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Russia OFFICIALLY warns Israel over strikes on Syria.

Hal Turner Radio Show – March 1, 2021

Russia has OFFICIALLY warned Israel that it is ready to attack IDF fighter jets if attacks by Israel continue against Syria.

The special envoy of the President of Russia Alexander Lavrentyev made a report in which he emphasized the unwillingness of the Israeli side to fulfill the agreements reached between Israel and Russia to de-escalate the situation in Syria

Lavrentyev noted that Moscow’s patience has completely dried up, and if Israel does not give up aggressive actions against the Arab Republic in the near future, Russia will be ready to attack Israeli aircraft, obviously, not only over Syria, but also in the airspace over neighboring countries, or in international airspace.

“Sooner or later, the cup of patience, including the Syrian government, may be overflowing, and a retaliatory strike will follow, which will accordingly lead to a new round of tension. These attacks must be stopped, they are counterproductive. We hope that the Israeli side will hear our concerns, including concerns about the possible escalation of violence in Syria, ” Lavrentiev said.

Given the fact that we are talking about an official statement, it is obvious that Russia is extremely unhappy with Israel’s actions, especially after strikes were struck in areas where Russian military and civilian Syrian citizens were stationed.

According to analysts, as a first step, Russia may begin to raise its combat aircraft into the sky to counter Israel, and if such a measure does not help, the next step will be to use Russian air defense systems to intercept Israeli missiles, and then, a more radical step, opening fire on Israeli aircraft posing a threat to the Russian military on the territory of the Arab republic.

OF NOTE: Russia did, in fact, launch fighter jets from bases in Syria when Israel attacked Syria, again, on Sunday.  (Story HERE)

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