The Vaccine is About Owning Your Body and Soul
Wed 9:38 am +01:00, 7 Apr 2021 1Kevin Boyle – No One To Vote For April 6, 2021
The Vaccine is not about protecting our good Health. It is about owning our bodies and souls.
The viral vector/mRNA new (non)-vaccines are designed to edit our genes in some of the same ways GM corn and soya have been genetically modified.
Viral vectors can enter our cells and, via its constituent RNA, replace a snippet of the DNA in our own genome.
It can be no accident that one of the strands of RNA “identified” as a constituent part of Sars-Cov-2 is an exact replica of part of Chromosome 8, something that exists in its DIVINE form in EVERY HUMAN BEING.
Chromosome 8 is associated with brain function and many associated disorders (this list is horrifying), also with infertility and cancers.
As with GM foods, a human being that has been genetically adapted by a Corporation can (theoretically at least) be claimed to be OWNED by that Corporation …
…though if the brain changes are successfully transcribed within human cells, one wonders what kind of Corporation would be interested in owning the probable Zombies they have created.
This is all beyond insanity.
We can expect that the entering of the gene-editing RNA (now in the bodies of millions of people and lying dormant within cells protected by a lipid coating) into the nucleus of the cells of the vaccinated will be triggered at some date in the near future by a blast of 5G that will release the RNA from its lipid coating and cause many (but probably not all of the vaccinated) the intended harm.
Maybe large numbers will die.
The rage such events are likely to produce will probably be the greatest threat to life on earth since the flood.
Loyalists to the State will be encouraged to blame the unvaccinated.
We need to find every possible means to expose the insanity of our rulers and those who choose to serve them.
Interesting that an anti-body test if successful is sufficient to obtain a travel pass. All expense but a way through without being jabbed. Of course the elites leave a door open somewhere for themselves. They just hide it well to keep the vast majority from realising, and making sure they impale themselves on the lethal jab.