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PCR Expert: UK’s Testing System is a Mess, Monopolising PCR For Covid is Killing People and Matt Hancock is Moronic

AFTER Panorama’s exposé last week of cross-contamination at the Lighthouse Lab in Milton Keynes, a PCR expert has told Lockdown Sceptics that the UK’s testing system is “a mess” and not using PCR tests to diagnose other diseases, because all the reagents are being used to diagnose Covid, is “killing people”. He also thinks the UK’s glacial reopening is “madness” and that the we should follow in the footsteps of Florida.

This week, Lockdown Sceptics spoke exclusively to Kevin McKernan who has a wealth of experience in PCR. He is the Chief Scientific Officer and founder of US company Medicinal Genomics, the former CSO of Courtagen Life Sciences Inc and former Vice President and Director of R&D of Life Technologies. He has overseen more than 100 research collaborations exploring next generation sequencing. He was also the President and CSO of Agencourt Personal Genomics, a start-up company he co-founded in 2005 to invent revolutionary sequencing technologies that dropped the cost of sequencing a human genome from $300 million to $3,000.

On top of the contamination risk shown in at least one Lighthouse Lab, two European courts have ruled the PCR test “cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt” whether a person is infectious. Then there is the issue of cycle thresholds. The Corman-Drosten paper, which established the working protocol for using PCR tests to diagnose COVID-19, was peer reviewed by Eurosurveillance in a time of between 3.5 hours to 27.5 hours, published on January 23rd, 2020 and was subsequently accepted and recommended for global use by the World Health Organisation as the “gold standard”. An investigation into this paper, known as the Corman-Drosten Review, by 22 international scientists, found 10 fatal flaws in the protocol. One of these flaws is the high number of cycles used to amplify RNA.

Giving evidence against lockdowns to a court in Manitoba, Jay Bhattacharya, co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration and Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, cited the Corman-Drosten Review, saying that if the PCR test uses more than 35 cycles to amplify RNA the probability of any ‘positive’ being correct – as in the person identified is still infectious, rather than having negligible traces of the virus in their system – is less than 3%.

In response to Freedom of Information requests, Public Health England said they do not hold any information about cycle thresholds, while the ONS said: “Due to Statistical Disclosure Control, we would not be able to publish the full data set of threshold cycles for each positive case, as this would constitute personal data. Section 39 of the Statistics and Registration Service Act 2007 renders it an offence to disclose information held by the Statistics Board for statistical purposes that would identify an individual.”

Yesterday, the official total number of positive cases in the UK was 4,353,668. How many of these are ‘cold’ positives?

McKernan said: “It’s pretty messy in the Lighthouse Labs. They do not have a great reputation from the people I have interacted with there. The people who push back on the PCR thing are the lab folk who say, ‘Well, we found RNA there’ – and they probably did, they’re probably right about that. But what they couldn’t sort out is whether it was infectious RNA or not and they will say, ‘Well that’s not PCR’s job, that’s not our job.’ Well, if you are calling things medical cases off a single test then it is your job to figure out whether that person needs to be quarantined.

“It’s a mess and it’s very heterogeneous data, you cannot assume all of the labs are running the same protocol, so that adds further to the smoke and mirrors. That’s why I’m sceptical that the people doing this actually care. You see what’s going on and it’s clearly a mess and anyone who brings it up gets shouted at. But it’s quite clear for anyone who is in the field and not on the gravy train. And there is clear evidence that it has false negatives too, which makes the whole contract tracing stuff a mirage. There’s reports of up to 30% false negatives, where the swab just doesn’t find anything and you get nothing even though you have it. For Matt Hancock to say that it [PCR test] is rock solid, he is just a moron.”

But, according to McKernan, the remedy is simple.

“There are ways to use PCR responsibly. You either run it twice, such as day one and day two and, if your viral load is going up, you’re on the front end of the infection curve. If it’s going down, you’re clearing it. But they’re just being lazy and don’t want to do it. There is no argument they can make that they [labs] can’t run it twice. They will say it doubles the amount of testing we have to do – they just scaled up 100 fold in a year, you can’t do twice to get accurate on this? They want positivity because positivity brings in more revenue. Once you’re positive, all your family members come in for testing. So they want that bar of positivity set as low as possible so as many people get sucked into the vacuum as possible. They’re financially motivated for false positives.”

Boris Johnson said his ‘moonshot’ plan of mass testing, with most of the test subjects being asymptomatic, was a sure way to save lives and let those who test negative resume theirs. McKernan believes the opposite is happening.

“He’s not saving them, he is killing them. And the reason he is killing them is the entire PCR pipeline has shifted to testing people who don’t get sick. And that comes at the expense of people not getting access to cancer tests. The PCR pipelines are all dependent on the same core reagents. When you force that much testing on to a group of people who don’t get sick you starve the testing for the other people. I don’t think they care what the consequences are. They probably don’t bother reading too much deeper into this chain reaction to hell they create when they do this. They scaled up PCR 300 fold this year and there is no way you do that without turning the clamps on other parts of the industry. We [Medical Genomics] have trouble getting PCR testing reagents because everyone who provides them for us tells us, ‘Sorry we have a Government mandate to fill this huge billion dollar [Covid testing] order and they are paying 10 times higher than you are so we are going to focus on that.’ But you’re not saving anybody with this, you are just creating droughts in all the other parts of the diagnostic industry.

“In the US they kept hammering PCR case data to drive the public narrative that this disease is still here, it’s still a big problem, we need to be afraid and get your vaccine. At the same time, we saw all sorts of hit pieces put out on hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin – all these generic drugs that all these doctors down in DC have been pounding their hands on the table asking them to legalise outpatient use of. And they only did it in February or something. So they lost a whole year – 500,000 lives – and now we are seeing an 85% reduction in hospitalisation and death if they use ivermectin. And they knew this in August and they didn’t do anything.

“Ivermectin won some kind of prize for being one of these drugs that was so remarkable, had so much safety data, has been used all over the world, that it’s revered as one of these miracle drugs. Yet they put the brakes on that until the vaccine was out. It’s really dark.”

Like many, McKernan cannot believe what he is seeing in the UK, from the police stopping Easter worship, to the population only now being allowed to meet one other household in an outside setting.

“Everything that the UK is doing just seems like madness.

“Look at Florida – they’ve been open for about eight months, everybody is having a good time. There are a lot of jurisdictions like that, Belarus is doing the same thing. There are plenty of places that buck the trend. And if we can get more jurisdictions to be brave enough to do that, then their story starts to crumble. I think they’re enabled to do this because they have such a tight grip on the media and they have almost brainwashed a large portion of the population into compliance. Jurisdictions that broke that got free. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis broke that by saying, ‘Look I’m not crazy, these people from Harvard, Stanford and Oxford say we can do X and X.’ If there is a way to burst the bubble in the UK and say, ‘Look it’s not as crazy as Matt Hancock says it is, it’s that there are all these other experts that say there is hope if we just let go.’ We can get the economy back running and we can restore things. In the jurisdictions where the data was allowed to speak for itself and had a platform, they successfully got out of the spell and broke the cult. Peaceful stuff is very effective, if you can get people to say we are going to ignore your madness. There are pubs here saying screw you and clipping the locks off the door and saying come on in. If there’s a lot of people that do that there is nothing they can do, they do not have the bodies to shut it down.”

The author is a staff journalist at a national newspaper group. Oliver May is a pseudonym.



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