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Cromwell agent of the Stanleys

Let’s look at Cromwell’s own death, just as fishy as that of Charles. In 1658, at age 59, Cromwell allegedly got sick from kidney stones. He died very quickly, and they admit the Venetian ambassador was very suspicious of the speed of Cromwell’s death. Although Cromwell was replaced by his son as Lord Protector, he had no support and had to resign within a few months. That is also very suspicious, since if Cromwell had support his son or other successor should as well. Under normal circumstances, Cromwell would of course have prepared for his own death, appointing a successor. If his son was unliked and had no support in the army, he would have known that and appointed someone else, to assure continuance of all he had worked for. But we don’t see that, indicating this was all planned to bring Charles II back. The Stanleys had decided this was the time, and all Cromwell could do is step aside, letting them continue to write whatever script they wished.

Conveniently, George Monck, soon to be 1st Duke of Albemarle in 1660, was able to march directly into London and immediately begin proceedings to bring Charles II back. And who was this Monck? Well, our first clue is that his name is Jewish, of course. Cromwell loved the Jews, even more than usual, since he is the one who conspicuously invited them back to England. They had always been there, running the country, but now they didn’t have to pretend to be Gentiles (except for the nobility). Although Cromwell knew Monck wished to restore Charles, they were “good friends”. What? To understand this, you have to back a few years. Monck had been one of Charles I’s generals, fighting in Ireland. But he was viewed as suspicious by Royalists, including the Duke of Ormonde, especially after refusing to take a Royalist oath. To make him look like a Royalist, he was allegedly captured by Parliamentarians and put in the Tower after Charles fled. This effectively whitewashed him. But strangely he was out in a short time (1646), and the Parliamentarians then immediately promoted him to major general. Make sense of that. If you can’t, I will tell you: this just proves he was an agent of the Stanleys all along. Monck switched sides again three years later, becoming a supporter of Charles II. A year later, he fought with Cromwell in Scotland at the Battle of Dunbar. Cromwell then promoted him again, making him Commander-in-Chief of Scotland, and later Governor. By 1654, Monck was back on the Royalist side, scheming to bring back Charles. Cromwell knew this, and the mainstream history admits he sent a letter to Monck in Scotland, saying,

“There be [those] that tell me that there is a certain cunning fellow in Scotland called George Monck, who is said to lye in wait there to introduce Charles Stuart; I pray you, use your diligence to apprehend him, and send him up to me.” Monck’s personal relations with Cromwell were those of sincere friendship on both sides.

Why didn’t Cromwell order his arrest? I think you now know why: they were both agents of the Stanleys, and Cromwell knew that Monck was just playing his part.

To make this look somewhat less like a fait accompli, the Stanleys manufactured a little thing called Booth’s Uprising in 1659, though it is unclear at this distance in time whether they faked it on the ground or just on paper. Booth, 1st Baron Delamer, was a Lancastrian (agent of the Stanleys), mainly

through his grandmother, who was an Egerton, daughter of the Viscount Brackley—who had been Elizabeth’s Attorney General. The Queen sold him Ashridge House, one of the largest country houses in England. He is the one who found against Devereux, Earl of Essex, in that fake rebellion. James I then appointed him Lord Chancellor and Lord High Treasurer. Anyway, in 1659 Booth allegedly moved against York with a small army at the behest of Charles II. He was defeated by Lambert and allegedly escaped the field by dressing as a woman. Right. I guess they caught him shopping for pantyhose at Beatties. He spent about five minutes in the Tower before returning to Parliament, where he received £10,000 and his title. He died August 8, of course. Chai.

Monck has the same family markers as Booth, since his 2great-grandfather was Arthur Plantagenet, 1st Viscount Lisle. Arthur’s wife was Elizabeth Grey, and she was also a Talbot and a Ferrers. His father was King Edward IV. You might think this would make Monck a York, but it didn’t. He was a Lancaster though Elizabeth Grey, who began turning the family in that generation. It was turned in the same way by the next three marriages, although thepeerage.com scrubs those women. We do know George’s mother was a Smith of Holditch in Devon, and these Smiths were related to Arundels of Trecice, Cornwall, who were also Stewarts.

The biggest clue here is that the Parliamentarians hired Monck as their Commander-in-Chief in late November, 1659. What? Even Cromwell knew Monck was a Royalist, so why would Parliament make him their top man? It makes no sense. Again, it is perfect indication this was all planned years in advance. It is also proof that Booth’s defeat was faked, since why would Parliament bother fighting against Booth and then hire Monck? Another clue is that Lambert, Parliament’s previous top man, switched over to Charles’ side at this time, taking Fleetwood with him. So we are supposed to believe the Parliamentarians are now Royalists and the Royalists are now Parliamentarians. The usual stirring of your brain, so that you don’t ask questions.

