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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Jan. 21, 202

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 21 Jan. 2021

Compiled Thurs. 21 Jan. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

Trump Made An Agreement:

“We Told You What’s Coming”

Les Miserables: Do you hear the people sing? by 17 Jean Valjeans from around the world: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpDbvlAI_A0

Judy Note: Highlights of the below information:

On Wed. 20 Jan. our Military Intel Contact said that by Sun 24 Jan things should become clearer. The illegal presidency of pedo-Sat*anist Joe B*iden should begin to be disclosed, along with the disclosure of the crimes of many other traitors / criminals in DC.

Charlie Ward received a video of the complete B*iden Inauguration at 7 am Spain time Wed. 20 Jan. (1:00 am EST). The ceremony was pre-recorded. The TV stations put it out as live, but it wasn’t.

Juan O’Savin (JFK Jr.) said that last Saturday Trump had transitioned to the Military with Gen. Mike Flynn leading to mop up the Swamp for awhile. Trump would be back as part of the 1776 Constitution, or Patriot Party. That election would be held in March 2021.

On Tues. 19 Jan. many media stations were told to anticipate a public declaration of Martial Law any time over the next five days (from now through Sun. 24 Jan.).

As of 12:01 am EST Wed. 20 Jan. the Military began making Mass Arrests.

The Emergency Broadcast System would take over all US TV networks some time from Tues. midnight EST 19 Jan. on. When that would actually happen was the decision of head of the military General Flynn and dependent upon the different network’s cooperation in truthfully broadcasting events of the day.

After the EBS took over the Military would produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours. That programming would begin with Trump saying, “The Storm is Upon us.” He would give out seven more messages over the next 72 hours. The networks could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.

Between Wed 20 Jan and Sun 24 Jan. Trump (or the military) may announce over the EBS a suspension of B*iden’s illegal presidency and move to a temporary interim form of govt overseen by the US military.

When the EBS went live liquidity was expected to be released, with us in the Internet Group Tier 4B receiving links to set appointments for our exchanges/ redemption.

On Wed. 20 Jan. our Military Intel Contact said that the Shotgun liquidity release and Tier 4B notification emails would be released any moment from now till Sat 23 Jan.

Restored Republic:

In 1871 the original US Republic Constitution of 1776 was changed so as to pay US Taxpayer monies to private individuals such as the Rothchilds, Rockerfellers and bankers of the US Inc.

Since then until Trump’s presidency in 2016, US taxpayer monies have been sent to the Queen’s City of London, the Vatican Bank and on to Central Banks across the globe. About a month later, the monies returned to the Central Bank of NY, where they charged the US government interest to use it’s own money.

In 2008 the so-called “Mortgage Crisis” occurred. It was actually a bankruptcy of US Inc. because it had used up all it’s gold and was functioning on fiat currency. As a result the BRICS Alliance formed (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). They set the grounds for a Global Currency Reset by evaluating gold and assets of 209 countries around the world.

During the four years of Trump’s presidency and in preparation for that Global Currency Reset and new US Note, US gold and assets were returned from foreign countries, especially trillions in gold from the Vatican Bank, to a new US Treasury in Reno and elsewhere in the US.

On Nov. 2 2020 the US Inc. Bankruptcy was finalized.

On Sat. 16 Jan. as a result of foreign interference in the 2020 Election, POTUS declared the nation in a State of Emergency. He invoked the Insurrection Act that allowed Martial Law – meaning Trump would have to remain as US President until all criminals were arrested. Since then the Military has been in control of the nation, alongside the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

On Tues. 19 Jan. many media stations were told to anticipate a public declaration of Martial Law any time over the next five days (from now through Sun. 24 Jan.).

The Emergency Broadcast System would takeover all US TV networks some time from Tues. midnight EST 19 Jan. on. When that would actually happen was the decision of head of the military General Flynn and dependent upon the different network’s cooperation in truthfully broadcasting events of the day.

After the EBS took over the Military would produce all TV programming for at least the next 72 hours. That programming would begin with Trump saying, “The Storm is Upon us.” He would give out seven more messages over the next 72 hours. The networks could be criminally liable if they didn’t allow the feed to air.

When the EBS went live liquidity was expected to be released, with us in the Internet Group Tier 4B receiving links to set appointments for our exchanges/ redemption.

