A Complaint to the General Medical Council
Sat 10:27 am +01:00, 20 Feb 2021Earlier this year, Saga introduced the requirement that all guests on its cruises must be vaccinated against COVID-19. This rule prevents keen cruisers and retired general dental practitioners Dr Graeme Munro-Hall and Dr Lilian Munro-Hall from taking part in Saga cruises – a clear case of discrimination, according to them. The pair are seeking to challenge this and have written to the General Medical Council urging it to take action. We’re publishing an original essay by them today in which they explain their thinking. Here are the opening paragraphs:
We are retired general dental practitioners and former registrants of the GDC, Dr Graeme Munro-Hall (GDC 45121) and Dr Lilian Munro-Hall (82913). As avid cruisers and potential guests of Saga cruises, we have written to Saga Cruises about their mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy for their guests. No reply has been received yet. We, who have declined these vaccines, are being discriminated against by Saga Cruises on the basis of not wanting to participate in a particular form of experimental medical treatment. The FDA describes these vaccines as “Investigational” and “experimental”.
Extracts of the letter are below.
We are seeking advice as to whether it will be an appropriate course of action to request that the General Medical Council take action against Saga Cruises, and specifically Nigel Blanks, the Chief Executive Officer of Saga Cruises, for, in effect, practicing medicine without a licence while being unqualified and unregistered to do so thereby potentially endangering the health and wellbeing of UK citizens.
The General Medical Council must take steps to instruct Saga Cruises and Nigel Blanks to cease and desist immediately from the Practice of Medicine.
We feel this is putting undue pressure on people to undergo an experimental medical treatment.
The Nuremberg Convention in article 1 states that:
any person involved in (medical treatment) must be able to exercise free power of choice and voluntary consent is absolutely essential and that this must be given without any element of duress. Experimental medical treatment requires that the subject know the nature, duration, purpose of the experiment, the method and means by which it is to be conducted, all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected and the effects upon health or person which may possibly come from participation in the experiment.
On January 20th this year, Nigel Blanks, Chief Executive Officer for Saga Cruises, published a statement in which he, on behalf of Saga Cruises, announced the introduction of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination on all guests wishing to partake in a Saga Cruise.
This was followed by an extensive media advertising campaign announcing that all guests must be vaccinated against COVID-19 in order to travel with Saga Cruises.
This goes against the recommendations with regard to mandatory vaccination of:
The UK Government
The Council of EuropeIt also involves:
Unquantifiable health risks by putting undue pressure on some people to participate in the largest medical experiment in human history;
Breaches of human rights and the tenets of Informed Consent and is a violation of article one of the Nuremberg Code;
Discrimination on philosophical, religious, medical and age grounds;What Saga Cruises are doing is practising medicine.
Worth reading in full.
Stop Press: A column by Richard Littlejohn in yesterdays Daily Mail made the case as for no jab, no job and was a disappointing read:
Our boiler went on the blink this week. Frankly, who would you want to come and repair it – someone who’s had the vaccine or Typhoid Mary’s spotty kid brother, runny nose in full flow?