Christmassy Update from Ned Pamphilon

My laptop automatically signed me in, and I felt it rather rude to post a whole post after such time of absence.
Hope to hell Trump defeats the cheat or we risk Communist Creepy Joe and Kabbalah Harris.
Brexit? Brexit my arse. I have not studied the details, but hardly feel it worth bothering. I heard Doris Al Johnson on BBC R4 PM warbling and rambling on. What disingenuous Old Bullydon Club crap. The only slight cheer was listening to the gloom of Evan ‘my doggy’s called Mr. Whippy tee hee’ Davis and co. How do these mediocre cultural maskists and socialist distancers manage to maintain their high taxpayer funded BBC salaries while the rest of the country goes down the pan?

Yep, I know TAP readers probably deem the Donald as part of the game, but just imagine the meltdown among the legacy media, eco-fascists, BLM, Anfifa and one world globalists from David Rottenborough to Andrew ‘poor man’s Orangeman’ Neil should Trump manage it. It will be worth the BBC license alone to just witness that.

Max Radio Ep 001: The Role of the Vice President in Counting Electoral Votes 12/23/20

We had some flooding in East Anglia. Of course, it will always be due to Co2 climate change. We must follow the science which means not follow the science as per the inversion of the truth strategy! You still driving your electric car that the proper hydro-carbon energy grid keeps going? Some have suffered, but we are thankfully dry inside. I heard a silly €U spokes person last night say we can fight climate change, terrorism & pandemics better together. I thought that about sums it up; a list of made-up, invented & created problems to scare & suck up the energy of people with.
WHO would have thought that my MP, Melltdown Matt Herr Gruppenführer Handycock, would turn out to be such a feature among pantomime villains…
Merry Xmas to you, your family & all at TAP. Try to maintain gratitude even during trying times, remember WHO doesn’t know what’s best for us & energy may well flow where attention goes.
I’ll leave you with this thought…
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Preview YouTube video Max Radio Ep 001: The Role of the Vice President in Counting Electoral Votes 12/23/20

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