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The canaries in the COVAIDS vaccine coalmine.

When twelve people died and 51 were infected in a COVID–19 outbreak at West Park Care Home in Fife in Scotland, STV news reported that this followed the residents’ inoculation with the COVID–19 vaccine. NHS Fife’s director of public health, Dona Milne, spoke about the significant strides they had made in the county to protect the most vulnerable with their completion of the first round of vaccinations in care homes.

Yet other media reports of the same cluster of COVID–19 deaths in the same care home made no mention of the vaccinations. They reported full lockdowns, emergency situations and alarming COVID–19 death tolls. They spoke to NHS teams and local public health officials — but omitted to report that all of the deceased had almost certainly been vaccinated.

How did they know the correlation was irrelevant? Why didn’t they think it was in the public interest to report this?

On both sides of the Atlantic, the mainstream media are extremely reticent about even hinting at any criticism of vaccines. In order to encourage black and minority ethnic communities in the U.S. to take the vaccination, ABC News reported Baseball legend Hank Aaron’s vaccination. When he sadly passed away two weeks later, the mainstream media eulogies forgot to mention his much-publicised promotion of COVID–19 vaccination. The original story from ABC News was then removed from their archives.

Consequently, we would be foolish if we didn’t consider what other crucial facts may have been omitted from reports of sudden fatal outbreaks in UK care homes. Are the claims that these occurred before vaccination programmes were underway credible?

On 19 January 2021, the Guardian reported a significant cluster of deaths in a Lincolnshire care home. They stated that 18 of 27 residents at The Old Hall Care Home died in the run-up to Christmas. They noted that “the deaths were so sudden [that] staff did not have the chance to administer end-of-life treatment or arrange for loved ones to say goodbye.”

Four days earlier, on 15 January, a BBC report of the same deaths stated that the Old Hall residents were anticipating receiving the life-saving vaccine. The Guardian made no mention of vaccination and the BBC were keen to stress that none of the decedents had been vaccinated. It seems there was no correlation in this case. However, the mainstream media’s frequent expediency with the truth, especially when it comes to vaccines, prompts doubt.

The NHS reported that Lincolnshire was one of the first counties in the UK to commence the vaccine rollout. It was an early adopter, with its programme starting on 8 December 2020, the same day that Margaret Keenan received her vaccine. If the Old Hall residents had not been vaccinated, it seems they were among the unlucky few.

Death on the Rock

The British overseas territory of Gibraltar provides a study in microcosm. Government of Gibraltar COVID–19 statistics show that their first case was recorded on 18 March 2020, with the first death occurring on 1 November. Total deaths had risen to six by 22 December, when the new B.1.1.7 variant was first identified. Between 22 December and 10 January, the new variant accounted for a further six deaths, bringing the total to 12.

Gibraltar started its vaccine rollout on 10 January 2021. By 30 January 2021, COVID–19 mortality on the Rock had risen to 75. This constituted a 525% increase in the death rate over a twenty-day period, following nearly ten months of prior infections carrying off a handful. This order-of-magnitude increase corresponded precisely with the vaccine rollout.

Gibraltar Mortality Statistics from virusncov.comGibraltar Mortality Statistics from virusncov.com

Speaking on 29 January, with the death count standing at 73, the Chief Minister of Gibraltar gave a press conference. Having expressed his sorrow, and mourning “the highest toll in lives arising from one cause” in Gibraltar’s history, the Chief Minister encouraged the press to see this catastrophe in context. He then informed the press:

In Gibraltar we have now finalised the first dose inoculation of the four most at risk cohorts and the frontline … We are now starting to provide the second dose to our four priority categories … We will tomorrow receive a further delivery of the Pfizer vaccine for this purpose, once again on the wings of the RAF angels.

The Fact-Checkers were quick to deny any link to the vaccines. They cited a statement from the Government of Gibraltar, which claimed only six vaccinated individuals died. This claim was not a fact.

The Chief Minister said their vaccination programme followed the JCVI priority. In just nineteen days, they had finalised the first dose inoculation of the four most at risk cohorts. That means every Gibraltarian over the age of 70 and those at high clinical risk were vaccinated.

Report after report in the local media described how the Elderly Residential Service was destroyed by the deaths that began mounting rapidly on 10 January. As just one example, on 17 January, with 13 dying in two days, the Gibraltar Chronicle reported:

All but three of those who died this weekend were in the care of the Elderly Residential Services. The youngest in their early 70s, the eldest in their late 90s. All were recorded as being deaths from Covid19.

Speaking on 26 January, Chief Minister Fabian Picardo said:

These Gibraltarians who are sadly losing their lives to this virus are the same people who have survived the evacuation.

The evacuation of Gibraltar took place in the summer of 1940.

The next day, Fabien Picardo claimed that just six of the 61 people who died in the 19-day period between the start of the vaccine rollout and his wholly unbelievable statement had been vaccinated. This despite the fact that a total of twelve Gibraltarians had died of COVID–19 in the previous ten months.

The Fact-Checkers checked nothing, researched nothing, and simply used Picardo’s spurious assertions to defend the vaccine rollout. In doing so, like the MHRA, they genuinely exhibited a callous disregard both for the truth and the lives lost. They weren’t in the least bit interested.

It is possible, if unlikely, that the marked and rapid increase in mortality seen in COVID–19 affected communities around the world may be explained by new variants. But it appears, wherever you look, that a dramatic mortality increase correlates with COVID–19 vaccination programmes.

The numerous anomalies and contradictions suggest we aren’t being given the full story. If vaccine adverse reactions were expected, where are they?

Correlation does not prove causation — but ignoring correlation signifies denial. We should not be afraid to ask a perfectly legitimate question:

Why is there a correlation between the vaccine rollout and increased COVID–19 mortality?

from www.ukcolumn.org

[You can read more of Iain’s work at In This Together]

TAP.  Fauci says that 75% of the world human population should be vaccinated with COVAIDS.  It kills older people fairly quickly, it would appear.  What will happen to the younger recipients?  Professor Cahill thinks up to 50% could die as their immune system deteriorates.  The HPBAIDS vaccine killed 100% of recipients.  The same people behind HPBAIDS, which killed 120 million Africans alone,  are behind COVAIDS.  Large numbers of deaths seem to be the objective of this latest attack of stealth medical warfare.

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