So now everyone knows the MRNA corona vaxxes program the body to produce the prion for mad cow disease. Here is what is not so well known:
Wed 9:55 am +01:00, 7 Apr 2021 6“Covid-19” itself has the prion for mad cow disease programmed into it. The entire time this was going on, they were saying that the protein the virus used to bind with cells was unique in a virus “So an MRNA vaccine could be made to combat the virus for that reason”. What they did not say is that the protein was unique because it just so happened to be the prion from mad cow disease. THAT ended up in a virus NATURALLY . . . . . YEP. And it ended up in the virus in the worst possible spot . . . . . YEP.
So now (reported fully down this page a ways) they claim to have “fought the virus” by creating a vaccine that genetically TELLS your body to produce the prion for mad cow disease, “because it will confuse the virus and prevent binding”. . . . . YEP, and meanwhile, the shot that supposedly “made you immune to corona” gave you creutzfeldt-jakob disease and you’re gonna go down like a mad cow from the shot once that prion takes hold in your brain, – right around six months to a year from what they say.
We now have a vaccine developer for Astra Zeneca who died of creutzfeldt-jakob disease (a coincidence I am sure, because that’s such a common affliction) *oh, it will be* now that so many people got that shot – AND we have a virus out in the wild that uses the prion from mad cow disease to bind with the cells it’s attacking.
I’ll tell you how cute: You had damn well better not have gotten this virus, because even if you showed no symtoms, you got trillions of those prions in you and if ANY of them dis-connected from the viruses you’ll eventually go down from this like a mad cow once the prions take off. It might take a while, I don’t know how many would actually detach from the virus but I can say that anyone who got the virus played the lottery a trillion times at least. And the media buried this, even though the prion was documented right from the beginning RIGHT HERE.
You can’t tell me they did not want to kill EVERYONE with this virus if they put that prion in it. that’s a major “Oh No!”
Would think that this would be a risk to the elite too. At least I hope it’s wrong.
I would sincerely doubt any ‘elite’ are allowing this into their body. Too many vids of ‘the cap is on’, ‘the syringe is empty’, a security cam looking over the top shows the doctor shooting the syringe into a towel behind the patient – to simply getting a saline injection.
No – they aren’t taking this. Just Dog & Pony Show nonsense where the sheep we’ll say;
“Well, so and so got it today! No! I saw it on TV!”
what if mad cow disease is from toxin exposure
I’ve read that the prion can effect the unvaccinated.
I’m unvaccinated. Should I be worried about prion disease?
I’m unvaccinated. Should I be worried about prion disease?