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F.O.I Request shows only 596 died of Covid-19 in Scotland during 2020 and Hospital Deaths were below average

A freedom of information request made to the Scottish Government has revealed that only 596 people died of Covid-19 between March 2020 and February 2021, and another F.O.I has revealed that overall hospital deaths in 2020 were below average compared to the previous decade.

The request for the information on Covid deaths was made on the 30th January 2021 and asked for –

“The figure of deaths in Scotland for the period of 3/3/2020 till 1/2/2021 of citizens whom have died solely of COVID-19 with no whatsoever underlying conditions.”

To which the Scottish Goverment responded on the 11th March 2021 with –

“The answer to your question is 596 deaths involving COVID-19 has been registered where there was no pre-existing medical condition between March 2020 and January 2021 (including).”

With the Scottish Government adding that the data was available to the public via the National Records for Scotland –

“This information is available from National Records of Scotland (NRS), published on their website Deaths involving coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland | National Records of Scotland(nrscotland.gov.uk). NRS publish weekly figures on registered deaths where coronavirus (COVID-19) was mentioned on the death certificate and every month they also publish additional analysis, such as pre-existing medical conditions in deaths involving COVID-19. The figure for deaths from Covid-19 with no underlying conditions (596) can be found on Row 82, column C of Figure 9 data in NRS’ latest monthly publication from 17 February https://www.nrscotland.gov.uk/files//statistics/covid19/covid-deaths-21-data-week-06.xlsx

As if that wasn’t enough to make you question why Scotland has been living under the dictatorial tyranny of their dear leader Nicola Sturgeon for the past year, another freedom of information request was made to the Scottish Government which added more fuel to the fire that this is not about a virus, but instead about control.

The request was made on the 4th February 2021 and asked for a –

“Breakdown of the number of deaths in Scottish hospitals from 2010-2020”.

To which the Scottish Government responded on the 16th February 2021 with a table showing the number of deaths to have occurred in hospitals from 2010 – 2020.

The figures revealed that the highest year for deaths occurring in hospital was 2010 in which 30,264 deaths occurred, the next was 2015 in which 29,417 deaths occurred, after that it was 2012 in which 29,305 deaths occurred, then 2011 with 29,239 deaths.

That’s 4 years out of the last decade so far confirmed as having more deaths that occurred in hospitals throughout the entire year. Where did 2020, the year of the “deadly” pandemic rank within the last decade? 10th.

Out of the past 11 years, 2020 was the 2nd lowest year on record for deaths occurring in hospitals in Scotland with a grand total of 27,967 deaths. The only year with less deaths was 2019, with a grand total of 27,860 – just 107 less deaths than the year of the “deadly” pandemic.

Do you still think this has all been about a virus?


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One Response to “F.O.I Request shows only 596 died of Covid-19 in Scotland during 2020 and Hospital Deaths were below average”

  1. User says:

    According to Shimatsu, bovine TB research done on English badgers led to the creation of the COVID infectious agent. If you had a childhood inoculation against TB (the BCG), you have some immunity from COVID.

    Check out Shimatsu’s articles such as these:



    The guy writes exclusively on Rense so please don’t copy his material verbatim. But perhaps someone here might care to knock up some cliff notes with a link to the relevant articles.

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