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Shame on the NHS

SHAME ON THE NHS for the disgusting and disturbing treatment of my Friend….
My elderly friend was rushed into hospital for an emergency operation on a blockage in her bowel. As she had No family in this country, I was her named next of kin…
Imagine my shock and horror when I phoned after the operation to find that they had put her in an induced coma and had placed her on a ventilator in Intensive Care on the Covid Ward !!!
Really upset and angry…
I went absolutely mad, accused them of allsorts and questioned WHY they had placed her on there and insisted I wanted a copy of her medical record in order to get a second opinion…
Long story short… They agreed to take her off the ventilator that evening but warned she probably wouldn’t make it through the night…. but surprise, surprise SHE DID make it…. and two days later she regained consciousness and has now been moved to recovery and is expected to be home in a week or so !!!
I don’t know exactly what has happened to the NHS since this so called pandemic started, but I do know this… Whatever has happened is very disturbing and sinister….
My friend would have been dead if it had not been for me fighting for her…. as a lot of people including one Nurse agreed….
I used yo have great respect for the NHS and trusted them implicitly, but now I believe they have sold us down the river…
People beware….
Jane Anderson on facebook.
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3 Responses to “Shame on the NHS”

  1. Weaver says:

    The is extremely sad to hear a similar situation happened to a family member in South Africa.

  2. ian says:

    My youngest son’s wife lost her Grandmother this morning due to cancer. She died at home rather than dying alone in hospital. Her granddad is very ill too. I was at a party a year ago, and both were up dancing. This contrived situation, has taken a terrible toll on the elderly, and has much to answer for.

  3. Tapestry says:

    Ian, that is another sad story. Old age is being obliterated. At least she was at home and not alone. The question comes to mind about the vaccine, but maybe that’s too poignant right now.