While Monck “decided what to do”, Parliament made it easier for him by dissolving itself in the Spring of 1660. That’s convenient. I am sure the Stanleys had nothing to do with that. On April 4, as Charles’ agent, Monck announced the Declaration of Breda, and the monarchy was restored.

To celebrate, a few months later Charles had Cromwell’s alleged body exhumed from Westminster Abbey. He was both hanged and then beheaded. The head was exhibited on a pole outside Westminster Hall for 24 years! Fortunately, it wasn’t Cromwell, just some stiff from the morgue, but still.

This ties into recent news, since Cromwell’s statue in Manchester has been vandalized and Lord Adonis is calling for the removal of his statue in front of Parliament. This looks like a spin-off of the manufactured BLM protests in the US, where the Governors are creating every division they can to prevent citizens from concentrating on the massive theft from worldwide treasuries that just accompanied the Coronahoax.

By the way, a head on a stick left out in the weather wouldn’t last 24 years. It would be skeletonized within a short time, picked apart by birds. So I am not sure what they expect us to believe. Did they replace the head at night every few months, to keep up the charade? Did they install a waxwork head? Who knows. I am not the only one who has asked that question, though. The mainstream history admits many people didn’t think the head was Cromwell’s, or the body in the beheading, either. We are told a lot of people didn’t fall for it, even at the time.


John Milton was Cromwell’s biggest literary supporter in his lifetime, and has remained so. This is apropos, since Milton is also hidden in the peerage. Thepeerage.com lists him as a peer, but with no dates on the main page and no links out to other Miltons. Not even his mother and father are listed. He is also scrubbed at Wikipedia. Geni has a bit of information for us. Milton’s maternal grandmother was a Melton, which is the same name, meaning his parents were first cousins. Even weirder: she was previously married to Richard Milton “the Ranger”. Geni tells us he was the maternal grandfather of Milton, but they also list Paul Jeffreys as the maternal grandfather. So, major hijinx, as usual, 400 years after the fact. It looks like this is to avoid admitting that Milton’s mother was a Milton. They want you to think she was a Jeffreys, so that it isn’t so obvious his parents were first cousins. This also prevents people like me from following the lines of this Richard Milton, since he was Milton’s real grandfather. But that is what I am going to do.

His mother was an Edson, linking us forward not only to Thomas Edison, but to Pete Seeger. The Edsons were originally Addisons, and they link us to Dulanys and Graftons. The Graftons are a big find, since they were later FitzRoys, Dukes of Grafton. Charles II’s son was the 1st Duke of Grafton. We aren’t told where the name for that dukedom came from on his page, but Richard Grafton was the printer for Henry VIII. He later printed the announcement of Lady Jane Grey as Queen, linking us to the current question. He also printed the famous Matthew Bible of 1537. Tellingly, he was a member of the Worshipful Company of Grocers, and they were number two on the list of City of London livery companies, due to the fact that they were really the Worshipful Company of Spice Merchants. Telling us who they were. The Graftons remained big merchants and industrialists through the centuries, in Manchester and elsewhere. A bit more digging finds that Grafton was an Honour in Northamptonshire, dating back to the 1540s at least. Grafton Manor had been the home of the Woodvilles, who produced the Queens of Henry VII and Edward IV. Henry VIII’s mother was therefore a Woodville. So, wherever you see Grafton, you can insert “Woodville”. It links us to the Tudors/Stanleys. Which is why it is so interesting to see it in the genealogy of John Milton. This is exactly what they didn’t want us to find.

In Milton’s Edson line, one step closer to him, we find Juliana Bustard. She is important because her mother was a Fox. Her father was William Fox of Barford. See above for more on these Foxes.

Another problem is that Milton’s maternal grandmother is given as both Ellen Melton and Elizabeth

Milton. Richard the Ranger married both of them, but they must be the same woman, since they are both listed as the mother of Milton’s mother. Since Richard’s sister is also named Elizabeth Milton, it looks like what they are hiding is that Milton’s grandparents weren’t just cousins, they were brother and sister. Ouch.

So, I found quite a bit more than I was looking for there. What I was looking for was blood links of Milton to the rest of this mess above, and found it, via the Graftons and Foxes. But there is more. In the Milton line, we only have to go back another two steps beyond Richard the Ranger to find the Milton knights, of Ashton, Kent, and the peerage. They got there by marrying the Baron FitzHugh in about 1450. Before that they were Middletons, related to the Beauchamps, Earls of Essex; and the Cliffords. This also linked them to the Bowes, knights of Streatham Castle, Durham. Remember, the current Queen is a Bowes. It also linked them to the Willoughbys, Beaumonts and Greys. A bit further back and we link to the Percys. If we go back to the time of William the Conqueror, the FitzHughs were Dukes of Brittany, related to Richard I, Duke of Normandy.

So that’s where John Milton came from. Strange they don’t find any of that worth mentioning in his common bio.


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