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Some Hard Truths Patriotic Americans Face

Some Hard Truths We Face as Patriotic Americans as We Near January 6th

By: Dex Bahr

Americans have absorbed the truth that the institutions long depended upon for redress are compromised. For years we had always suspected this, but in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election this has been confirmed with much dismay and sadness.

While these revelations have been downright traumatic, they have also provided clear insight as to the height, depth and breadth of the corruption that has seduced our governmental institutions into betrayal. And as with any cancer, you cannot have the proper treatment until you know the extent of the infiltration.

Carrying this analogy further, many people delay reporting their health suspicions to a doctor regarding unexplained weight loss or changes in bowel habits because of the fear of finding out unsettling truths. While denial tricks the mind, it does not change the truth. And until you are ready to face hard truths, you forfeit your chances of beating the cancer.

Do you follow me?

America has a stage four cancer of corruption that has metastasized into every area of our representative government. Here are 25 hard truths Americans can no longer rationalize away:

  1. A presidential election was stolen from President Donald J. Trump in the most brazen and in your face way possible.

  2. The government elites in all three branches, and in both parties, appear to be in on or complicit in the steal either by omission or commission.

  3. The strings of our government are being pulled by China and other global interests that have no qualms about tearing down our time-honored values of freedom of speech, freedom of association, and freedom of religion.

  4. The Supreme Court, except for Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito has allowed partisanship, virtue signaling and cowardice to influence the merits of the cases they have deigned to accept or reject.

  5. There is no Democrat and Republican Party, only a UniParty. Both parties are merely two sides of the same coin, dedicated to selling out the country to China for power and enrichment. (Think of Judas selling out Jesus Christ for 30 pieces of silver)

  6. News is not what the corporate media delivers, only leftist/globalist propaganda that rarely speaks ill of China or George Soros

  7. China has invaded America without firing a shot, first by exploiting the moral weaknesses of people in the upper echelons of the political, educational, corporate, and entertainment world and second by using the Wuhan Virus as a bioweapon to psychologically place America under siege without an overt military effort.

  8. If Joe Biden is sworn in as president, he will make a mockery of American ideals of honesty, integrity, and fair play

  9. The police in blue cities have lost the trust of patriotic Americans due to their willingness to blindly follow orders of mayors and governors even if those diktats infringed upon the constitutional rights of the citizenry.

  10. Conservativism without action is merely an empty intellectual pursuit seeming superior, but signifying nothing

  11. The elites are attempting to crush the independent spirits of Americans by using theft and fraud to undermine the power of the vote

  12. America is becoming a nation of free states and communist satellite states

  13. The Democrat party has thrown out the constitutional rule of law in favor of socialism/communism

  14. Unless liberty is vigorously taught and fought for, it will devolve into tyranny

  15. America’s only hope is in the people not a politician. When we the people are willing to give up convenience, our concerns of financial ruin and fear of death, we will become a terror to the traitorous elites, and they will fear us

  16. America’s current political leadership is a reflection of past apathy and a lack of vigilance

  17. Our public schools are not dedicated to teaching our children, but to indoctrinating them to leftist ideas

  18. The Wuhan Virus lockdown demonstrated the eagerness of far too many Americans to surrender liberty for safety

  19. The Republican elites destroyed the Tea Party and wish to do the same to Trump supporters. They are doing so by willfully ignoring election fraud evidence and declaring Joe Biden as the president-elect by saying “the electoral college has spoken.”

  20. Republicans elites fail to realize that even if their plans to rid the GOP of Donald Trump succeed, his supporters will never be able to unsee the craven conduct they have witnessed from their elected leaders. These patriots will either change the party or choke the life from it.

  21. America can only succeed with a Judeo-Christian foundation; socialism/communism is an anathema to America as founded

  22. The Christian church is being targeted for destruction by communist/socialists in the Democrat party as a means of weakening America

  23. America’s form of government is a representative republic. We were never founded as a democracy

  24. The only diversity that strengthens us is diversity of thought

  25. Eliminating the Constitution and demonizing history does nothing to better America, but instead hastens her demise as the last best hope for freedom

I am sure as you read the list you thought of some truths that I may have missed. Please feel free to list them in the comments. But you must admit that even the examples I have pointed out seem like too much to overcome when viewed as a whole. But they really are not. We just need to get away from trying to accomplish all these things in the four-to-eight-year term of a Republican presidency and adopt the left’s thinking of the long march that could take 20, 50 or 100 years.

Regardless of whether President Trump is reelected, patriotic Americans’ eyes have been opened to the consequences of a lack of vigilance regarding government and elected leaders. An informed populace poses the greatest danger to our betters and their globalist puppeteers.

It is my sincere hope that something big happens on January 6th that will completely change the inevitability of Biden presidency in the minds of Americans. Trump will have to use the power of his office and not place his quest in the hands of a compromised legal system and of men who have shown a history throwing others under the bus while running for the tall grass.

 Trump was not elected to be politician; therefore, he cannot fight this battle as a politician. Trump is an outsider who placed the country before failed policies and he must do the same in this election fight. In this case, protecting the integrity of our elections from outside foreign influence and not conceding to corrupt political interests

War has been declared by our enemies. The truths we face cannot be overcome with politics but only by the people of this country rising and saying, “No more!” We will do this with Trump as our president or we will do so during a Biden/Harris presidency. Our freedoms must no longer be threatened by who is in office, but our freedoms must take precedence, despite the party of the office holder. This will only happen when live out the final line of the Declaration of Independence and Mutually Pledge To Each Other Our Lives, Our Fortunes, And Our Sacred Honor…”

The year 2020 brought much strife to America, but it ripped the masks off a duplicitous legal system that long ago abandoned fealty to American ideals, and also opened our eyes to the level of evil surrounding us. May 2021 mark the beginning of a return to government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Some Hard Truths Patriotic Americans Face as We Near January 6th

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