As of 12:01 am EST Wed. 20 Jan. the Military began making Mass Arrests.

On Wed. 20 Jan. 2021 Trump resigned as the last President of US Inc, while Joe B*iden was inaugurated as president of a bankrupt US Inc.

Juan O Savin said that Trump transitioned to the Military with Gen. Mike Flynn leading to mop up the Swamp for awhile. Trump would be back as part of the 1776 Constitution or Patriot Party.

Between Wed 20 Jan and Sun 24 Jan. Trump (or the military) may announce over the EBS a suspension of B*iden’s illegal presidency and move to a temporary interim form of govt overseen by the US military.

Last Feb. 2020 the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) invaded the US with a C19 Pandemic. In Oct. 2020 the CCP bought the Dominion Voting machines and with the help of the CIA and several other nation’s communist parties, were able to swing Trump votes to B*iden to steal the 2020 Election – all covered up by the CCP paid off Mass Media.

For over forty years B*iden had used his political power to make personal money deals with the CCP, the Ukraine and other communist nations and was now beholden to them.

There were said to be Chinese and Iranian sleeper cells in every state and three dirty nuclear bombs were found near the Capitol building. Right now 25,000 Chinese troops were sitting on the Canadian Border and 75,000 Chinese Troops on the Mexican Border. They were awaiting in ships 100 miles off both the East and West Coasts in international waters. It was the CCP’s long term plan to invade the country after Joe B*iden was sworn in as US President at noon Wed. 20 Jan. US Ships off the West Coast: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=163970

This past week the Military has 60,000 National Guard Troops (who were about to become federalized), 40,000 Law Enforcement and 50,000 Special Forces occupying the District of Columbia, with 28,000 troops sworn in as Marshals to help with Mass Arrests. General Flynn was in charge, along with General Hyten as Chairman of the Pentagon Joint Chief of Staff.

Trump appointed Christopher Miller and Pete Gaynor headed FEMA FEMA tents, FEMA Personal and FEMA vehicles were all over Capitol Hill right now.

On Jan. 27 2021 the US Dollar would revalue into a gold/asset-backed US Treasury Note.

A new election and restored Republic grounded in the original Constitution would be installed by March 2021.

A. Wed. 20 Jan. Letter from Trump to Biden: Simon Parkes was sent this at 5 pm British time. This letter on official White House stationary, was left on the President’s desk for B*iden: https://www.simonparkes.org/post/letter-for-biden

January 20, 2021

Joe, you know I won.

(signed) Donald J. Trump President, United States of America

B. Wed. 20 Jan. Ron Giles: Guys this is the end of B*iden and the D*eep State.

“At first I was disappointed by today’s events and then I realized why the military wanted B*iden sworn in – and Q told us why this HAD to happen. Like many of you, I am shocked by today’s events and then I realized why it had to happen and that Q told us it would happen and why this HAD to happen. Q told us that a SHOCKING EVENT would be necessary. Well, are you guys scared yet?

1.) Q Posts 4821 and 4822, dated October 7, 2020, told us that B*iden would be sworn in and that the countries he took bribes from would then have control of the government. [Important point to which I will return].

2.) B*iden had to fly to Washington, D.C. on a private jet and was not sent a government plan. This was the first time in history that this happened [Again, I will come back to this].

3.) Many of us assumed that when Trump and those in his administration referred to the next administration, it meant the military. We expected him to step down (to remain neutral, as Q said) while all this was going on. Trump said the next administration would take over at noon today

Like many, I thought this was over when B*iden was sworn in as he now became the Commander in Chief. Boy, was I wrong. Because of the fraud (as highlighted), if the military has proof of it, then they have a duty under military code to remove the false government and restore a new legal civilian government under military code 11.3, which was triggered when B*iden was sworn in today (Q # 26: when 11.3 was confirmed as the 1st marker).

There was a fear in the McCarthy era that the Communists would take over our government, so provisions were put in place for the military to protect us should that happen. These provisions allow the military to take control while they remove the belligerent government and restore a legal civilian government (with the military running the elections to do that). Literally, the military was put in place as the last line of defense of the Constitution should an illegal government be installed.

That’s why they didn’t send a government plane for the president-elect – because they know he’s not a legitimate president and once sworn in, the government became illegitimate (by war) and the military is now responsible for restoring legitimate civilian government (otherwise foreign powers will gain control – see #1 above).

