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Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before COVID


April 1, 2021 — On November 1, 2019 the excellent publication Age of Autism published the following:

And just in the last weeks, without publicity, the European Commission have published a document designed to lead to a vaccine ID being attached to the European passport by 2022. (emphasis added)

Just look at page 1 of the following PDF from the EU:

And wouldn’t you know COVID arrived just in time to ensure this timeline would be perfectly adhered to.

Another COVID co-wink-i-dink!?

Just like the genetically modified origins of SARS CoV-2, or Event 201, where The Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum simulated a world-wide coronavirus pandemic just 3 months before their war game “turned real.” In fact, Event 201 occurred just weeks before the EU released their plan for a vaccine passport, and BOTH of these significant co-wink-i-dinks occurred months before the COVID-19 pandemic began.

What such co-wink-i-dinks reveal is that vaccine passports have nothing to do with COVID. This is just one piece in a very old, well planned puzzle for control over the populace and destruction of fundamental rights.

Vaccine passports are a critical step towards UDI – Universal Digital Identity.

Back in July of 2019 I stated there could not be a UDI system brought into America without a “catastrophic and catalyzing event” like 9/11, and I postulated that such an event would be some form of climate crash. I still believe this is likely to be the case, although some people believe the COVID crisis is the new 9/11 that will usher in a UDI system in America. While the COVID crisis has certainly helped sweep away fundamental rights, I do not believe it is quite enough to have America accept a UDI system (which will eventually eliminate and replace all cash transactions).

I also wondered back in July of 2019 what would happen with the 10’s of millions of American Christian Conservatives (ACCs) who view a UDI system as the “mark of the beast” as prophesized in the Book of Revelations. The controversial Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene recently connected vaccine passports to the “mark of the beast” reference in the bible, and has been attacked viscously for it.

To be clear, I do not place much weight into the “mark of the beast” claim but that is not the point. The point is that 10’s of millions of ACCs do, and that cannot be ignored by anyone on any side of this debate. Nor can millions of progressives, liberals and conservatives be ignored who also do not support a fascist vaccine passport system, (sans “mark of the beast” claim). We are gearing up for a political and cultural battle in America that is going to make the Trump years look like a walk in the park.


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2 Responses to “Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before COVID”

  1. ihunt says:

    Proof the Covid Pandemic was planned? – Millions of Covid-19 test kits sold in 2017
    Prof Dolores Cahill: “mRNA Vaccine will Kill People in their 70s in Two to Three Years”
    “In your 30s die within 5 to 10 years.”


  2. paullewis says:

    how do I opt out of the NHS system for good

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