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UK Gov. release 5th update on adverse reactions to the Covid Jabs – Bell’s Palsy, Seizure, Miscarriage & Death

The U.K. Government have released the fifth update highlighting adverse reactions to the Pfizer Covid jab and the Oxford / Astrazeneca Covid jab.

The fifth update covers adverse reactions inputted to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme from the 9th December 2020 up to the 21st February 2021. In the week since the fourth report, which covered reported adverse reactions up to the 14th February, there have been a further 2892 Yellow Cards for the Pfizer vaccine and a further 11,490 yellow cards for the Oxford vaccine.

But this does not mean the Pfizer jab is safer, the reason the number of Yellow Cards for the Oxford jab is much higher than the Pfizer jab is because there was a significantly higher number of doses of the Oxford jab administered between the 14th February – 21st February compared to the Pfizer jab.

As of the 21st February 2021 there have been 9.4 million doses of the experimental MRNA Pfizer jab administered with a reported 85,179 adverse reactions suffered. There have been 8.4 million doses of the Oxford jab administered as of the same date, with a reported 157,637 adverse reactions.

We told you last week how the rate of adverse reactions had increased from 1 in every 333 people to 1 in every 200 people who had received at least one dose of either the Pfizer jab or the Oxford jab. We can report that this rate still remains at 1 in every 200 people as of the 21st February 2021.

This week we decided to compare adverse reactions to both the Pfizer jab and the Oxford jab side by side and this is what we found…

The Pfizer jab has caused a total of 12 people to lose their vision entirely since its roll-out began on the 8th December 2020.

And there have been a total of 1242 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab so far.

But the Oxford jab currently fares much worse in the eye disorder department even though 1 million less doses had been administered compared to the Pfizer jab as of the 21st February. We told you last week how the number of people going blind had doubled within just 2 weeks increasing from 8 people as of the 31st January to 16 people as of the 14th February.

Well unfortunately the number has now almost tripled in just three weeks with another 7 people reported to be now blind as a result of the Oxford jab. As of the 21st February the total number of people now blind stands at 23.

The total number of eye disorders caused by the Oxford jab have also increased by 456 in just seven days to a total of 1613.

How many more people will need to go blind for the authorities to halt the roll-out of these experimental “vaccines”?

On the 9th December 2020, the MHRA issued preliminary guidance on severe allergic reactions after the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine due to early reports of anaphylaxis. Following further detailed review, this advice was amended on 30 December to the current advice. This advice is that people with a previous history of severe allergic reactions to any ingredients of the vaccine should not receive it. People who receive the vaccine should be monitored for at least 15 minutes afterwards.

Which is why we were shocked to find that a total of 173 people have now suffered an anaphylactic reaction to the Pfizer vaccine and 7 have gone into anaphylactic shock.

The Oxford jab has caused 137 people to suffer an anaphylactic reaction as of the 21st February and 8 people have gone into anaphylactic shock.

The next set of statistics covered adverse reactions within the central nervous system and the brain.

As of the 21st February the Pfizer jab has caused 1 person to suffer a brain stem infarction and this person sadly died. It has also caused 10 people to suffer a cerebral haemorrhage with 3 of those sadly dying, 48 have suffered a cerebrovascular accident with 3 of those also sadly dying, 1 person has suffered a haemorrhagic stroke and also sadly died, and 10 people suffered a ischaemic stroke with 1 case resulting in death.

As you can see the most common adverse reaction of the brain due to the Pfizer vaccine is a cerebrovascular accident, which is the sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by a blockage or rupture of an artery within the brain.

The same can also be said for the Oxford jab with a total of 35 people suffering a cerebrovascular accident as of the 21st February, with 6 of these cases sadly resulting in death. There has also been 1 case of a brain stem infarction which has resulted in the person dying, 6 cases of cerebral haemorrhage which has resulted in 1 death, 2 cases of cerebral infaction which has resulted in 1 death, and 3 cases of haemorrhagic stroke which has sadly resulted in 1 death.

Next we come to cases of facial paralysis, a.k.a bell’s palsy. The symptoms of Bell’s palsy include weakness on 1 side of the face, a drooping eyelid or corner of the mouth.

As of the 21st February 2021 the Pfizer MRNA jab has caused 135 people to suffer facial paralysis.

The Oxford Viral Vector jab has so far caused 53 people to suffer facial paralysis.

There have now been 85 reported cases of seizure caused by the Pfizer jab with 1 of these sadly resulting in death.

But the Oxford jab fairs much worse. We told you last week how there had been 137 cases of people going into seizure because of the Oxford jab, well this has increased by 45, with a total of 182 people now having suffered a seizure because of the Oxford jab, with 1 of these cases sadly resulting in the person dying.

Next we come to possibly the most shocking statistic of all when we consider that during the previous 7 days to the 21st February there had been a significantly higher number of doses of the Oxford jab administered compared to the Pfizer jab.

From the 8th December up to the 14th February 2021 there had been a total of 8 reports the the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme of women sadly losing their baby after receiving the Pfizer MRNA jab. But we’re sorry and disgusted to report that this number has doubled within the next seven days to a total of 16 women who have now lost their baby due to the Pfizer jab.

We hope to be wrong but sadly we believe this number will increase astronomically now that the vaccine is being offered to women of child bearing age.

Finally we come to the total number of deaths due to the Covid vaccines as of the 21st February 2021.

There have been a total of 212 deaths reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as a result of the Pfizer vaccine.

Sadly there have also been a total of 244 deaths reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as a result of the Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccine, even though there have been one million less doses administered.

Do these Covid vaccines sound like safe and effective treatments to you?

Sadly things are going to get much worse before they start to get better.


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