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If you die from Coronavirus ‘vaccine’, your life insurance won’t pay as it’s an ‘experimental medical intervention’

Check with your insurer before you have the vaccine.  It’s reported that some or all life insurance won’t pay out for COVID vaccine related deaths, as the ‘vaccine’ is experimental.   If this is too big a risk for your insurers, should you be taking it?

Even having had a COVID test could mean you are no longer eligible for insurance.  You need to do some careful research, contact your insurers, before getting vaccinated or tested.


You could read between the lines of the following from ABI –

Can I still buy life insurance?

Many insurers are still accepting life insurance applications and some have now included a coronavirus related question (see below for expected questions). Some insurers are delaying applications if you are currently testing positive for coronavirus and need to provide medical evidence, but this does not mean you cannot apply again in the future.

What questions should I expect to be asked on coronavirus when applying for life insurance?

Life insurance companies have developed specific questions to assess the risk around coronavirus for new applications. This is simply to make sure that they have the full picture when they assess your health and medical circumstances.

Coronavirus questions may include:

  • Have you tested positive for coronavirus?
  • Are you currently in self-isolation?
  • Have you had any symptoms of coronavirus?
  • Have you been in direct contact with anyone who has been diagnosed or suspected of having a coronavirus?

If you answer yes to some of these questions, your decision may be delayed until you have recovered. The decisions may vary between insurer.

If you’re classed as being high-risk because of your medical condition such as people with severe Diabetes, Asthma, Heart Conditions, Auto-immune Diseases, and a number of other conditions, then you won’t be classed as ‘self-isolating’ unless you’ve got symptoms. People who are being advised to stay at home to keep themselves safe will just be classed as a standard low-risk individual.

Obviously having the vaccine is a separate issue which they don’t mention, but individuals who ask insurers will they pay out on death caused by the vaccine are being told NO as it is not a vaccine, but an experimental medical intervention.  Be advised.

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2 Responses to “If you die from Coronavirus ‘vaccine’, your life insurance won’t pay as it’s an ‘experimental medical intervention’”

  1. Occams says:

    lol….anyone taking this gets what they deserve.

    And I’m offering Free Ride & Ice Cream to anyone who wants it

    • Alan Vaughn says:

      Yes they do indeed, but ‘vaccine’ for what?
      An unidentified (alleged) pathogen?
      How does this new, rushed through ‘miracle cure’ protect the gullible fools who allow themselves to be injected with it, protect them from anything, when whatever it’s supposed to protect them from is yet to be identified?

      Perhaps this bloke has the best advice for them?