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Shocking News Regarding the PCR Test

Go to the UK government’s website called gov.uk and look for a guidance report called `Covid-19: management of staff and exposed patients or residents in health and social care settings.’

The report appears under the heading Public Health England and it was updated on 28th January 2021.

Scroll down to section 6 which is headed `Sars-cov-2 re-testing in staff, patients and residents in health and social care settings’.

Here is the whole of the first paragraph:

`Immunocompetent staff, patients and residents who have tested positive for sars-cov-2 by PCR should be exempt from routine re-testing by PCR or LFD antigen tests (for example, repeated whole setting screening or screening prior to hospital discharge) within a period of 90 days from their initial illness onset or test (if asymptomatic) unless they develop new covid-19 symptoms. This is because fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory tract samples following infection – long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.’

Now, set aside the fact that the paragraph was to me darned near incomprehensible and concentrate on the final paragraph.

And you will find this choice section: `fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory samples following infection –long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.’

And that is exactly why I and other doctors have been arguing for months that the PCR test is unreliable and not fit for purpose.

I’ll repeat what the UK Government says: `fragments of inactive virus can be persistently detected by PCR in respiratory samples following infection – long after a person has completed their isolation period and is no longer infectious.’

So, now I’d like the fact checkers and the pseudo journalists who have accused me of publishing misinformation to get down on their knees and start grovelling.

Because the UK government is saying exactly what I and other doctors have been saying for months.

The PCR test picks up fragments of inactive virus when a patient is no longer infectious.

And it appears that the UK Government must now agree with me: the PCR test is useless and should be abandoned.

Fact checkers, pseudojournalists, politicians and members of the twitterati should publish their grovelling apologies immediately.

I’ll repeat it once more for those fact checkers who are a little slow on the uptake:

The UK Government says that the PCR test picks up fragments of inactive virus when a patient is no longer infectious.

Copyright Vernon Coleman March 6th 2021

Vernon Coleman’s international bestselling book `How to stop your doctor killing you’ is available as a paperback and eBook.


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6 Responses to “Shocking News Regarding the PCR Test”

  1. Occams says:

    Gee – now THERE’S a surprise! Known to all…..2% of us?

    Matters to all…..2% of us?

    Oh, yea. And they guy they probably killed who called Fauci a fraud, and told MSM he’d ‘debate him, anytime, any where’ and to stop inappropriately using his test to skew their results.

    Dead a month later. ‘Arkancided’? – like all of Hillary and Bill’s threats, and they killed Patty Blackwell, Big Pharma whistleblower.

    What amazes me?

    People that hold this devastating evidence, and walk around with their daily lives without a care in the world.

    • ian says:

      Yes Occams and hundreds of alternative medicine doctors suicided in the back of the head.

  2. Tapestry says:

    Let alone the ongoing murders to silence the truth, I heard of a young man committing suicide today locally. That’s five now in a year in our area that I know of, two in the last month. I don’t think I’ve heard of more than maximum one every five years previously. Has suicide gone up 25 times in a year? They tried to put one of them down to COVID in the newspaper.

    • sovereigntea says:

      There will be a delay before suicide figures come out in the wash … inquests coroners reports etc all introduce delay. Mighty convenient that. Also where are all the homeless people that used to live on the streets. I’ve done a lot of travelling around the country and only seen 1 person ??

      Both groups might provide a pool of deaths to add to the supposed covid figures.

  3. Tapestry says:

    Good point, Sovereigntea about the homeless on the streets disappearing. I remember the video about the two men in Hazmat suits dragging a homeless man out of a London hospital and his records were adjusted to say he was dead, when the nurses said he was very much alive when he was dragged out. I guess these are easy targets when looking for some extra deaths, as the scam-organisers wanted to get the panic going in 2020. I am trying to find the UK February 2020 weekly figure for deaths. England and Wales alone show a big decline in deaths of about 1000 in some weeks compared to the previous five years, before the lockdowns started. The UK wide figure seems to have disappeared from ONS reports. These would show that as people were refused access to medical services during February, the rate of dying fell by 10% or so on previous years. Only when the lockdown started did the killing of the old folk in ‘care homes’ begin, the suicide rate lifted and homeless people were ‘dragged away’. Ventilators and morphine ended the lives of many old people, and anti-coagulants were not made use of to save them. Hospitals are expert in ending the lives of patients using such methods. Once they are marked end of life by a senior doctor, the nurses know what to do.

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