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If Truth Be Told About The SV-40 Cancer Virus In The Original Polio Vaccines Given To Millions Of American Children

By Catherine J. Frompovich

The current “police state” actions being implemented regarding vaccination dissenters is due to the public’s mistrust of the CDC/FDA/Big Pharma consensus science regarding vaccines unknown viruses and neurotoxic ingredients causing adverse effects in children’s health, which has an historical, plus congressional hearing validation, anyone who values good health and well children must consider seriously.

Merck’s premiere vaccine inventor, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, was astute enough to realize something was amiss with the production of vaccines, which he documents in the video below.

The Polio Vaccine Has Cancer Virus, SV40, According to Dr. Maurice Hilleman
10:37 minutes


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When he spoke about bringing the monkeys over from Africa, which they used to manufacture the polio vaccine, he had this to say, “I brought African greens in. I didn’t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.”[1]

Dr. Hilleman stated, “Yellow fever vaccine had leukemia virus in it. This was in the day of very crude science. [1]

If you think the above was something “of a fluke” or a “figment of conspiracy theorists imaginations,” then you absolutely ought to read the U.S. Government Printing Office online published report of the September 10, 2003 Hearing of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness of the Committee on Government Reform of the House of Representatives of the 108th Congress wherein Congressman Dan Burton is on public record saying:

There is no dispute that millions of Americans received polio vaccines that were contaminated with the virus called Simian Virus 40, or SV-40. There also is no dispute that SV-40 is capable of causing cancer, but there is a major dispute as to how many Americans may have received the contaminated vaccine, with estimates ranging from 4 million to 100 million people. There is also a major dispute as to when the polio vaccine supply got cleaned up. In addition, nobody knows how many people got sick or died because of the contaminated vaccines.

However, Dr. James Goedert, Chief of Viral Epidemiology, National Cancer Institute, provided an answer as to when the polio vaccine got cleaned up:

In addition, using PCR technology, the FDA itself found no SV-40 DNA molecules in lots that were released between 1972 and 1996.

When did you or your children receive the polio vaccine?

Can the SV-40 cancer virus be lurking within your body?

Why do I say that?

Because the Journal of Infectious Diseases published the article “Simian Virus 40 and Human Disease” wherein this was discussed:

The reported presence of SV40 in tumors in individuals born after 1963 would seem to imply that SV40 is now established as a human infection circulating in communities via person-to-person contact [8]. Other investigators have been skeptical of these claims [9–12]; several groups have not been able to detect SV40 sequences in the aforementioned tumors [13–20], and epidemiologic studies have not revealed an increased risk of these cancers in populations exposed to SV40-contaminated poliovaccines or adenovirus vaccines.

[8] Vilchez RA, Butel JS, Emergent human pathogen simian virus 40 and its role in cancer, Clin Microbiol Rev, 2004, vol. 17 (pg. 495-508)

[CJF emphasis]

In view of the cancer epidemic of recent years, one has to wonder what role, if any, the SV-40 cancer virus in the early polio vaccine had, or is implicated in current cancer demographics, especially in older individuals who received the polio vaccine as a child.

I’d like to point out that FDA used the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, a test FDA will not permit to be used to test for determining adverse mitochondrial proclivities (reactions) from mandatory vaccines prior to receiving vaccines/vaccinations, especially in infants whose immune systems are not developed fully until around two years of age!

In those individuals with mitochondrial proclivities, vaccination can be equivalent to immune system castration!

The FDA PCR directive, alone, ought to be considered as criminal activity, since such FDA actions deliberately – by the omission of PCR testing as a routine prophylactic procedure – contributes directly to any vaccine adverse reactions infants, toddlers, teens and adults would experience. Therefore, FDA ought to be held accountable, plus prosecuted, for malfeasance in the management of infectious disease protocols, in my opinion!

If Truth Be Told About The SV-40 Cancer Virus In The Original Polio Vaccines Given To Millions Of American Children

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