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This won’t end until we all say it does…

There are close to 8 billion people in this world, yet the majority of those acquiesce to the spoken word and decisions of a tiny few. Most likely due to the fact the majority are indoctrinated into a system that conditions them to obey ‘authority’ without question. Indoctrinated and conditioned from a very young age to only know what the authorities want you to know, and to do exactly what the authorities want you to do, and all of this without question. We have entered a world where free thought and questioning of an official narrative is labelled as crazy, conspiracy theory, dangerous. But the actual danger is the lack of free thought and ability to question.

7 ways to stamp your authority in the classroom - Impact Teachers
“Please allow me to talk Miss.”

Here’s a simple explanation as to why everything you thought you knew to be correct and true, might not actually be so.

From a very young age you are sent to school to be educated. An education system which is dictated by the state on what it is you are to learn and be educated with. This is your first source of information.

Your second source of information is what you can read in a newspaper or hear and see on the radio or TV via the mainstream news channels.

Your third source of information is from other people, such as friends or your parents. But here in lies the problem.

Your parents from a very young age, were sent to school to be educated. In an education system that was dictated by the state on what is was they learned and were educated with. This was their first source of information. Their second source of information was what they read in a newspaper or listened to on the radio or saw on the TV via the mainstream news channels. Their third source of information was from other people, such as friends or their parents. Do you see where this is going?

Generation after generation has been exposed to information that has been dictated by ‘the state’ within schools or via mainstream news which has always been owned by the same few oligarchs, who are in essence ‘the state’ when you follow the money trail.

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Now of course there are other sources of information, there are books, and there are people’s free thoughts. However to the majority unless this information is approved by ‘the state’ it is viewed as nonsense, disregarded as fact, left to rot in history.

So hopefully the above explanation has justified to you why everything you thought you knew, may not actually be correct and true.

Which leads us to today. The majority have acquiesced to ‘the state’ taking away our rights and freedoms. In the UK, the British people were conned into giving up their rights and freedoms by this one line – “We need three weeks to flatten the curve.” Now to the majority that may have sounded pretty reasonable, we were entering a realm of the unknown and could only form judgements based on the information we had been given. That information was reports of people collapsing in the streets in Wuhan, and news footage of overwhelmed hospitals in the Lombardy region of Italy with people struggling to breathe. The supposed cause of this had now come to our shores, so we had to act.

But somehow three weeks turned into fourteen weeks. Fourteen weeks of no fun and isolation from friends and loved ones. Fourteen weeks of not working for many. But how exactly have we let fourteen weeks turn into a year?

See after fourteen weeks we had something we didn’t have at the start of this, and after almost a year we have even more. Data.

Data which contradicts what we were told at the beginning. For instance did you know that the Wuhan and Lombardy region of Italy are near the top of the league in the world for air pollution? There has always been a problem with respiratory illness in these areas.

Have you seen anyone collapsing in the street due to “Covid-19”? No? So what were these reports of this happening in Wuhan all about.

Has the NHS been overwhelmed? Data shows that it has been far from it. In the first UK lockdown the total number of beds occupied was only 62%, compared to 90% in the previous three years. The number of people attending A&E dropped to 916,581 in April, down from over 2 million in the previous year. Yet we were told to stay at home and protect the NHS. From what? (You can see our full analysis of NHS data here)

Did you know the daily death figures were originally counted by using anybody who died within 45 days of a positive test for the Sars-COV-2 virus? Were then reduced to 28 days at the end of the first lockdown and have now been changed to 60 days at the start of Lockdown 3? This means if someone dies in a car accident, and they were to have had a positive test result within the 60 days before that then they are added to the Covid-19 death statistics. This fact alone should be enough to raise a lot of questions in anyone’s mind.

Did you know the test used to detect Sars-COV-2 is a PCR test which is being run at over 40 cycles in the UK. The inventor of the PCR test Kary Mulis said it was possible to find just about anything you wanted to find if you ran the PCR cycle high enough, but that didn’t mean it was actually there. What this means is we are seeing a casedemic of false positives, not a pandemic. (You can find our full explanation and analysis of PCR testing here.)

