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Covid Deaths … A Diabolical Fraud

Kevin Boyle – No One To Vote For Jan 28, 2021

This morning I received a WhatsApp message from a friend. Here it is:

My mate got a cab in ********** today. The cabbie was a Muslim. His Son died that morning in hospital. He spoke to the hospital on speaker phone in the cab. They said it would take 7 weeks to release the body. However if he agreed to put Covid on the Death Cert, he could have the body immediately. 

As a Muslim**,  he chose…

This thing is a scam. My mate could not believe what he heard, although I had been telling him for months.
His Son had a congenital heart condition.
This is legit, I would trust this person with my life.

** N.B. (from Google) Islamic Funeral FAQ:
Burial should take place as soon as possible. It’s typical to bury someone of the Islamic faith within three days, although most strive for within 24 hours

I’m not saying that I wouldn’t have been strongly inclined to do the same thing, placed in the position of the hospital representative. I mean … how would any human being … in practice … weigh the consequences of a single false statistic against the torment visited on an already traumatised family by preventing them burying their beloved son in a way befitting their religious traditions? It’s almost a no-brainer and I think I would have tried to help out the family myself.

However, the ground was carefully prepared for this kind of circumstance in the Coronavirus Act 2020. My short commentary on this from a previous blogpost is below***.(extracts taken from pg 129 of the Act)

The Coronavirus Bill states AS LAW that when a death is a COVID death NO AUTOPSY IS REQUIRED. In all other cases ’cause of death’ must be established. In the case of a child the Coroner would usually require a post-mortem to be carried out, hence the delay in releasing the body.

COVID assignation is heartless manipulation of grieving people when they are at their most vulnerable. The calculation was made in the drawing-up of the Bill (i.e. before anyone in the UK had died) that it was AN ABSOLUTE PRIORITY TO MAXIMISE THE NUMBER OF COVID DEATHS. 


Anyone who thinks the people running this operation cares about our good health is absolutely deluded. The purpose of the ‘pandemic’ is not to ensure our ongoing good health. It is primarily the destruction of our economies as a precursor and a pretext for the coming digital transaction/control system that our rulers want to impose on us. It’s secondary purpose is to habituate us to the obedience and virtual imprisonment that those of us who survive the coming onslaught will be expected to regard as normal.

When the real pandemic hits (i.e. when we start dying in huge numbers .. listen to Bill and the lovely Belinda warn us about this below) … perhaps people will begin to realise that our rulers don’t really want us healthy at all, they want us dead. They have let us know in so many ways.

However, those friendly, smiling, ever-so-civilised faces fronting this operation in parliament, on the BBC etc really do close the public mind to such an appalling possibility. Isn’t it absolutely amazing what a fat salary can do to the human mind?

Upton Sinclair — ‘It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.’


Pg 129 (Signing of certificates of cause of death):

23 (1) This paragraph applies if—
(a) a person dies as a result of any natural illness,
(b) the person was treated by a registered medical practitioner (“A”) within 28 days prior to the date of the person’s death,
(c) the time when (apart from this paragraph) A would be required to sign the certificate of cause of death under Article 25(2) falls within any period for which this paragraph has effect,
(d) at that time, A is unable to sign the certificate or it is impracticable for A to do so, and
(e) another registered medical practitioner (“B”) can state to the best of B’s knowledge and belief the cause of death. (2) B may sign the certificate of cause of death under Article 25(2). (3) B is subject to the other duties applicable to a person who has signed such a certificate. (4) A is not subject to any duties in relation to such a certificate. 24 (1)

This paragraph applies if—
(a) a person dies as a result of any natural illness,
(b) the person was not treated by a registered medical practitioner within 28 days prior to the date of the person’s death, and
(c) a registered medical practitioner (“C”) can state to the best of C’s knowledge and belief the cause of death. (2) C may sign the certificate of cause of death under Article 25(2). (3) C is subject to the other duties applicable to a person who has signed such a certificate. 25 Where B or C proposes to sign a certificate under Article 25(2) in reliance on paragraph 23 or 24, Form 12 has effect as if— (a) the two lines beginning with “Date on which was last seen alive and treated by me” were omitted,

Notice how responsibility for reporting accurately on a cause of death has slipped from ‘person A’ (a doctor who attended the patient prior to that patient’s death) to persons “B” and even “C”. This is a mechanism that allows doctors to shrug their shoulders and evade taking responsibility for statements about the deaths of patients they have treated and for the manipulation of statistical attributions appointed to those deaths. These pages are a liar’s charter.


It is clear from this government document (search using above link) that no second opinion (or even first opinion [given by person “A” above]) is required when attributing cause during this COVID-19 crisis. No autopsy required to establish cause of death. No. Nothing.



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