Q said the end would not be for everyone. We were told by Trump. Flynn and others that America would soon get a Constitutional lesson. Well folks, effective at noon today when Biden was illegally sworn in with the help of foreign nations, he has just made the government illegitimate and effectively put the military in control.

So, while many, like me, thought it was over when B*iden was sworn in today, I realized that Q was telling us that it has to happen for the military to take control without it being a military coup (Q said everything has to be done by the book).”

C. Wed. 20 Jan. 2021 Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, David Nino Rodriguez, Tina Islam: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BVRCyEOAH5ex/

The District of Columbia was not part of the US and now was considered a foreign entity.

Tribunals would be held at the State Capitol.

Charlie Ward received a video of the complete Biden Inauguration at 7am Spain time Wed. 20 Jan. (1:00 am EST). The ceremony was pre-recorded. The TV stations put it out as live, but it wasn’t.

Remain calm. The Military were in control.

The Military/FEMA heads Pete Gaynor and Christopher Miller were running the US right now.

D. Tues. 20 Jan. from Charlie Ward’s Mel K: “ We are not there yet.. keep the faith guys! It had to be this way. We are watching the most corrupt treasonous sub humans on this planet do their final victory lap taking over the Corporation of the United States that is currently bankrupt and has always been a foreign run and never for We the People. The Republic of the United States, our original Constitution, and God will prevail. Breathe, go take care of yourselves today, and know that the best is yet to come. In the fog of war all seems confusing, but the fog will lift and light will shine on us all finally. This I believe! Love to you all!”… Mel K

E. Tues. 20 Jan. Transcend the Matrix, Dark to Light, X22 Report: Transcend The Matrix With Deborah Pietsch & Charlie Ward

F. Tues. 20 Jan. Fulford Report: https://eraoflight.com/2021/01/19/benjamin-fulford-full-report-the-timeline-of-the-worlds-future-will-be-chosen-this-week/

G. Wed. 20 Jan. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. The Shotgun liquidity release and Tier 4B notification emails would be released any moment from now till Sat 23 Jan.

2. POTUS Trump would leave the White House in a “red carpet roll out” ceremony on Wed. 20 Jan., followed by the illegal fraudulent “inauguration” of Joe B*iden.

3. based on the illegal fraudulent vote stealing of the election by D*eep State+CCP agents+CIA+FBI working for the Rockefeller & Rothschild banksters, British MI6 D*eep State operatives, and with other (Italian, Vatican, Spanish, German, Serbian, Iranian, Venezuelan, etc) D*eep State operatives; his disclaimer: as all should know, not all people in these agencies and organizations are bad but their leadership has been the problem, he said, as they are largely Freemason pedo-Sat*anists working for their globalist NWO overlords and the NWO World Economic Forum (WEF) 2030 plan, absolutely committed to a sat*anic communist world govt which must have the USA, We-the-People, POTUS Trump, and the US Constitution OUT OF THEIR WAY to accomplish their evil goals.

At 4:45 pm EST Tues. 19 Jan, as Trump began his speech, there was a release to start paying out bond holder liquidity from about 5 pm EST onward into bond holder accounts.

Those funds would be accessible when we in Tier 4B received our notification emails, 800#s and Safe Link Website links, to start setting our appointments to exchange / redeem.

Paymasters were to be in Reno for the Shotgun Start no later than Wed. 20 Jan and bond holders could receive access to 1-2% of their account funds as early as Wed 20 Jan. or Thurs. 21 Jan.

Over the coming days Trump could activate the EBS, declare Martial Law and file impeachment articles against B*iden, even as arrests and prosecutions begin under the 65,000 military soldiers in DC and military units in all states and major cities.

On Tues. 19 Jan. Bond Holder account recipients were told that their bond liquidity was to be released any moment. This suggested that our Tier 4B notifications and the Tier 1-4A Shotgun liquidity start was also at any moment through the coming weekend.

B*iden may enter the White House after the illegal fraudulent inauguration on Wed. 20 Jan, but Trump would still be the only legally elected president in control of the military. This was through Secty of Defense Chris Miller, who is overseeing Special Forces (SOF) and the 65,000+ National Guard and active military in DC.

