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I’m accepting Robin Tilbrook’s golden offer

England is under attack, !

Time to Defend our Heritage

Become a Gold Member of England’s Fastest Growing Party!

I am delighted to inform you of a very special invitation now open to you: the English Democrats ‘Gold Membership’ offer.

TAP – I signed up for Gold Party membership today.  After interviewing Robin Tilbrook recently for Tap News and taking legal advice from him on more than one occasion about how the lockdown affects our industry, I feel he should be backed in all his efforts to save our country from all the various forms of attack that we are under.  Forget mainstream political parties.  Forget Farage and Brexit, Reform and so on.  Brexit will be nothing without the English legal system being saved (also Scottish but that’s not to be of our concern).  Robin, I’m coming on board.  I hope others who read Tap News follow my example.  I know others already send donations to your campaigns.   Our own government has no respect for law and order.  We must fight to hold onto the civilisation we have inherited from the past, or lose it.

As a former donor to the party, you can qualify as I understand it, so make a donation first if you are interested, or apply for membership, or both.  Gold membership is by invitation – if you are adding to the party’s campaigns in some way and are showing the qualities the party requires.)

Golden Opportunity

This token of my appreciation is being extended to a carefully selected group of English citizens, stalwart Englishmen like you, and I would like to be the first to personally congratulate you for being among that specially chosen group of people.

Please give this ‘Golden’ opportunity your careful consideration. The reason is simple. We need people like you!

We need patriotic people from all walks of life, people who are not afraid to stand up for this country and our English heritage. We need people who are proud to honour the memory of all those brave men and women who, down through the turbulent centuries, have given their lives so we could live free.

The English Democrats now has an important, indeed crucial, role to play in the future of the English nation. First, we want our country back! We are fed up with being treated as second-class citizens in our own country and we are sick and tired of the undermining and rejection of all things that are English. Even our brave young soldiers, heroes all, cannot have a homecoming parade without being spat at on our streets by fanatics or Marxist traitors.

Well, I am sick of it, and believe me, a politically strong English Democrats will put a stop to these outrages especially the hounding of ‘Soldier F’ indeed Soldiers A to Z!

You can help build a strong English Democrats by accepting my personal invitation to become a ‘Gold Member…today!

Despite the tremendous progress we have made this year, we are still not strong enough yet to make a full assault on the corridors of power at Westminster, but soon we will be. You see, at this critical, early stage in our rise to prominence, it is more important than ever for friends, patriots and members like you to demonstrate your support. The more Gold Members we have, the stronger our voices will be in defence of all we hold dear.

By accepting my invitation to sign up for our Exclusive Gold Membership offer, you will be providing the strength and security the party needs to go forward to the next level in English politics in defence of this land and our people.

We have set the fee for Gold Membership at £195but if you respond to this written invitation right away, you can take advantage of this offer for the Special Invitation price of £100! This includes a Free black tie Dinner once a year with the Chairman!!  This massive reduction and Free Formal Dinner is a token of my deep appreciation for your loyalty and your work for the party and our way of saying:- “Thank You!”

But there is more good news for you. If you accept my invitation today — you’ll receive all the valuable benefits only available to Gold members, free!

  • Free Exclusive Black-Tie Dinner with the Chairman every year at a prestigious venue.
  • Free Exclusive GOLD MEMBER ‘St George Sovereign Medal’ in a presentation box.
  • Free Exclusive GOLD MEMBER Pin Badge to wear with pride and dignity.
  • Free Exclusive GOLD MEMBERSHIP Card with Key fob
  • Free Complimentary ‘Annual Party Reports’
  • Free Complimentary copies of the Party’s Magazine, for your friends.

This really is my way of saying Thank You so please take me up on this great offer!

In addition to this incredible price and range of benefits, as a Gold Member, you have the knowledge that you are supporting our party as we work towards building a secure future for our loved ones and nation. Isn’t it time we won back some ‘lost ground’?

Please take a moment now, while my invitation is before you, to confirm acceptance of my offer of gold membership. Your gold membership card will be mailed to you once we receive your payment instructions.

Simply by becoming a gold member Henry, you will be facilitating the hopes, prayers and aspirations of every true English man and English woman. It’s an honour and privilege which I sincerely hope that you will accept.

I look forward to welcoming you as a gold member of the English Democrats.


Yours sincerely

Robin Tilbrook

Party Chairman


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