Trump and Johnson nuke Yemen.
Mon 6:52 am +01:00, 12 Apr 2021 2Most of my Italian grandfathers’s family wer killed in their home in Naples by a British bomb in January 1942. This was two months before Churchill’s official adoption of Lindemann’s ‘dehousing’ policy. Lindemann argued that bombing densely populated urban areas killed the most people. So, yes, civilians sustain the most casualties in modern wars.
Even the terrorists used by the American and British governments are civilians.
Not many people know that Trump and Johnson nuked Yemen. The use of nuclear weapons in the third world was advocated in 1993 by my old schoolmate Malcolm Rifkind. He signed off on the ‘Rifkind Doctrine’. Another bloodthirsty Yid!
The main force behind the Third World War is Jacob Rothschild who, with George Soros, almost succeeded in causing a nuclear war in March 2015. Not many people have an inkling of the danger we are in. Britain’s nuclear ‘deterrent’ is ironically a guarantee of our annihilation.
The idiocy of the ‘brass’ in the MoD is incomprehensible.
Gordon Logan is a former MI6 operative.
“Churchill’s official adoption of Lindemann’s ‘dehousing’ policy. Lindemann argued that bombing densely populated urban areas killed the most people”
It also caused no damage in their eyes. A few hundred or few thousand ordinary oink, cockroach life forms. It cleared areas for the real estate vultures, and it left them and their wealth unaffected. Sort of winner winner chicken dinner in a Great Fire of London sort of way.
People should know that politicians and media, are all owned by people, “I use the term loosely”, who despise us.
Absolutly. I sometimes read the Daily Mail. The editorial contempt for the readers is combined with fear, which is reflected in the severe censorship of readers’ comments.