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The new normal? – Children attempting suicide due to fear of family catching Covid

The actions of the government in following a science that involves imposing dictatorial tyranny and stripping the general public of their rights and freedoms, to supposedly prevent the spread of a virus that statistically kills less than 0.02% of those it infects, has had a devastating effect on a forgotten generation. Children.

The scientists insisted that the government take a sledgehammer to crack a walnut to prevent thousands upon thousands of unnecessary deaths occurring in an age group of people that were statistically at the end of the road anyway – the over 75’s. But in doing so they have created an epidemic of depression, self harm and suicide across the younger generation who’s job it will one day be to pay off the enormous debt this country has burdened itself with thanks to the general public’s docile compliance with authoritarianism.

Rising children suicides amid lockdown triggers concern in Kerala

Ethan Bourne was a typical 12 year-old who didn’t really speak about his feelings. He lived a seemingly happy life with his mother and siblings and would stay with his grandmother every weekend. Four days after his 12th birthday he baked a cake with his mother and told her how much he loved her. Five days after his birthday he was found dead in his bedroom after taking his own life. The only reasoning the family could give was that he had been struggling without the routine of school.

Ethan’s grandmother said “Ethan had a name. He’s an individual. He’s ours. But what he died of has no face. Mental health doesn’t have a title.”

“If you plug something in and it doesn’t work you know its broken.  If something stops working with a child you can’t see it, you don’t always know that something’s so wrong.”

Sadly, Ethan is just one devastating example of many. A report carried out in July 2020 found that suicide rates in children sadly increased during the first 56 days of ‘lockdown 1’. There were 25 likely child suicides during the first 56 days of lockdown. But there were only 26 likely child suicides in the 82 days before the lockdown began. Of the 25 sad child suicides that occurred during the lockdown, 12 were identified as likely due to “Covid-19” related factors. In other words likely due to “the dictatorial tyranny” imposed by the authorities. (The report can be found here)

Number of children calling ChildLine about exam stress rises by 200 per cent

Another report from July released by the NSPCC’s councelling service for young people, ‘Childline’, showed that councelling sessions for children aged 11 and under increased by 37% during ‘Lockdown 1’ compared to the number of sessions before the lockdown began. The calls related to mental and emotional health, and worries about family relationships, arguments and stressed parents.

Peter Wanless, who helps run the NSPCC, says “There is no doubt that the coronavirus pandemic has had a direct impact on the mental health of many of our children and young people across the country”. (Have you noticed the pattern occurring where all these problems are being blamed on “the coronavirus” rather than the actual cause which has been dictatorial government following one dimensional, bad science?)

The NSPCC report echoed findings from other children support charities. The children’s charity Barnado’s surveyed 4000 children and young adults aged from 8 – 24 and asked them how they had “been feeling during the coronavirus pandemic”. 41% of these children and young adults said they were felt incredibly lonely. 38% said they were incredibly worried and 37% said they were “more sad”. Boredom and “feeling trapped” were among the main emotions felt by these children and young adults, with most of the 4000 saying they missed going to school or college. One third of the 4000 also said they had more trouble sleeping. Many of the young people were also struggling due to lack of social contact and being hidden from teachers and other trusted adults. (The Barnardo’s report can be found here). This is a national disgrace.

Childline also reported that between 23 March and 30 June 2020 the charity delivered more than 60,000 counselling sessions in total, a third of these were about mental and emotional health. What’s even more disturbing is the fact that after lockdown had started to ease Childline reported more young people sharing their worries over what school might be like and their fears of catching the coronavirus.

I Was Ashamed of Myself - Beliefs of the Heart

The authorities should be ashamed. Their campaign of fear broadcast on every TV channel, radio station, headlined on every newspaper, and advertised at every opportunity to scare the nation into complying with dictatorial tyranny, all in the name of “following the science”, managed to strike fear into the heart of children enough for them to waylay those fears to a children’s charity helpline. Where is the outrage? Why have these people not been held to account? Why are the journalists in these daily “propaganda” briefings not asking questions about this travesty to the government?

Anothe report carried out in the autumn of 2020 by Young Minds, surveyed 2011 children aged 11-18 and found that 58% of the children described their mental health as poor whilst off school during the lockdown. 58%! However once they had returned to school the Young Minds survey found that a shocking 69% described their mental health as poor. The main reason? Well the report found 51% said the “social distancing measures”, enforced in law by the government who were and still are being “guided by the science”, had a negative effect on their mental health. (The Young Minds report can be found here).

9 Prayers for When Your Friends Don't Want to Know God

We’re sure you’ve heard enough about the shocking effects of lockdown on the children of the United Kingdom so we’ll end with these shocking facts.

Many support services, therapies and respite services for vulnerable children and those with special educational needs were not provided and are not being provided at the levels they were before the first lockdown began. With many services going to zero overnight after Boris Johnson broadcast to the nation that they “must stay at home”. As a result some of these children resorted to self harm and attacked their parents, with Donna Jennings of the Evangelical Alliance reporting “children putting their heads through windows” and “breaking their parents arms”.

A Children’s Law Centre representative Rachel Hogan also reported how “There has been avoidable harm – physical, mental harm – caused to children and young people by the policies that have been rolled out and the restrictions,

“During the pandemic the respite units were closed and the timing of these closures couldn’t have been worse because it coincided with the closure of special schools.” Ms Hogan also added that a small number of children had to be chemically restrained or sedated to stop them harming themselves.

Need we say anymore? The majority of the reports we have exposed here are what just the effects of what a few months of draconian restrictions had on the children of this nation. We are now almost one year in and the true extent of this disaster remains to be seen.

The Government propaganda recently released via the form of an advert asked the general public if they could “look them in the eyes and tell them you’re helping by staying at home?”. Well we have just one question for the government, the one dimensional scientists and the lockdown fanatics and docile supporters of this dictatorial regime.
Can you look a child in the eye and tell them it was worth it?


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