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Brabantian – Zionists Pass the Baton to Communists

January 14, 2021


If Impeachment of Trump is to be justified, so is impeachment of the leaders of the US Democratic establishment, including purported Vice-President Elect Kamala Harris, and speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who said things like you see in the photo, to encourage riots that burned Washington and hurt dozens of government agents, and left many persons dead all around the country
Look for a return to the globalist [Communist] strategy of destroying
race, religion, gender (family) and nations that we saw under Obama.  The Zionists are handing the baton to their Masonic brothers.
By Brabantian
 Sheldon Adelson’ death June 11 coincides exactly with efforts at total public humiliation of Trump, and new media undermining Netanyahu’s position in Israel. The Jewish-American billionaire and biggest financial backer of both Donald Trump and Bibi Netanyahu.


A radical shift in elite strategy is unfolding with the George Soros globalists [Communists] consolidating victory over the nationalist [Zionist] strategy, in which Adelson, Trump and Netanyahu were all key players.
The 2020 game changer was the covid hysteria and social control via allegedly ‘science-backed’ lockdowns. Covid-19 has succeeded better than any other elite deception. White conservatives no longer need to be considered or placated.
So elites are moving to quickly crush patriotic sentiments, and remove any means by which independent thinking can prosper. Trump is being humiliated to try to demoralize his voters, and indeed all those who identify with their European-heritage.
Covid-19 taught the elites that no matter the credentials of dissident scientists and doctors … the truth is mostly sidelined via media control.
So the hypocrisy of denouncing Trump for ‘sedition’ for his inspiring the 6 January 2021 US Capitol rioters … Media simply ignores the much bigger riots attacking government installations after George Floyd’s death on 25 May. Of course Floyd’s death is far more important than the theft of an election and the disenfranchisement of the American people.


In those riots attacking the White House itself – equally ‘the heart of American democracy’ – 60 Secret Service agents were injured as they tried to protect public officials and property. Much of Washington DC was on fire.
And in the Middle East, the day after Sheldon Adelson died, no less than the ultra-establishment Associated Press, now as well labels Israel an ‘apartheid state’, implicitly savaging the more nationalist policies of Netanyahu, in favour of more globalist-friendly, Palestinian-including policies of George Soros, the AP suddenly unafraid to use the ‘anti-semitic trope’ word ‘apartheid’. 
Israeli Jews themselves have been swept up in the covid mania, Israel boasting of ‘leading the world’ in vaccinations. As nationalist Jews like the late Barry Chamish warned, Israel itself would one day also, like the USA, fall to the pressures of the globalist New World Order.
One can expect Netanyahu’s legal troubles to escalate rapidly. Some new concoction of ‘Middle East peace’ will appear.  ‘Greater Israel’ will include those Muslims who ‘collaborate in peace’ with a Jewish-led globalist agenda. 
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