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Raw stats show the catastrophic folly of lockdowns


by Watchdog

It is very difficult to compare the Covid fatality stats of different countries or the various strategies used to deal with the Covid flu.

This is due to variations in the way each government fiddles and false-reports the stats and a mess of conflicting data emanating from the corporate media – probably the most unreliable source of info in history.

The falsifications of fatality and other stats fulfill various purposes depending on whether the government issuing them is

(a) trying to look good compared with other governments,

(b) trying to scare the crap out of its populace due to some evil agendum or other,

(c) trying make itself right for having done something stupid such as wrecking the country or

(d) clueless as to what it is doing and has therefore decided that the best thing to do under the circumstances is dance dementedly on the puppet strings of the most evil vested interests it can find, such as the Eugenics Industry.

We face what has been aptly described as a Chaos of Information to go with all the other chaoses being fomented by the Evil Overlords and their political minions.

The Chaos forms a smoke screen that is very hard for the citizenry to penetrate. They are thus hard put to arrive with confidence at an understanding of what is going on that enables them to see when they are being lied to, fleeced, conned, culled, put upon, sold a bill of goods, taken for a ride and otherwise shafted.

Nevertheless, being a glutton for punishment, I tried to do a rudimentary comparison of various countries to see whether lockdowns work in terms of saving lives and to a degree that justifies the immense damage done to countries that use them.

To do this I had to ignore the fact that the figures are extremely unreliable and just take them at face value.

There are variations in degree of tightness of lockdowns and of other measures taken in the absece of lockdowns.

For my purposes here I’ve ignored factors such as the low overall fatality rate of Cov19, the fact that it is showing up more and more to be a flu or flu-like bug re-branded and spun to look like the Black Death, the fraud of the notorious PCR test, the generally low threat level to most of the population and so on.

I have also ignored New Zealand and its total lockdown, which I’ll discuss in another article.

So I am not passing this off as “science” or some sort of authoritative pronunciamento on the wisdom or lack thereof of lockdowns.

If lockdowns are worth doing and produce a result that justifies the damage they do then one would expect to find the countries with tight lockdowns doing far better in terms of fatalities than countries that did not lock down or opted for much slacker lockdowns.

What I found, in general, is that the OPPOSITE appears to be true. Countries with the most stringent lockdowns – of the ones I looked at (the UK, Spain, France, Italy) – have the worst results.

This is very glaring according to the stats touted by our governments and one has to ask HOW COME both our government and our media are ignoring it.

This is to such a degree that one finds it hard to avoid the conclusion that the destruction of the economy is the DESIRED result. If somebody keeps right on doing something when all the evidence, common sense and THEIOR OWN STATS dictate that they should not, then one must conclude they are doing it because they WANT to do it.

Given that a protracted lockdown throws a country into the mother of all recessions, inflicts immense collateral damage and probably costs overall many more lives than it is “saving”, it seems to me that there are two levels of insanity exhibited by the governments I have sampled.

1.) the basic insanity of treating Cov19, a bug that is a real threat to a very small minority of people as if it were something far more deadly (whilst studiously ignoring cheap and safe known cures such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine). All the governments in my list below are guilty of this.

2.) compounding that basic insanity with the further insanity of “dealing with” the bug via a lockdown that decimates the country’s productivity, prosperity and standard of living.

So here are my rudimentary figures for you to make of as you will (the numbers were googled two days before this article was published).

RUSSIA (no or mild lockdown currently) 63,558 deaths out of 144.4  million population

BELARUS (no lockdown) 1564 deaths out of 9.467 million population

JAPAN (no lockdown) 4,204 deaths out of 116.3 million population

SOUTH KOREA (no lockdown but very effcient track and trace) 1236 deaths out of 51.71 million population

SWEDEN (no lockdown)10,323 deaths out of 20.23 million population

FRANCE (tight lockdown) 69,949 deaths out of 67.07 million population

ITALY (tight lockdown) 81,325 deaths out of 60.36 million popuation

UK (tight lockdown) 76,338 deaths out of 66.65 million population.


Based on the results of the countries sampled, regardless of whatever one thinks of the true nature of the threat or lack thereof of this virus, the tightly locked down countries are doing far worse in terms of fatalities.

Whatever strategies are being used by countries such as Japan and Belarus in particular, they are experiencing FAR FEWER FATALITIES and at the same time keeping their shops and cafes open and their economies running.

Countries such as the UK are going to pay a terrible economic price for having forced upon their people lockdowns that have produced negative results.

The UK goverment at this point appears to be looking for ways to blame its catastrophically failed strategy on “people who violate the lockdown” and so forth.

Well, if this were true, then countries such as Belarus where in effect the entire population is violating the lockdown rules would show drastically MORE deaths and a destroyed health service. Yet the opposite is the case.

Japan, for instance, is reporting a twentieth of the deaths among a population nearly twice the size of the UK’s – in other words, stats that are EIGHTY times, roughly, better than the UK’s.

To use a crude analogy, the UK government is in essence putting a tournique around the nation’s neck in order to cure a cut finger

Raw stats show the catastrophic folly of lockdowns

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