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India Develops Ivermectin Home Treatment CV Kit for Less than $3 Per Person

ER Editor: For those with a very strong stomach, we recommend this absurd and shocking story of an elderly New York State woman, whose family had to fight in the courts to get ivermectin RE-PRESCRIBED for her after she had already been admitted to a hospital ICU as a legitimate, seriously ill Covid patient and had taken ivermectin on a first round. (Only after the family pushed for this drug to be used in the first place, however). This treatment turned her advanced condition around rapidly. But once she was transferred from ICU to elsewhere within the hospital, doctors there resolutely REFUSED to re-prescribe it for her, hence the court action. And even then, doctors still refused. Note that while the judge gave permission for the use of ivermectin, it had to be her FAMILY DOCTOR who could reinstate it as a treatment, and the judge stated this requirement only verbally. See the article by Brian Shilhavy from Vaccine Impact of January 15, 2021: New York Supreme Court Judge Saves 80-Year-Old Patient from Death by Ordering Hospital to Give Life-Saving Ivermectin.

Meanwhile, elderly people are dying in Norway and elsewhere from experimental gene-therapy ‘vaccines’ (they’re not) that haven’t been fully trialled on healthy people. As Shilhavy observes,

The genocide against the elderly is in full swing right now in the U.S. and around the world.

As we have recently reported, assisted living centers who are now injecting their residents with the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections are killing off many of them, particularly the oldest residents above the age of 80.

As we reported yesterday, the Norwegian Medicines Agency announced that 23 people died after receiving the experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID injections, and that is out of only 25,000 injections nationwide. All of them were over the age of 80. (ER: This number has reached 33.) See:

23 Seniors Have Died in Norway After Receiving the Pfizer Experimental COVID mRNA Injection

Earlier this week we reported that a nursing home in Auburn, New York, had zero deaths attributed to COVID until they started injecting the residents with one of the experimental mRNA COVID injections, and then 24 died. See:

24 Dead and 137 Infected at NY Nursing Home After Experimental COVID Injections

The biggest tragedy in these deaths, which reveals crimes against humanity and the medical system’s low regard for the lives of our elderly, is that these experimental injections are not even needed, as there are effective and safe treatments for COVID already available, where doctors are reporting a near 100% success rate in treating their patients with early treatment.

India has been distributing science-based home care treatments since at least November for a cost of little more than 2 bucks. Our featured image comes from the site below, where you can buy this treatment. While we are not endorsing any form of medical treatment or recommending readers purchase it for themselves, just a click on this link to India Mart shows how easy it is to get something so simple and cheap as the Indian Government’s Ziverdo Kit, while people in western countries are being heavily propagandized and pressured to take untested gene therapies with serious side effects and death: https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/ziverdo-kit-10999972812.html.

They must really hate us.


India develops COVID treatment kit for less than $3 per person with ‘miraculous’ ivermectin

‘Utilizing early treatment with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, the densely populated India, which has four times the population of the U.S., has less than half of the coronavirus related deaths’


Featured Image
Dr. Pierre Kory, founding member of Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has testified before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee on the effectiveness of ivermectin


INDIA, January 18, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — While the United States continues its aggressive military roll-out of novel, expensive and dangerous pharmaceutical vaccines, India has developed a “miraculously” effective and safe COVID-19 treatment kit which costs merely $2.65 per person and has helped put the nation’s case and fatality rates in “steep decline.”

Last month, several medical experts testified before the U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee in favor of authorizing ivermectin for early treatment of the novel coronavirus. Among them, Dr. Pierre Kory, founding member of Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), explained that ivermectin, a Nobel Prize–winning anti-parasitic agent, “basically obliterates transmission of this virus,” with “miraculous effectiveness.”

Ivermectin has been the subject of dozens of studies and anecdotal success stories since it was found to reduce COVID-19 in a laboratory last June.

“I’ve been treating COVID pretty much every single day since the onset,” Kory said. “When I say ‘miracle,’ I do not use that term lightly…that is a scientific recommendation based on mountains of data that has emerged in the last three months.”

FLCCC has developed a treatment regimen incorporating ivermectin, which the group claims has led to up to 83% lower-than-average COVID-19 death rates in hospitals that have applied it.

However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has refused emergency authorization of ivermectin to treat coronavirus, stating for months that “[m]ore testing is needed.”

