Ipsos Mori received $3,250,953 from Gates Foundation and CEO involved with World Economic Forum
Sat 11:01 am +01:00, 3 Apr 2021Yesterday the media agenda and social media was ablaze with the narrative that the majority of the people in the UK back so-called ‘vaxx-passports’. In the following article we will break down and explain the way in which this information is first presented and pro-Government news outlets push the agenda despite concerns around methodology. Then we will look at the extensive links between Ipsos Mori, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Davos Agenda allowing you to decide whether or not you believe this is all that it seems.
The following was published on the Ipsos Mori website in a blaze of publicity:
Majority of Britons support vaccine passports but recognise concerns in new Ipsos MORI UK KnowledgePanel poll
New survey shows significant support for vaccine passports however, some are concerned about the potential issues they could cause
A new Ipsos MORI UK KnowledgePanel poll has found the public support using ‘vaccine passports’ across a range of circumstances. There is particularly strong support for their use for people who are travelling abroad (78%), for visiting relatives in hospitals (74%) or care homes (78%). Seven in ten say they should be needed to go to the theatre or an indoor concert (68%), while six in ten support needing one to go to the pub or eat out in a restaurant (62%), or to go to the gym (63%).
Britons also want to see vaccine passorts being a requirement for certain jobs. For example, eight in ten say that they should be required to work on the frontline in the NHS or care sector (79%), seven in ten say the same about teaching (69%), and two thirds think they should be needed to work as a tradesperson in people’s homes (66%), in a restaurant or pub (65%), or in a supermarket (63%).
While Britons recognise some of the ethical or legal issues surrounding vaccine passports, six in ten think the potential benefits to the economy outweigh any concerns (62%). Vaccine passports are seen as critical to getting businesses open (60%), and a good alternative to lockdowns (61%). They are also seen as a useful means of encouraging people to get vaccinated (61%). Britons also suggest they may ‘vote with their feet’; for example, 65% say they would be more likely to buy a ticket for a large public event if they knew that vaccine passports were in use there, and 59% say they would be more likely to employ a plumber with a vaccine passport than one who had not been vaccinated.
However, there are some notes of caution in the findings. One in five think the ethical and legal concerns outweigh any potential benefits to the economy (22%), and half say that vaccine passports may lead to inequalities (52% agree that they will lead to an unequal society by restricting what people who haven’t received the vaccine can do).
There are also important differences by age, ethnicity and deprivation. For example, younger people, ethnic minority Britons, and those in more deprived areas express more concern about the legal and ethical issues, and are less likely to support their use. These groups have seen the lowest levels of vaccine confidence.
Kelly Beaver, Managing Director of Public Affairs at Ipsos MORI said:
Our UK KnowledgePanel findings show that the public are once again prepared to do what it takes to get out of this pandemic. While they recognise the issues around vaccine passports, particularly their potential to exacerbate existing inequalities, their potential importance to ending lockdown and reopening the economy has won the argument for the majority of the British public.
What then happened was the mainstream media seized upon this as evidence of ‘massive’ support for vaccine passports as you can see below by the Sun’s political editor Harry Cole:
Are the British Public aware that over a number of years Cole has been intimately involved with the Conservative Party and was the former boyfriend of Carrie Symonds?
According to Wikipedia: He was Vice-Chairman/Treasurer of the Edinburgh University Conservative Association[5] and Vice-President of Scottish Conservative Future. Cole wrote the ToryBear blog, focusing on Conservative student politics.[6]
A number of other Government linked media channels and ‘journalists’ then ran this hard in what we see as an attempt to skew public opinion on this.
Former Brexit Party MEP & respected media commentator Martin Daubney then questioned the entire methodology behind the polling:
This then leads us on to the company itself behind the poll, Ipsos Mori, which is a global polling company engaging in a number of services to governments, businesses and organisations throughout the world. Over the last few years more and more people have been questioning the links between organisations promoting certain agendas and the mainstream media and very specifically polling companies.
UNN can now reveal that Ipsos Mori has received grants totalling $3,250,953 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The unelected Bill Gates has been at the forefront of the media campaign over Covid19 with many questioning as to why this is. Many have opined that it is due to his foundations largess in supporting organisations such as the embattled W.H.O and directing funding to media organisations. The most recent grant from the Gates Foundation was in order “To analyze how communities can be better activated and supported to address their own risks in epidemic situations.”
Now some might argue the Gates Foundation is philanthropic and does a great job but others might say this is not the case and even then many people are concerned at it’s reach and influence based on the use of money.
This is not the only link Ipsos Mori has with many of those as part of the Global Agenda. The World Economic Forum (WEF) established by Klaus Schwab has promoted what is known as ‘the Great Reset’ where in one video they boldly stated that by 2030 ‘you will own nothing and be happy’. We can now reveal that Ben Page, CEO of Ipsos Mori, recently appeared at the Davos conference to discuss issues around ‘vaccine confidence’. When you do a search of his name and ‘Davos’ it comes under people but we are unable to confirm if he is a member of the WEF.
Please see below Page’s appearance on the Davos Digital Conference:
UNN has written the following question to Ipsos Mori and we await their response which will be published when received:
Hello there, we are writing an article on Ipsos Mori’s recent poll on so-called ‘vaxx passports’ in the UK. We are writing to ask what re-assurances you can give to the wider British Public on the accuracy of this poll. We also note that Ipsos Mori London has received $3,250,953 from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and your CEO Ben Page who presented this poll is a member of the World Economic Forum. Both these organisations have been effusive in their praise of ‘Vaxx Passports’ and many of our readers are interested to know if this doesn’t represent a conflict of interest? We appreciate your comment on this matter.
So here we get an insight into how I would say modern propaganda works. A poll is published based on questionable data that is then seized upon by Government supporting journalists and news outlets to push a narrative. The wider public, who are not fortunate like you, remain blissfully unaware that the company behind the poll and the journalists pushing the narrative are linked to those behind the agenda.
Ipsos Mori has received money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation while its CEO is speaking at the World Economic Forum. With YouGov, being founded by current Vaccine Minister Nadim Zahawi, also producing polls very much in favour of the narrative it begs the question can these people and organisations be trusted to be objective and fair?
Ipsos Mori received $3,250,953 from Gates Foundation and CEO involved with World Economic Forum