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People Now Dying Following the Experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID Injections

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Reports are now surfacing of people dying following the recently authorized Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID shots here in the United States.

The Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID “vaccine” is not an mRNA “vaccine,” it is an “adenovirus” vaccine, but like mRNA vaccines, there are currently no approved adenovirus vaccines in the market, although the military has used experimental adenovirus vaccines that are not FDA approved.

So by getting the FDA to issue an EUA, which they did on February 27th, Johnson and Johnson can now test their experimental vaccine on the public as part of their Phase 3 trials.

The vaccine is being produced in Belgium, by the same company that in the past produced the anthrax vaccine that destroyed the lives of so many military personnel.


FDA Issues Emergency Use Authorization for Another Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine

The COVID Blog published two stories today that are among the first deaths following the Johnson and Johnson experimental COVID injections: 32-year-old New York stagehand Benjamin Goodman, and 25-year-old Connecticut educator Desirée Penrod.

Benjamin Goodman: 32-year-old New York stagehand dead 24 hours after Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot

The Food and Drug Administration authorized the Janssen Pharmaceuticals/Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot for emergency use on February 27. It has now claimed the life of a promising young professional.

Mr. Benjamin Goodman went to a Walgreens pop-up COVID-19 “vaccine” clinic in Chelsea, New York on Saturday, March 13. He received the experimental Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot, according to his stepmother Pamela Goodman. Benjamin texted his father, Jeff Goodman, and told him he received the shot. The family was not happy to hear the news. Soon thereafter, Benjamin had a severe headache and started feeling ill. He fell asleep, hoping the symptoms would pass after some rest.

Mr. Goodman woke up at 1 a.m. with a high fever and chills. His fiancée, Lindsay Janisse, was awakened to Mr. Goodman having seizures at 4 a.m.. Ms. Janisse called 911 as Mr. Goodman went into cardiac arrest. Paramedics tried, unsuccessfully, to revive him on the scene. Mr. Goodman was rushed to a nearby Mount Sinai Hospital. But he was pronounced dead at 6:05 a.m. Sunday morning, March 14.

His mother did not mince words as to what happened to her son.

Mr. Goodman was a member of Local One International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees. He worked behind-the-scenes on several NBC and CBS shows.

Mr. Goodman was recently accepted into the Michigan State University MBA program, and planned to enroll this fall. He and Lindsay planned to marry on June 25, 2022. A GoFundMe page is collecting donations for funeral and other costs.

Intelligent people vs. powerful psychological conditioning

Mr. Goodman was no dummy. He was an intelligent young man with a bright future. Many Americans and others around the globe are like Mr. Goodman. But they are constantly bombarded with coordinated, well-structured messaging from mainstream media and big tech companies.

Mr. Goodman even had family members warning him against getting these experimental shots, to no avail. Whether they listen or not, it is your responsibility to at least inform loved ones about the true nature of these shots and the agenda thereof. These shots are tools of genocide. Period. Stay vigilant.

SourceThe COVID Blog.

Desirée Penrod: 25-year-old Connecticut educator dead one week after Johnson & Johnson viral vector shot

The Johnson & Johnson experimental viral vector shot has claimed another young victim with a promising future.

Ms. Desirée Penrod said on Facebook that she received the “Janssen dose” on or around March 9. Janssen Pharmaceuticals is the drug division of Johnson & Johnson, and developed the JNJ-78436735 viral vector shot.

It is marketed as the one-dose vaccine. The 25-year-old educator said she felt no adverse effects the first day of the shot. But she said the “vaccine is killing me today” on March 10.

She engaged with several people who commented on her post that day. Ms. Penrod said the shots were offered to her through the Killingly School District in Danielson, Connecticut.

She worked at Killingly Memorial School, which serves grades 2 to 4. Ms. Penrod thanked several people for their concern and told others considering the shot, “no need to be nervous.”

Another person commented, “[the symptoms] lasted two days for me, then voila it was gone.” Ms. Penrod responded that she had her fingers crossed that March 10 would be the last day of her symptoms and it “goes away.”

The next day she said she was feeling better “for the most part.” That was the last comment she made on Facebook. Ms. Penrod died on Wednesday, March 17, becoming the youngest victim this blog has covered for all of the experimental shots.

Her wake is this Wednesday, March 24 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Gagnon and Costello Funeral Home in Danielson.

Senseless deaths and manipulation

We’re only human here. For some reason, this one caused emotion while writing. Perhaps it’s because Desirée was so young. Perhaps it’s because she truly believed in this whole surreal, twilight zone agenda that is so well-coordinated. Keep in mind, nobody knows the long-term effects of these gene-modifying shots. All of them are still in clinical trials.

Regardless, the propaganda machines continue its narratives. The BBC reported how the Americans are literally picking their poison between the three experimental shots authorized for emergency use only. They continue the narrative that you should expect to get sick because that’s how you know “the shot is working.” Immunity starts weeks after the shots, but you still must wear a mask thereafter. It doesn’t even make common, rational sense.

Media, big tech and government are all working together to facilitate this agenda. Please stay vigilant and spread truth to as many people as possible.

SourceThe COVID Blog.

People Now Dying Following the Experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID Injections

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3 Responses to “People Now Dying Following the Experimental Johnson and Johnson COVID Injections”

  1. Occams says:

    I used to feel bad about this. Now I highly encourage all – family and friends included – who want this to get this, for as UK blogger Chris Spivey said;

    ‘If you had just fucked up your world, fine, but you fucked up mine, and that pisses me off”

    Gloves are off. Anyone who still thinks this is all real but has to be reminded, constantly, day in and day out, hour after hour, because there’s nothing to see is an idiot and the world will maybe survive with this level of stupidity gone.

    • Alan Vaughn says:

      Hear! Hear!
      Brainless collaborating c**ts! ???

      URGENT CALL TO ALL obedient, shit-for-brains masked zombies:
      PLEASE get your Covihoax inoculations NOW, while the lifesaving vaccine stocks last!

  2. ian says:

    Well said Occams.

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