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When fake news is actually true

What the BBC describe as ‘FAKE NEWS’ from a man in South Africa, has actually turned out to be real news – and 100% TRUE – but they still threw the man in jail anyway. 

Durban, South Africa: A man who posted a video about Covid-19 testing kits being contaminated was forced to appear in court in April… Another man making a similar video clip in Australia was also arrested…

Two people are arrested for spreading ‘fake news’ WHICH IS TRUE – Covid test kits have been found contaminated with, er, Covid!

In South Africa, Police spokesperson, Brigadier Mathapelo Peters, confirmed that the man from Durban was arrested for ‘making a video about how TEST KITS were contaminated’.

Hmmmm… I never heard of a ‘law’ like that – one where a person makes a video and then has his door kicked-in by police…

Peters said “The arrest relates to a video clip purporting contamination of Covid-19 test kits. The suspect has been charged in terms of Regulation 11 (5) (c)of the Disaster Management Act, in relation to “publishing any statement through any medium including social media with the intention to deceive any other person about measures by the government to address Covid-19″…


The Evening Standard has ‘blacked out’ the story – but the headline still displays on their website. The London Evening Standard is edited by a Bullingdon Club member.

Well, this Durban man is due for a MASSIVE PAY-OUT because he was WRONGFULLY ARRESTED – The Telegraph newspaper in London, the Evening Standard and many other newspapers have all reported the circulation of hundreds of thousands of CONTAMINATED SWABS…

But it goes deeper than this being just a ‘blunder’ by the swab manufacturers… In my film SCAMDEMIC, I prove that the contaminated swabs – yes, you guessed it, many were contaminated with Covid19 – these contaminated swabs were made by MANY different manufacturers – one in Finland, one in Luxembourg and one in China… Hmmm… Three manufacturers and they all manufactured hundreds of thousands of swabs infected with Covid! Just a coincidence?


Thousands of contaminated swabs shipped to TRIBAL NATIONS PEOPLE… Just like the old scam by Lord Amerhurst with his blankets…

The British royals were the very first people in history to use BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS to kill hundreds of thousands of men, women and children.

They ordered Sir Jeffery Amherst to donate blankets infected with smallpox to Native Americans…

Lord Amherst led the British to victory over the French in Canada…


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The first book to ever mention Bio-Warfare is the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, which is meant to be a ‘hoax’ according to the Times of London…

Britain used biological warfare against the indigenous people as a means of extermination…. And 18 years after the publication of the Protocols, the cousins of the British Royals were using disease as a weapon on the battlefields of World War One…

Like the Protocols claim, a despot will ‘INOCULATE WITH DISEASES’ the world’s population to gain political control… And THAT is EXACTLY what the hateful Adolf Hitler did…

The first book to ever mention Bio-Warfare is the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, which is meant to be a ‘hoax’ according to the Times of London…

  • THE CONSPIRACY FILES is an all new kind of historical TV series – it is streaming on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL right now. The 2020 season of The Conspiracy Files kicks off with an investigation of how the Nazis invented Chemtrails and the conspiratorial links to the Helter Skelter murders inspired Hollywood film director Edmund Druilhet to make his movie ONCE UPON A TIME TRAVELLER IN HOLLYWOOD…. Enjoy!!
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