By Sun 24 Jan things should become clearer. The illegal presidency of pedosat*anist Joe B*iden should begin to be disclosed, along with the disclosure of the crimes of many other traitors / criminals in DC (including crimes of embezzling trillions in govt funds, many pedosat*anic “leaders” who committed tor*ture, ra*pe, & mur*der of ba*bies and chi*ldren, identity fraud e.g., O*bama born in Kenya, K*amala H*arris NOT natural born citizen, etc, conspiracy to mur*der and assassinate Americans [Bush Sr key planner to mur*der JFK in 1963, etc.].

Over the past weekend the Marines raided the CIA Langley VA headquarters and came out with huge amounts of damning and incriminating evidence of treason and crimes against humanity done by the CIA in cooperation with the FBI and in cooperation with 95% of CCP compromised, bribed, and blackmailed politicians and bureaucrats in DC.

From that raid at CIA headquarters they now had clear proof that (1) the C19 pandemic was a manufactured crisis to implement mail-in ballot and electronic vote switching election fraud, with the goal of (2) wearing down the USA economically, and creating a draconian D*eep State C19 vaccine ID system ( see. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/microsoft-big-tech-coalition-developing-rockefeller-funded-covid-passports And https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/15/biden-to-deploy-fema-national-guard-to-set-up-covid-vaccine-clinics-across-the-us.html

Many already know that the name “C19” = planned in 2016 as the “Certificate of Vaccine ID 2019” D*eep State Rothschild-Rockefeller-Bill Gates operation.

All of this was to further the D*eep State globalist plan to commit further mass crimes against humanity and kill off 90%+ of humanity through a kinetic WWIII nuclear war between the USA, North Korea, Russia, and China. This was stopped by the patriot military Generals who recruited Trump to run for president in 2016.

Our Military Intel Contact said it was time to arrest them all: Edmond de Rothschild (who faked his death and who is hiding in Patagonia south of Argentina until special force [SOF] units catch up with him), Joe B*iden, K*amala H*arris, H*illary & B*ill C*linton, B*ush Sr, B*ush Jr, James Comey, John Brennan, Susan Rice, Klaus Schwab of the Davos WEF, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Oprah Winfrey and Ellen DeGeneres (who both openly marketed a hand cream made from the fle*sh of mur*dered chi*ldren), Tom Hanks, and all the other wonderful pedo-Sat*anist elites.

Trump may use the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) or Space Force’s “Global Broadcast System” (GBS) to broadcast messages to the American people and the world about the crimes of the elite politicians and bureaucrats like the B*iden crime family, the D*eep State Dem’s and the GOP RINOs who have been bribed or blackmailed and extorted by CCP China, forcing them to serve the globalist NWO anti-human C19 and other goals of the globalist D*eep State.

Between Wed 20 Jan and Sun 24 Jan. Trump (or the military) may announce over the EBS a suspension of B*iden’s illegal presidency and move to a temporary interim form of govt overseen by the US military.

Election fraud in the six swing states and the elite’s crimes against the USA, US Constitution and humanity would be investigated and prosecuted in Military Tribunals.

Navy JAG (Judge Advocate General) officers were heading to DC for the express purpose of prosecuting cases in near-term…MILITARY TRIBUNALS (Link no longer good but it was here: https://t.me/GreatAwakeningChannel/26 )

Some who committed treason by certifying fraudulent electoral votes were now surrounded by 65,000 military troops and being prevented from escaping DC by fences with razor barbed wire.

Great Awakening Channel

DC was like one huge prison camp, with military checkpoints checking ID’s of those trying to leave, but not those entering.

The 65,000 military troops in DC were to stop D*eep State traitors from escaping.

The 4,000 troops deputized as US Marshalls would carry out arrests of all those wonderful B*iden adorers in DC—WON’T BE LONG NOW HE SAID!

The corrupt D*eep State FBI and CIA leadership were teaming up with CCP Chinese agents to send in Antifa / BLM thugs with weapons (trained in Somalia and armed with CCP supplied bombs and weapons).

So-called “homeless camps” in DC of Antifa thugs have been spotted, and they will try to do false flag terrorism in the form of drone launched small diameter bombs (SDBs), kamikaze planes or drones, shooters, pipe bombs, etc, etc in order to blame Trump supporters.

Most of these threats have already been tracked and contained by US military Special Forces (SOF) units.

They will try to do this kind of false flag terrorism in all 50 state capitals and 400 urban areas – all of which have so far been stopped by SOF units.

