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We’ll never recover from this lockdown fever

January 5, 2021

WE have lost a lot individually to these evil, communist lockdowns. People have lost their jobs, their education, opportunities to travel, relationships, marriages, perhaps even chances to have children, as well as the basic human right to spend time with family and friends.

The destruction of our lives has been immense indeed, and some will never recover. But we have also lost something collectively, and that is our value system. We have lost the right to say we live in a liberal democracy, because we don’t.

Every day, on the airwaves, in the newspapers and on social media, people famous and not famous get more and more bloodthirsty for harsher lockdowns. Communism is the new value system, and I have to say I did not see this coming. From people at the Adam Smith Institute who describe themselves as ‘neo-liberal’, extolling the virtues of communist lockdowns to columnists at the Daily Mail, the thirst is for more and more power over your neighbour.

It is no longer love thy neighbour: it is crush your neighbour, judge your neighbour, snitch on your neighbour. And we are told this is all for the neighbour’s own good. I don’t think so.

Here Janet Street-Porter goes full Karen, in a piece clearly designed to stir up hatred against celebrities and young people, whom she refers to as ‘dumb’ and a ‘f***wit from a reality show’.

Her solution, after encouraging middle-class Daily Mail readers to lose their minds over people who went on holiday or to a rave, is a curfew. She tells us that ‘the only step left for Boris now is to issue a national curfew. He should use it to give the police a rest. He must bring in new legislation allowing them to slap anyone found on the streets after 9pm without written permission into a cold, unpleasant cell’. There we have it, a Daily Mail columnist calling for a curfew because she is jealous that some celebs beat the lockdown and flew out to sunnier climes. What Street-Porter doesn’t get is that she should not be bitter against the celebrities but angry against the government that imposed this lockdown on all of us.

This call for a curfew and a damnation of the selfish is a bit of U-turn from this piece where she admits, ‘I freely admit I’m guilty as charged – regularly dining with a small number of friends (never more than two) who just happen to be my “business associates”.’

But let’s not dwell on it. This isn’t about one writer.

Another Karen is India Knight of the Sunday Times, who had to take to her fainting couch at the very idea that some people would have their adult children to Christmas dinner. In this piece she compares people exercising their right to actually live out their life to ‘giving children grenades to play with’. She admits that people not playing by the rules drives her completely mad, and mad is definitely the appropriate word here. Mad as a box of frogs.

It all adds up, every demand for an earlier, longer, harder lockdown, to a kind of blood or power lust. Lockdown fascists have destroyed our tradition of civil liberties in nine short months, and even if these lockdowns end we will never get that tradition back. Ever.

Do you understand this? We will never get back the value that governments in western democracies cannot impose lockdowns. We will never get back the value that governments cannot inflict inhuman and degrading treatment on their citizens. We will never get back the value that our democracy is superior to Chinese communism, because many people seem to want Chinese-style authoritarianism.

Professor Neil Ferguson admitted as much in his confession interview with the Times. At first they didn’t think they could impose a medieval lockdown in Britain like the Chinese did – they were communist and we were not. ‘It’s a communist one-party state, we said. We couldn’t get away with it in Europe, we thought.’ But then the Italians did it and members of Sage engaged in a conspiracy to do the same to the British public. They knew then ‘that they could get away with it’.

They have got away with the communist lockdown and we will never recover from it. I don’t mean economically, I mean morally and ethically. Even if the lockdowns end we, as a country, individually and collectively, will never recover from this.

Lockdowns, the crushing of individual rights, the inflicting of inhuman and degrading treatment on the population have become legitimate tools of governance in western society. Those who contributed to this legitimisation should be ashamed of themselves.

We’ll never recover from this lockdown fever

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