation’s focus on global health—dies at age 94.

September 15: Bill Gates singles out Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine as a frontrunner, stating that it is “the only vaccine that if everything went perfectly, might seek the emergency use license by the end of October.”

September 16: HHS’s top spokesman takes a leave of absence after stating on social media that CDC scientists “don’t want America to get well.”

September 17: Vaccine biotech company Ufovax announces that its Covid-19 nanoparticle vaccine candidate will enter Phase 1 trials. The vaccine relies on a “self-assembling protein nanoparticle” vaccine design.

September 17: Moderna declares its intention to seek Emergency Use Authorization for its mRNA Covid-19 vaccine for use in “high-risk groups” if its vaccine demonstrates at least 70% efficacy.

September 17: The Pew Research Center reports that only 21% of Americans say they would “definitely” get a coronavirus vaccine, down from 42% in May. According to the survey, 77% of Americans also think it’s “very or somewhat likely” that a U.S. vaccine will be approved prematurely—“before its safety and effectiveness are fully understood.”

September 25: In a letter to FDA director Stephen Hahn and to the director of FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Peter Marks, Children’s Health Defense chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. outlines major concerns about the presence of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the messenger RNA (mRNA) COVID vaccines. Mr. Kennedy highlights scientific literature showing that PEG-specific immune responses can increase the occurrence of adverse events, including life-threatening anaphylaxis.

November 11: Italian researchers publish a study reporting the “unexpected very early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 among asymptomatic individuals in Italy several months before the first patient was identified.” The researchers detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in blood samples collected in September 2019.

November 13: Children’s Health Defense Board member Alix Meyers writes that leading COVID vaccine candidates are “plagued by safety concerns.” Concerns include flawed clinical trial designs, problematic ingredients, questionable efficacy, high rates of systemic adverse events, unproven technologies and pathogenic priming risks.

December 4: Children’s Health Defense chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. addresses another letter to CBER director Peter Marks, urging the FDA to take a cautious approach in approving COVID vaccines and outlining a wide range of “unknowns” regarding their safety. Mr. Kennedy reminds Dr. Marks that emergency use authorization “is not an accepted endpoint for product development.”

December 8: A University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) pediatric specialist submits a comment to the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) alerting the FDA to the potential for spike protein-based COVID vaccines to cause inflammation, blood clots and heart attacks. The specialist, Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, MD, PhD, states: “It would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on other organs.”

December 10: The FDA’s VRBPAC votes (17-4 with one abstention) to recommend the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine for emergency use authorization. The committee chairman allots only two hours (roughly five minutes per member) for questions, comments and discussion before insisting on an up-or-down vote.

December 11: The FDA issues emergency use authorization for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine, authorizing its use in individuals age 16 and older.

December 14: Children’s Health Defense issues a press release warning that receipt of COVID vaccines containing PEG—used in the Pfizer and Moderna injections—will lead to an “uptick in exposure to injected PEG products [that] will be unprecedented and potentially disastrous,” including increasing risks of hypersensitivity reactions.

December 17: The FDA’s VRBPAC votes (20-0 with one abstention) to recommend the Moderna/NIAID COVID vaccine for emergency use authorization. The NIH scientist who abstains states that he is “not convinced that for all of those age groups, the benefits do actually outweigh the risks.”

December 18: The FDA issues emergency use authorization for the Moderna/NIAID COVID vaccine, authorizing its use in individuals age 18 and older.

December 21: The European Medicines Agency (EMA) grants conditional marketing authorization for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine for individuals age 16 and older in the 27 European Union (EU) nations.

December 21: Science publishes an article describing growing suspicions that PEG-coated nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID vaccine may be responsible for anaphylactic reactions in vaccine recipients. FDA CBER director Peter Marks states that PEG is a “leading suspect.”


January 6: The EMA grants conditional marketing authorization for the Moderna/NIAID COVID vaccine for adults in the EU.

January 15: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authorizes emergency use of a nanoparticle-based chemical “air treatment” against COVID, despite known health hazards.

January 29: The EMA grants conditional marketing authorization for the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID vaccine in the EU. The regulatory agency authorizes the vaccine for adults of all ages, “even though only 12% of the [clinical trial] participants. . . were over 55 and they were enrolled later, so there hasn’t been enough time to get results.”

February 4: Congressman Bill Posey (R-Fla.) introduces H.R. 834, the Pandemics Require Evaluating, Planning, and Responding Effectively (PREPARE) Act, which would create an independent bipartisan congressional commission to answer questions about COVID-19.

February 4: In less than two months (Dec. 14 – Feb. 4), the CDC/FDA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) receives reports of 12,697 injuries following COVID vaccination, including 653 deaths.

February 18: From Dec. 14 through Feb. 18, VAERS receives 19,907 reports of injuries following COVID vaccination, including 1,095 deaths. The Feb. 18 reports represent an increase of nearly 4,000 injuries over the previous week.

February 23: Twenty-eight members of Congress sign a letter to the HHS principal deputy inspector general demanding an investigation into the NIH response to biosafety concerns raised about U.S.-taxpayer-funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

February 26: The FDA’s VRBPAC votes to recommend the Janssen/Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine for emergency use authorization. Although J&J is not a company with experience in large-scale vaccine manufacturing, committee members describe the unanimous vote as a “relatively easy call.”

February 27: The FDA issues emergency use authorization for the J&J COVID vaccine, authorizing its emergency use in individuals age 18 and older.

March 5: Between Dec. 14 and Mar. 5, VAERS receives 31,079 reports of injuries following COVID vaccination, including 1,524 deaths.

March 12: Children’s Health Defense raises questions about the “inactive” ingredients in COVID vaccines, ingredients that could increase risks for dangerous allergic reactions.

March 16: By this date, 21 countries have either suspended or delayed rollout of the Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID vaccine due to reported deaths and injuries—many related to blood clots—in previously healthy recipients. The WHO and EMA insist that the “benefits outweigh the risks.”

March 26: Former CDC director Robert Redfield tells CNN that he believes the coronavirus started with an accidental lab leak in Wuhan. Dr. Redfield states that the hypothesis that the virus “came from a bat to a human” does not make “biological sense.”

March 26: Children’s Health Defense encourages the public to ask members of Congress to support H.R. 834 (see February 4) to investigate the U.S. response to the coronavirus and answer questions about its origins.

March 26: The number of COVID vaccine injuries reported to VAERS surpasses 50,000, an increase of 6,255 over the preceding week. The tally includes 2,249 reported deaths.

March 31: Deaths reported in the first quarter of 2021 to VAERS following experimental COVID injections represent a 6000% increase over deaths reported to VAERS in the first quarter of 2020 following receipt of licensed vaccines.

April 1: Fifteen million doses of the J&J COVID vaccine fail quality control and must be discarded. Reports indicate that the manufacturing error responsible for the problem “went undiscovered for days.”

Stop the conveyor belt

Around the world, many people are understandably reeling in shock at the rapid economic, social and cultural changes that have followed in the wake of the phenomenon called “COVID-19.” Many of these changes involve ever-tighter restrictions on our rights and freedoms, accompanied by inexorable messaging—both public and subliminal—that a “vaccine for all” and 24/7 tracking and surveillance are the only way out. Increasingly, however, there are hopeful signs that more members of the public are recognizing the duplicity and self-interest of those offering false salvation. Each of us needs to do our part to expose these issues, standing up for individual sovereignty and working to halt the transition “to a totalitarian singularity more despotic than Orwell ever imagined.”

A Timeline — Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms Have Been Decades in the Making

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