In contrast, on the other side of the world, India has embraced the treatment protocol specified by Dr. Kory and his colleagues and is now manufacturing this product under the brand name “Ziverdo Kit” and it only costs approximately $2.65 per person.

ER: See also this tweet from Vijay Gupta from Nov.20/2020

Though the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommends no treatment for those suffering from SARS-COV-2 “unless the patient is hospitalized and requires oxygen,” in India, they began treating coronavirus patients early, including the use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).

Dr. Makarand Paranjpe and his wife, both 77 year-old Indian physicians, fully recovered from the COVID-19 virus using early treatment last November, TrialSiteNews (TSN) reports. She used hydroxychloroquine, and he took ivermectin.

“Without any treatment, we know that the virus enters the cells and replicates there,” Paranjpe said. “They can create disease that gets much more severe.” Stopping such replication as early as possible is the simple function of these inexpensive and safe treatments.

Last March, as debates raged in the U.S. over the merits of HCQ, following President Trump’s endorsement of the drug, India had already recommended it in its national guidelines, affirming it “should be used as early in the disease course as possible…and should be avoided in patients with severe disease.”

Following the June discovery of ivermectin’s efficacy in treating the virus, along with significant subsequent testing, the largest state in their nation, Uttar Pradesh (UP) (pop. 230 million), announced in August that it was replacing their HCQ protocol with ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.

“By the end of 2020, Uttar Pradesh — which distributed free ivermectin for home care — had the second-lowest fatality rate in India at 0.26 per 100,000 residents in December. Only the state of Bihar, with 128 million residents, was lower, and it, too, recommends ivermectin,” writes Mary Beth Pfeiffer of TSN.

By further comparison, utilizing early treatment with HCQ and ivermectin, the densely populated India, which has four times the population of the U.S., has less than half of the coronavirus related deaths. “And India isn’t just beating the poorly performing U.S. In all, 98 nations have higher death rates than India,” Pfeiffer writes.

Dr. Anil K. Chaurasia, a physician in UP, affirmed that starting in mid-September, “a clear decline in COVID cases and fatalities in India was noticeable … [and the] “steep decline in cases and fatalities is still continuing.”

The same results hold for neighboring Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated nations in the world, where doctors also utilize an ivermectin home care therapy, and they have an even lower fatality rate, ranking 128thin the world.

Kory cited similar results in Peru, Argentina, Brazil and several other South American countries demonstrating the effectiveness of ivermectin.

For example, in his written testimony to the senate committee, he related that in Peru, “the peak in deaths occurred at the time of distribution” of ivermectin, which the country approved for COVID-19 treatment in late spring. Every Peruvian state witnessed “rapid and sustained reduction in both case counts and death rates in patients” as ivermectin circulated, he wrote.

In the face of such new and broad evidence, however, the FDA and NIH have nonetheless remained unwavering in their rejection of ivermectin as a tool to combat coronavirus, and instead have maintained a central focus on vaccines.

And while HCQ and ivermectin have been around for many decades, and are known to be quite safe, serious concerns remain regarding these COVID-19 vaccines which have been rushed through the process of development, testing, approval, and now distribution, with a new “messenger RNA” technology, no industry-standard animal trials, nor any sufficient studies on long-term effects.

These concerns include “allergic” and “potentially fatal reactions,” as well as concerns about the potential impact on fertility.

The FDA even drew up a document this fall listing the possible side-effects from a COVID-19 vaccine, including strokes, encephalitis, auto-immune disease, birth defects, Kawasaki disease, and death.

Present reports reveal that hundreds of individuals injected with these vaccines have been admitted to the hospital, and at least two have died.

Though these U.S. regulatory agencies maintain “[m]ore testing is needed,” before approving ivermectin, Pfeiffer observes, “[m]ore information is always better. But at what point, in a pandemic, is there enough?”

Kory forcefully asserted to the senate, “the amount of evidence that I have presented far exceed[s] the level required for a compassionate use authorization as defined by the FDA.”

Ivermectin “needs to be immediately adopted systematically nationally and globally, period,” he insisted.

“You can use this medication in just about any condition,” he said. “It is safe, inexpensive, [and] widely available.”

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page.  View it here.

India Develops Ivermectin Home Treatment CV Kit for Less than $3 Per Person

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