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“Mask Mouth” – Dentists Warn Gum Disease and Tooth Decay Have Increased 50% Since Mask Mandates Began

In light of national and global mandates to wear masks indoors, dentists have discovered that patients returning for check-ups are experiencing a 50% increase in both gum disease and tooth decay.

Dentists have termed the condition “mask mouth” after the notorious “meth mouth” that tends to plague methamphetamine users. It is even affecting those who have never had issues before and is believed to be caused by a buildup of bacteria in a dry environment rich in Co2 and low in oxygen.

“We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before,” says Dr. Rob Raimondi, co-owner of One Manhattan Dental in New York City.

Raimondi’s dental partner Dr. Marc Scalfani warns that increased mask wearing is not only causing deterioration of the gums and teeth, but that it “will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks” down the line.

“The mouth breathing is causing the dry mouth, which leads to a decrease in saliva — and saliva is what fights the bacteria and cleanses your teeth. Saliva is also what neutralizes acid in the mouth and helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease.” – Dr. Marc Sclafani [SOURCE]

Doctors have been warning for months that wearing a mask can exacerbate existing respiratory conditions like asthma, but now it appears that the damage extends not only to the lungs, but the mouth as well.

“Patients are coming into us like, ‘Wow, my breath smells, I need a cleaning,’” says Dr. Sclafini. “When you smell the bad breath, you either already have periodontal disease or you have a lot of bacteria that’s sitting on your tongue because of dry mouth”

For this reason, Sclafini recommends that those who must wear masks drink a lot of water, brush their teeth regularly, and avoid breathing through the mouth while wearing one, at the very least, to avoid further complications.

As hundreds of doctors have gone on the record denouncing the draconian measures being taken by governments around the world to curb coronavirus infections as ‘disproportionate’ to the problem, it is becoming clear that forcing individuals to close down their businesses, isolate themselves, and wear masks wherever they go causes damage as well, and is in fact costing lives.

Lockdowns and mask mandates have not only caused a spike in suicide rates and drug abuse, but an increase in gum disease means an inevitable increase of strokes and heart attacks, causing fatalities which never would have occurred if not for mandated mask-wearing.

Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) show that only 6% of coronavirus deaths are attributed to Covid-19 alone, while the other 94% have been associated with an average of 2.6 comorbidities, adding to the idea that isolating healthy people instead of the sick and vulnerable may only be adding to the problem.

After conducting a review on the effectiveness of surgical masks, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) concluded that “no evidence was found to support the use of surgical face masks to reduce the frequency of surgical site infections” and “no evidence was found on the effectiveness of wearing surgical face masks to protect staff from infectious material in the operating room.”

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that we actually forego dental work until we understand more about the virus or until more equipment is available to protect health care workers from aerosols.

“The likelihood of COVID-19 being transmitted through aerosol, micro-particles or airborne particles … today I think is unknown, it’s open to question at least. This means that more research is needed.” – Benoit Varenne, WHO dental officer [SOURCE]

Even the World Health Organization admits in a report from June 5th that science regarding the current large-scale use of masks is lacking.

“At the present time, the widespread use of masks by healthy people in the community setting is not yet supported by high quality or direct scientific evidence and there are potential benefits and harms to consider.” – WHO, Interim Guidance, p.6

Perhaps it is time we have a conversation about the effectiveness of individuals to make their own decisions to fight the pandemic, rather than blanket mandates from governors and bureaucrats which appear to be causing us harm.

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One Response to ““Mask Mouth” – Dentists Warn Gum Disease and Tooth Decay Have Increased 50% Since Mask Mandates Began”

  1. ian says:

    NHS dentists haven’t really worked since mask wearing was ordained, so no surprise there.

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