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We could go on and on, but the point we’re trying to make is that the majority are acquiescing to an authority that is lying to them. An authority which has unleashed a flurry of propaganda to incite fear via radio and TV adverts. Do you know what happens when people are in a state of fear? They lose the ability to have rational thought and go into fight or flight mode.

Lives are being destroyed based on this lie. Lockdowns cause more harm than they do good. The UK is in a situation where 75% of it’s hospitality industry could be wiped out because of the draconian lockdowns. Suicide rates are at an all time high because of the draconian lockdowns. Loneliness and mental health problems have become the real pandemic because of the draconian lockdowns. A draconian lockdown that was here for just three weeks, yet the UK is still under it whether it be in the form of Tiers or national lockdown, almost one year later.

This is madness. Data shows that this virus kills less than 0.2% of those it infects. Why on earth do we need to be in lockdown? We cannot continue with a policy that is killing people, destroying livelihoods, decimating businesses and leaving an economy in ruins of which our children will have to pay to repair.

We need to embrace free thought and scrutiny. The data is now there to ask questions of the official narrative and come to our own conclusions. Snap out of the state of fear the authorities have conned you into.

The minority authority is of course helped by the fact they have conned some of the majority to police their draconian policies for them. There are now neighbours snitching on neighbours to the police if they leave the house more than once a day. Anyone who refuses to conform to the terrible science policy of wearing a face mask is left feeling like ‘a leper’ when they are surrounded by those who wear them just because of the fear of being fined, and are more often than not lambasted by those who are so entrenched in the state of fear the authorities have set upon them.

But like we said at the beginning, there are almost 8 billion people in this world, yet the majority acquiesce to the spoken word and decisions of a tiny few. The authorities are outnumbered. They are the 1% and we are the 99%. If we just stopped falling for the trap the 1% set for the 99% to divide and conquer us we could end this tomorrow. All we have to do is say “NO!”.

They needed “three weeks to flatten the curve.” Yet we have given them almost a year. Are you going to give them another year? This won’t end until we all say it does. What will you tell your Grandchildren when they ask what you did in the ‘War on our Freedom’?


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3 Responses to “This won’t end until we all say it does…”

  1. Tapestry says:

    I can’t get in to post. I’ll try using comments. Never Surrender to the New Normal.
    I’d like you to ponder some portions from O’Neill’s article, in which he warns us about the threat posed by the culture of fear itself, which is just as dangerous and damaging as any virus:8

    “[Spiked] argued that Covid-19 … would be refracted through the culture of fear, potentially harming our ability to understand and deal with this novel danger. This has come to pass. The shift from paying lip service to social solidarity to encouraging the populace to think of itself as diseased represents a victory for the degraded view of humanity gifted to us by the culture of fear.

    The government’s early move from encouraging people to take responsibility for limiting their social interactions to using older methods of terror to ensure compliance with lockdown measures confirmed the culture of fear’s reduction of people from citizens to be engaged with to problems to be managed.

    The failure to sustain the education of the next generation spoke to the exhaustion of bourgeois confidence, of the state itself, that underpins the culture of fear.

    And the current threat of a New Normal — of a forever post-pandemic dystopia of distanced, masked pseudo-interaction — demonstrates that our future will be shaped at least in part by the ideologies and forces of the culture of fear …

    Yes, the New Normal being talked up by the political and cultural elites will partially be informed by the experience of Covid-19 and the necessity of being prepared for a future virus. But it will also be shaped by … the culture of fear and its attendant anti-human, anti-progress ideologies …

    Soon the practical task of minimizing and managing the impact of Covid-19 will have been largely completed, leaving us with the far larger humanist task of combating this culture and making the case for a freer, more dynamic, dazzling future of growth, knowledge and engagement.

    Those who underestimate the culture of fear will be ill-prepared for these future battles. They will have a tendency to surrender to the New Normal. The rest of us should stand firm, even in the face of smears and willful misrepresentations, and continue to recognize and confront the real and debilitating consequences that fear has on everyday life and on humanity’s future.”

    • richarda says:

      The vaccine will divide society, perhaps irretreivably.
      I think we have to accept that and move on.

      • ian says:

        Hi richarda, if Mikovits, Tenpenny, RFKjnr, Madej, etc are correct, it won’t divide us for long, as it would seem that for a good many, the next Covid infection, or whatever has been used as a trigger, will kill them.

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