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A Cry for Help, A Cry to RESIST from Israel – NEVER AGAIN? [VIDEO]

ER Editor: As a reminder of the globalist, fascist insanity we are dealing with over some relatively harmless virus, here is the World Economic Forum tweeting on this very same topic:

On Bitchute, we found this video but couldn’t access it from France:

We are surprised the video below is still up on Youtube. Here are some main points the speaker makes, but a summary cannot capture this man’s emotional appeal:

  • He’s making his appeal after midnight outside on his smartphone.
  • Israel is the leader in the ‘global demonic deception – can you believe it?’ ‘This is a red alert.’ ‘It’s important to share this message … it’s wicked, it’s demonic, it’s oppressive.’
  • There’s a saying in Israel that goes “Never Again”. Never again will the Jewish people be killed. That’s supposedly what this nation is founded upon – independence, democracy, religious freedom, freedom of individuals … Israel has just passed the Green Passport system, which is a program that only allows the vaccinated to participate in society, to be able to go to restaurants, malls, sporting events, &etc. If you do not submit to this agenda, if you choose to opt out of this experimental program, you are considered a second class citizen in Israel.
  • Where are the international human rights courts on this? Where are the lawsuits? Where is the outrage? Are we living in the twilight zone? And people are actually cheering on this demonic wicked agenda. This is exactly how the Holocaust started – with discrimination, with ‘essential’ and ‘non-essential’ businesses. Now, it’s not about Jew or Arab – it’s about who will take the vaccination. If you don’t, you’re wicked, evil and second class. This is from the pit of hell. You don’t have to believe in God to know this is wrong. What has happened to people, to this society?

  • They’re not letting people fly out of the country; they’re literally threatening – even from high level government officials – to go to people’s houses and release the names of people who refuse to be vaccinated.
  • It is time to raise a righteous war cry. It’s happening right here in Israel!
  • We need your prayers. People are being challenged all over the world of course with similar types of things.
  • If people with authority to act don’t, then we’re in trouble. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? We need to stand up for what’s right, for what’s true. We are destined to repeat history. People are so afraid to be labelled or censored; instead, we need to answer to God. We need to stand up for what is right and what is righteous.
  • If this succeeds here, it’s coming to your town. Care and Share this video.

  • We must rise up and resist, and call it out for what it is.


Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com

A Cry for Help, A Cry to RESIST from Israel – NEVER AGAIN? [VIDEO]

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2 Responses to “A Cry for Help, A Cry to RESIST from Israel – NEVER AGAIN? [VIDEO]”

  1. Occams says:

    Interesting. Now….what about Palestine? What about THEIR Rights, religion, democracy, freedom?

    My definition of ‘founding a nation’ doesn’t include the manufactured theft of another’s country, then subverting, enslaving, and killing the host of that stolen country that mistakenly welcomed you with open arms.

    So yes, the murder of millions of innocent people IS taking place, RIGHT NOW – by Israel’s hand; Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran – and the US – where you killed people on the USS Liberty, then conceived 9/11to get your proxy-army – the US – to go fight for you.

  2. ROTH says:

    My thoughts exactly. Religious freedom? I don’t think so.

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