It was strongly advised to stay away from hot spots like these and to set your exchange/ redemption appointment in non urban areas if possible.

The following YouTube in Spanish may be a sign the entire B*iden psy-op was about to be uncovered and stopped, perhaps in the EBS announcements of the coming 72-96 hours: Sun 17 Jan 2021 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJAyCWgA9GI Title: “El viejo sleepi nos dejo hace 6 días” [The Old Sleepy (Joe) Left Us 6 Days Ago].

Part of the world was going on the Gold Standard right now. Right now Russia was going on the Gold Standard with the gold-backed Ruble. Russia has been aggregating its gold reserves for the last 12 years, as has China.

Over the past week some D*eep State governments have fallen: Netherlands, Kuwait, Germany and Italy under D*eep State PM Matteo Renzi and his party who resigned after his involvement was uncovered in USA election fraud through Leonardi satellites + the usual suspects, Vatican+CIA+British MI6, engaging in Dominion Voting System internet vote switching Tue-Wed 3-4 Nov 2020.

he agrees with MarkZ that this all shows HOW CLOSE WE ARE to (1) the financial system imploding and being replaced by the GCR / RV gold-backed QFS system, and HOW CLOSE WE ARE to (2) ARRESTS OF GLOBALIST ELITE PEDOSATANIST ELITES in EVERY ONE OF THE 209 COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD!(edited)

20 Jan through next weekend, and beyond, as we in T4B are exchanging, there will be a SMOOTH TRANSITION to a military backed interim government in the USA and NOT TO A B*IDEN ADMINISTRATION which will be short-lived at best (his info no more than a few days) before US military STOPS it and starts the arrests and military tribunals.

Trump has verified at least four times that according to the US Constitution, if there was ANY FOREIGN INTERFERENCE in the Nov 2020 election, then Trump would win the election by default; and because there is abundant hard evidence that there was OBVIOUSLY foreign interference in the election, Trump IS AND WILL REMAIN the default winner

(e.g., ODI Ratcliffe’s Thu 7 Jan letter to Congress & the Wed 6 Jan IC report officially named China and other nations as illegally interfering in the election: e.g., Sun 17 Jan–China ‘Sought to Influence’ 2020 US Election, Director of National Intelligence Assesses in Wed 6 Jan IC Report and in ODNI Thu 7 Jan 2021 letter to Congress—Epoch Times
https://m.theepochtimes.com/china-sought-to-influence-2020-us-election-director-of-national-intelligence-assesses_3659981.html ).

Media broadcast companies have been sending employees home and putting their stations on auto-pilot in preparation for the EBS to be activated as soon as 8 am EST tomorrow morning Wed 20 Jan and many media stations were told to anticipate a public declaration of MARTIAL LAW any time over the next five days. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/broadcast-tv-stations-told-prepare-for-martial-law-72-hour-emergency-alert-system-pre-emption

Over the last 24 hours the White House issued Continuity of Government Continuation Warning text messages and emails to key federal govt employees preparing to make an emergency move to alternate sites (outside of DC). https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/white-house-issues-cog-con-warning

This suggested (1) that there will be a transition to an interim govt backed by the military and (2) that DC will no longer be the location of the govt of the restored Republic which will be located somewhere else other than DC.

On Wed. 20 Jan. Trump’s farewell as he stood on a red carpet was a Q mark of the beginning of MOABs (Mother-Of-All-Bombs, disclosures of crimes leading to arrests and prosecutions) that Q said would come at the “RED CARPET ROLLOUT.”

Q #1258 24 April 2018 Anon: “When will we have MOAB? Should we tell all the good people watching the day & time? Red carpet rollout? Think logically. The world is watching.” Q https://qanon.pub/?q=Red%20carpet https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/01/red-carpet-event-by-sierra-nz-11921.html?m=1

Our guy appreciates everyone’s prayers. He wanted to remind you that we can be very confident that the White Hats and Good Guys were winning, though it may look like the opposite for a few days. As POTUS Trump said, “The Best is Yet to Come.”

H. Lin Wood: https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/118 https://www.bitchute.com/video/eWQWTDoAgGcI/

We are in a war with China and would have a couple of weeks of confusion. Stay out of the way of the Military and let them do their job. Pray for them. They will deal with any violence.

Our President will remain Donald Trump. Ratcliff has confirmed that China was behind the 2020 Election Fraud.

