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APPALLING! – Loss of Sight, Brain Damage & Death – Adverse Reaction rate to Covid Vaccines increases to 1 in 200!

The UK Government have released a fourth update highlighting adverse reactions to both the Pfizer and Oxford / Astrazeneca vaccines that have occurred since the rollout began on the 8th December and things have got much worse.

The report has collated data inputted up to the 14th February 2021 via the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme and shows that the Oxford jab has now overtaken the Pfizer jab for reported adverse effects, even though there have been more doses of the Pfizer jab administered.

As of the 14th February there have been 8.3 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine administered with the Oxford/Astrazeneca vaccine over 1 million doses administered behind with just 6.9 million doses administered.

But the Oxford Jab has received 33,427 Yellow Card reports whilst the Pfizer Jab has received 26,823. And in the week since the 3rd UK Gov./MHRA report was released which included data inputted up to the 7th February there has been an increase of 2,616 Yellow Card reports for the Pfizer vaccine and a whopping 10,999 reports for the Oxford vaccine, but each report can include several different adverse reactions to the jabs.

The Government’s own summary (which you can read here) states that ‘usage of the Astrazeneca (Oxford) vaccine has increased rapidly and as such, so has reporting of fatal events.’

They’re not wrong as the data now shows a total of 197 reports of adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab resulting in death and 205 reports of adverse reactions to the Oxford jab resulting in death, even though the Pfizer jab has been administered to over 1 million more people.

In the first released report, which included reports of adverse reactions to the Covid vaccines up to the 24th January 2021, the Government confirmed a rate of 1 in every 333 people suffering from an adverse reaction to the Covid vaccines. Sadly this rate has now increased to 1 in every 200 people suffering from an adverse reaction to either the Pfizer or Oxford Jab.

At the current rate if every man, woman and child was to receive just a single dose of a Covid vaccine, as is the authorities plan, there could be a total of 335,000 people suffering a serious adverse reaction. The worrying thing about this is that the rate has increased over time and still may increase further.

When compared to an alleged total of 120,000 “Covid” deaths occurring in the UK does it seem worth it? We think not as we’ve proven the Covid deaths have been greatly overstated – you can see the evidence herehere and here.

As many will know, but very many who blindly take the vaccine without thought will not, the Pfizer jab is MRNA Technology and it is the first time it has ever been authorised for use in humans, and even now it has only been authorised for emergency use – meaning the manufacturer is not liable for any injury that may result from the vaccine being administered.

But we imagine a lot of people will be thinking that the Oxford jab is safe and effective as it uses the same methods as previous vaccines, such as the flu shot? Well you’re wrong.

The oxford jab is also a new method of “vaccine” known as a ‘viral vectored vaccine’. The genetic information inside a viral vectored vaccine like ChAdOx1 is DNA rather than RNA. This DNA is a short linear piece of double stranded DNA which contains the viral genes along with the gene for the spike protein. The viral vector first infects the cell and then delivers this DNA to the cell nucleus. The cell can then translate the viral genes (DNA) into mRNA using the same RNA polymerase it uses for our own genes. After translation, the mRNA gets tagged so it can leave the nucleus and be made into spike protein by the cell machinery.

So if you thought the oxford jab wasn’t also using mRNA technology then you were mistaken.

Armed with the knowledge that the Oxford vaccine is now statistically proving to be more dangerous than the Pfizer vaccine we decided to take a look at some of the reported adverse reactions to the Oxford jab as of the 14th February 2021, and this is what we found…

The Yellow Card Scheme has so far received 18 reports of people going completely deaf, 17 reports of hypoacusis which is partial loss of hearing, and 5 reports of sudden hearing loss straight after vaccination. Does that sound like a safe and effective treatment to you?

The Oxford jab has also caused 134 people to suffer from blurred vision, 50 people to suffer from visual impairment and a further 16 people to lose their sight completely, with one report of instant visual loss at the point of administration of the jab.

That means that within just two weeks the number of people going blind has doubled and the number of people suffering from visual impairment has tripled. The number of reported eye disorders has also nearly tripled increasing from 456 reports as of the 31st January to 1157 reports as of the 14th February. None of these resulted in deaths, But is this a fate worse than death when these people have not seen their grandchildren for nearly a year and will now never see their faces again thanks to an experimental vaccine?

Administration of the Oxford jab has resulted in a total of 2306 cases of vomiting being reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme, with 2 of these cases sadly resulting in death. Would we be seeing this if Ivermectin was being used as a treatment instead? Ivermectin treatment isn’t going to line the pockets of MP’s and SAGE advisors though is it? As they are all heavily invested in the Vaccine industry as we revealed in our report which you can see here.

The Oxford jab has also resulted in 734 people suffering from Asthenia and 1996 people suffering from Malaise. The former has sadly resulted in 3 deaths, whilst the latter has sadly resulted in 2 deaths. Asthenia is an abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy. Whilst Malaise is a general feeling of discomfort and illness where the exact cause is difficult to identify. It can’t be that difficult as the cause has been the Oxford vaccine.

There have also been 505 reported cases of chest pain with 1 report of this resulting in death.

Next we come to cases of nervous system disorders which have been reported to the MHRA Yellow Card Scheme as adverse reactions to the Oxford vaccine. As of the 14th February 2021 there have been a total of 25,251 reports of nervous system disorders due to administration of the Oxford/Astrazeneca jab, with 14 of these sadly resulting in death.

Of the 25,251 there has been a total of 5 reported cases of Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition that can affect the brain and spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation or balance. Multiple sclerosis cannot be cured, but medicines and other treatments can help ease some of the symptoms.

The Oxford jab has also caused 137 people to go into seizure, which has resulted in 1 person sadly dying.

Thirty-two cases of cerebrovascular accidents due to the Oxford jab have also been reported, with 6 of these sadly resulting in death.

A cerebrovascular accident is the sudden death of some brain cells due to lack of oxygen when the blood flow to the brain is impaired by blockage or rupture of an artery to the brain.

Finally we come to deaths due to the Oxford jab. There has been 1 reported case of cardiac death reported thus far, 111 cases of death reported thus far and 8 reported cases of sudden death. That’s 8 people who have died at the point the Oxford vaccine was administered.

All in all there have been 31,427 Yellow Card reports of adverse reactions to the Oxford jab, a total of 114,625 actual adverse reactions to the Oxford jab and sadly a total of 205 deaths as a result of receiving the Oxford jab. The scary thing about this is that experts think around only 1% of actual adverse reactions are reported to the Yellow Card Scheme.

Does the Oxford vaccine sound like a safe and effective treatment to you?

Will you be having the jab? – please comment below.


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