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PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT – Loophole found which will allow you to go on Holiday Abroad this Summer

The fact we even have to look for a loophole in order to easily leave the United Kingdom speaks volumes, but here we are, and ‘The Daily Expose’ has done the hard work so that you don’t have to.

The authorities are doing their best to make you believe a holiday abroad in the Sun is impossible at the moment. Thanks to the 24/7 fear propaganda broadcast on the mainstream news you’re probably thinking if you attempt to go on holiday you could be liable to a £5,000 fine? Just like you’re probably thinking if you don’t wear a face mask in a shop you’re liable to a fine – you’re not, just say “I’m exempt” and that’s it, you’re covered under the current law – but that’s a story for another day.

Well today we can confirm we’ve discovered a couple of loopholes which will allow you to legally leave the country, and even go about your business upon your return to the United Kingdom. What’s even better is that these loopholes are pretty easy and quick to sort out.

Head over to the latest Coronavirus Legislation and you’ll find within it ‘Schedule 5 – Reasonable excuses to travel outside the United Kingdom.’

Now there’s a few excuses such as ‘if you’re an elite sportsperson’, ‘on a course of study’, or ‘fulfilling a legal obligation’. But we doubt you’ve got a game in the Champions League coming up in the next couple of weeks so these excuses are no good.

But head over to paragraph 7 of ‘Reasonable excuses to leave the United Kingdom’ and you’ll find, written in law, that you are permitted to leave the United Kingdom to ‘visit estate or letting agents, developer sales offices or show homes’. We couldn’t believe it either.

So what next? Well simply find where you want to go and make sure there’s an estate agent in or around the area. It doesn’t need to be in the area you wish to stay, it just needs to be somewhere which can only be accessed by landing at the same airport you’ll be landing at to have your holiday.

Next, give the estate agent a call or email them and book an appointment and ask for confirmation of the appointment. We want to point out that you do not need to attend the appointment, you simply just need to book it.

This confirmation email will be used as your evidence for being able to legally travel abroad. Head over to the UK Government guidelines and you’ll find under ‘Other permitted reasons’ in the ‘Recommended evidence’ section that it states you just need a ‘letter of appointment details from estate agent’.

Once all that’s sorted just complete the travel declaration form (again we can’t believe we’re even having to say this) and you’re good to go and legally travel abroad and enjoy a break in the sun.

The annoying part of course comes upon your return to the United Kingdom, at which you’re probably under the impression you cannot leave your home for two weeks due to the need to self-isolate?

Well we’ve found another loophole for you. Head to the ‘Coronavirus Legislation on International Travel Part 2’ and down to section 9 and you’ll find reasons why you are able to leave your home during the self-isolation period, and we’ve found a reason that everyone can use.

Paragraph ‘d’ states that you may leave your home during the self isolating period ‘to avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm’. And paragraph ‘i’ states that you may leave your home during the self isolating period ‘to obtain necessities such as food and medical supplies for those in the same household (including any pets or animals in the household) where it is not possible to obtain these provisions in any other manner‘.

Now we’re pretty sure being stuck in the same four walls for two weeks could be pretty harmful to your mental health? It may even make you mentally ill? (wink, wink).

We’re also pretty sure you need food and water to survive, and the law states you can leave to obtain basic necessities.

So there you have it, you’ve two reasonable excuses to leave your home during the self isolating period.

Now some of you may be questioning what you’re going to do about work? Well you don’t need to tell your employers that you are travelling abroad when booking time off work. You don’t need to give any reason, it’s none of their business. So simply do not tell them.

And with leaving home to obtain basic necessities such as food a reasonable excuse to leave your home, you’ll need money to pay for them so technically doesn’t going to work fall under the same ‘exceptional circumstance’?

We guess all that’s left to say is ‘You’re Welcome!’


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One Response to “PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT – Loophole found which will allow you to go on Holiday Abroad this Summer”

  1. Aldous says:

    Hi Weaver and Happy Easter to you and yours. I don’t want to piss on anyone’s parade but I’m not sure we should be encouraging people to travel abroad unnecessarily.
    My heart goes out to the hospitality and travel industry that are having to endure this globalist engineered nightmare but individuals and families shouldn’t put themselves in further harm’s way by positioning themselves away from home/base when WW3 is unfolding and breathing down our necks – which it is.
    As a former pilot, I can only imagine what they (amongst many others) are going through, sat at home with nowhere to fly and no further purpose in life. I’m sure many have topped themselves.
    It’s nearly Good Friday here and my wife and I are looking forward to Easter Sunday when we can once again use the ‘A’ word which is frowned upon during Lent. We don’t give a flying f**k about such nonsense – so Alleluia!