Don’t trust the CIA or FBI.

Don’t let anyone control you with fear. Stay home. Stay calm. Trump will save this country because he is a man of God. We will return to a nation under God. We are all in this together. Listen to the EBS. Listen to your heart.

January 20, 2021 has arrived. History will judge us for our efforts in the name of freedom leading up to this day and for our fight for freedom in the days to come.

In recent days, I sometimes wonder what was in the minds of our forefathers of 1776. They faced a stronger enemy. They were outnumbered. Their resources paled in comparison to the might of England. Against all odds, they won. And because of their sacrifices then we are free now.

They prevailed because they were inspired by God and the spirit of freedom He instilled in each of them. Our enemies should not be fooled. That spirit of freedom still lives and burns bright in the hearts of tens of millions of Patriots. Forget the odds. Never give up. God is with us. God plus one man is a majority. We shall prevail. All will be well.

God bless each of you. And God bless America.

I. Tues. 19 Jan. Four Star General Hyten, Chairman Pentagon Joint Chief of Staff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTcqLpIG2qU&feature=youtu.be “We are hours away from game time.”

J. Tues. 19 Jan. Simon Parkes: General Hyten has been authorized to give Updates: https://www.simonparkes.org/post/19th-january-update-current-news

K. Sun. 17 Jan: “I am a National Guard soldier from the District of Columbia Army National Guard. Rumor going around for days is we aren’t here for B*iden. We are here to seize power for the real president, President Trump. My commanding officer just confirmed it. The order will come in the dead of night on the 19/20th. When you wake up on the 20th we will have seized all the organs of power in DC for President Trump and B*iden and his cabinet along with TONS of senators and reps will be in cuffs. Everyone I have talked to is ready to go. We are ready to save America.”

L. From Starship Earth The Big Picture: http://www.starshipearththebigpicture.com/2021/01/19/january-19-2020-good-vs-evil-simon-says-go-time-videos/

…so while I am cautious of dates, the 19-20th IS rather a nexus point. We either have to save the Republic and retain the power for The People, or it’s the end for Humanity.

We shared the news yesterday that in Washington, DC 2,000 troops were given temporary powers to make arrests, etc. as deputy US Marshals and everything we’ve seen and heard over the past couple of weeks suggests we’re finally getting the “green light”. While all eyes are on Washington, it’s possible that similar events took place elsewhere so the US military can GET THIS DONE.

Everything has been conducted by the book and the original US Constitution so this war has been lawfully won. It’s a watershed moment. The coup d’état the globalists planned to wrest power from President Trump and the American People will be thwarted at the eleventh hour, and this will go down in the annals of history as the most spectacular revolution and brilliant strategy to save Humanity.

Watch Simon Parkes’ Jan. 19 update here. He says someone hit the “GO” button.

M. Wed. 20 Jan. Large Fleet of Ships Spotted off California Coast: https://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=163970

N. Real News Stations:





O. Must Watch Videos:

Emergency Alert Information: https://rumble.com/vcxaw5-emergency-alert-information.html

“How to Steal an Election”: https://www.simonparkes.org/blog

“I Did It My Way” in Honor of President Donald J. Trump https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2021/01/donald-j-trump-new-commercial-wonderful-3739716.html

“The Plan to Save The World” https://rumble.com/vagd07-q-the-plan-to-save-the-world-remastered.html

“The Storm is Upon Us” Military at Capitol Hill: https://youtu.be/yNGDB-EYvWk

“You’ll Be a Man, My Son”: Donald Trump https://mobile.twitter.com/mbracemoore/status/1326621458974564353

The Star Spangle Banner As You’ve Never Heard It https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YaxGNQE5ZLA

“Trump’s Road to the White House” (full film): https://youtu.be/SMwXKl0odq8

“Hunters Become the Hunted: The Lion and the Jackels” https://www.instagram.com/tv/CJtRLCXApTo/?igshid=5i894k7wu1ty

Les Misérables | Do You Hear the People Sing? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q82twrdr0U

P. C19 Hoax:


Q. International Chi*ld Se*x Traffic*king Ring:

PedoEmpire 5 Books, 42 chapters Free Online: https://pedoempire.org

About Sat*anic pedo*philia: https://pedoempire.org/book-4-in-print-linked-table-of-contents/

continued …………


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