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Dutch Government Suddenly Collapses – And Other Curious Events [VIDEO]

Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project

What’s REALLY behind the sudden collapse of third-term Mark Rutte’s government in the Netherlands, over an apparent scandal that has been years in the making? Why this, why now? A scheduled March election could have taken care of this matter, so why the precipitation?

We don’t claim to have any answers.

This comes hard on the heels of other recent, strange goings-on, namely with the hushed-up revelation of the Italian government and Vatican being behind the industrial-scale US election fraud and the govt ready to topple there, to name just one curious event of the past month. (See also the site Italy Did It and #ItalyDidIt) And from this past week Estonia, whose intelligence services, in addition to MI6, were rumoured to be part of the Russiagate dodgy-dossier collusion against presidential candidate and sitting President Trump: Estonian government collapses over corruption investigation.

The Catholic Church has just lost four senior ranking clergy on three continents in the blink of an eye. See In a single day, on three continents, the Catholic Church lost a cardinal and two bishops to Covid-19, and Vincent Logan: Tributes pour in for Emeritus Bishop of Dunkeld after death, aged 79, which records the deaths of TWO senior Scottish clergy in the space of two days. No mention of illness or covid is made in either case in the second, local piece. The Pope’s personal physician died last weekend, allegedly of covid. Strangely, he didn’t know how to protect himself against the disease.

We’ve also witnessed recent power outages in the Vatican (see this tweet by Italian journalist Cesare Saccharetti as an example, which contains another little-mentioned oddity, and this indicating road closures in the Vatican area over 10 hours), as well as outages in Pakistan (also this), Iran and in a part of Ireland. As well as the passing of Benjamin de Rothschild, resident of Switzerland and 22nd richest man in France, allegedly of a heart attack at the tender age of 57.

Merkel is making an ‘upcoming’ resignation effective September (or could this be sooner?) as elections are held for her CDU party successor, and overnight there was a police operation at Frankfurt airport’s terminal 1 and its regional train station, allegedly over someone not wearing a mask and leaving his luggage behind. As we know, Frankfurt has been pivotal in the reception and relay of US election information via the Dominion servers to the US embassy in Rome using the Leonardo satellite (see the links to Italy above), and was the location of an alleged shootout between CIA operatives and US special forces, during which it has also been rumoured that Gina Haspell was captured.

We now seem to be at a time of many odd events, all apparently unconnected, just as Biden is due to be sworn in as an illegitimate president this coming Wednesday.

Concerning the Netherlands, 10,000 families have been forced to repay thousands in subsidies forcing them into financial ruin after being wrongly accused of fraud by tax officials between 2013 and 2019. More detailed information can be found here. This is also affecting the opposition Labour party leader. A parliamentary election is due to take place on March 17, precisely two months from now.

These are some of Alexander Mercouris’ comments about the scandal:

  • Rutte is a close ally of Merkel in the Christian Democrat-centre rightist block. He’s been an indispensable ally of hers. She is supposed to retire in September of this year, with no clear successor to replace her. The economic situation in Europe is difficult and Macron is in a very shaky position right now. There is a political crisis in Italy where the govt is about to collapse. Netherlands is in a deep lockdown; the economy has been hit hard. And now the govt has been rocked by a scandal. So the European establishment is looking very precarious at the moment.
  • The entire Dutch political establishment is affected by this.
  • The child subsidy scandal has affected a lot of people and is a scandal that people can relate to. And it’s due to government incompetence and mismanagement. Rutter is a survivor and can usually overcome problems, but this is different.
  • Support for opposition Labour party has also collapsed. It, like many so-called Left parties, has shifted allegiance away from the people over time and has become very pro-Establishment.
  • The Netherlands is the home of various international institutions including various courtsRussia will therefore be watching closely as many Russian cases have been conducted in the Netherlands, such as MH17, etc. Rutter is known to have been very hostile to Russia, which may have been a key influencing factor. Merkel and Brussels are watching these cases very closely, too. They will be deeply worried about what will come out of the Netherlands from hereon in as its previous stance has been Atlanticist and pro-EU integration (ER: i.e. globalist).
  • Alex Christoforou: ‘The masks are coming off, the curtain is being pulled.’
  • Alexander Mercouris: ‘All the parts that make up the European Union are coming under pressure’. (He includes Macron’s problems in France as part of this statement.)


Dutch government collapses. PM Mark Rutte resigns over childcare scandal

The Duran: Episode 858

Dutch government collapses. PM Mark Rutte resigns over childcare scandal

Dutch Government Suddenly Collapses – And Other Curious Events [VIDEO]

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