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Historic Portuguese Appeals Court ruling on PCR test

by Jon Rappoport
I’m continuing my series exposing the COVID test fraud.
On November 11, 2020—and ignored completely by major media in the US and other countries—the Lisbon, Portugal, Court of Appeal ruled against lockdowns, because they were based on unreliable PCR tests.
The ruling was historic.
The off-guardian covered the story: “Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests ‘Unreliable’ & Quarantines ‘Unlawful’; Important legal decision faces total media blackout in Western world”
“Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.”
“In their ruling, judges Margarida Ramos de Almeida and Ana Paramés referred to several scientific studies. Most notably [a study by Jaafar et al], which found that – when running PCR tests with 35 cycles or more – the accuracy dropped to 3%, meaning up to 97% of positive results could be false positives.”
“The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable. Governments and private labs have been very tight-lipped about the exact number of cycles they run when PCR testing, but it is known to sometimes be as high as 45. Even fearmonger-in-chief Anthony Fauci has publicly stated anything over 35 is totally unusable.”
The Court was declaring the PCR test alone could not be sufficient for a diagnosis of disease, and it was outrageous to believe it could.
A “case of COVID disease” without a medical assessment of clinical symptoms in the patient is no case at all. It is a misnomer, and, the Court stated, represents a serious breach of the law.
I have explained the issue of “cycles” before. Each cycle is a quantum leap in magnification of the test sample swabbed from the patient. When 35 or more cycles are deployed (some reports say 25), the result of the test is meaningless.
However, many, many labs use 40 or even 45 cycles.
At more than 35 cycles, the test yields an overwhelming percentage of false-positives.
This Portuguese Court of Appeal is surely the best “COVID-educated” judicial body in the world.
In prior articles on the PCR, I’ve exposed a triangle of factors that surrounds COVID testing in the US.
One: Anthony Fauci readily asserts that running the test at 35 cycles or higher yields useless and meaningless results.
Two: However, the FDA and the CDC recommend performing the test at up to 40 cycles. Therefore, US labs will comply—turning out millions of tests that are useless, BUT WHICH FALSELY STATE THE PATIENT IS INFECTED.
Three: And the NY Times reports that labs in the US never reveal, to doctor or patient, how many cycles they are deploying.
That’s a recipe for cooking up a false pandemic.
(The link to this article posted on my blog is here — with sources.)
(Follow me on Gab at @jonrappoport)
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Jon Rappoport
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