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Y’all really need to understand how mRNA “vaccines” are designed and executed: You’re not going to like it

non veni pacem — The Splendour of Truth Dec 7, 2020

But first, can we agree on the definition of “vaccine?” Assume that we are talking about a totally legit traditional vaccine, one that has been around for years and is safe and effective. Fundamentally, what is it? Can we agree that a vaccine is a substance made from a weakened or dead version of the pathogen which is introduced into the bloodstream to induce an immune response?


So now understand this: mRNA “vaccines” are not vaccines… No. What we are dealing with here is bio-technology and bio-engineering. In short, it is genetic modification. Imagine the exuberance of the Luciferian Gates-funded pharmas, not to mention Gates himself, in their pursuit of being God.

So how does it work? When cells divide, the strands of DNA are replicated, and the Messenger RNA (mRNA)  play a vital role in processes known as Transcription and Translation. Learn about this HERE. This thing Moderna/Pfizer/Gates have come up with is a synthetic strand of mRNA, which penetrates the membrane of healthy human cells and hijacks the normal replication process. The previously healthy human cell will now be transformed to produce a fragment of the actual virus, the so-called ‘spike protein.’ This molecule will be recognized as a pathogen, provoking an immune response.

The previously healthy human cell will now be transformed to produce a fragment of the actual virus. You read that correctly. The following is from the first paragraph of the wiki entry on this technology:

An RNA vaccine or mRNA (messenger RNA) vaccine is a new type of vaccine that transfects molecules of synthetic RNA into human cells. Once inside the cells, the RNA functions as mRNA, reprogramming the cells to make the foreign protein that would normally be produced by the pathogen (e.g. a virus)… These protein molecules then stimulate an adaptive immune response that teaches the body to destroy any pathogen… The mRNA molecule is coated with a drug delivery vehicle, usually PEGylatedlipid nanoparticles,[2] to protect the fragile mRNA strands, and aid their absorption into the human cells.[3][4]

…little is known about the medium and longer-term side effects[8]

If you go to wiki HERE and click on View History at the top of the page, then scroll down and click Oldest, that this article was first created on 17 February 2020. How fresh. You will also note that as recently as January 2020, this technology was not even deemed experimental yet. It was deemed theoretical. Wow.

Jeff Goldblum in The Fly. Click to enlarge

So many questions. Will the Organic Vegan Non-GMO crowd boycott this biotech, which effectively turns every human who takes it into a walking GMO? I sure hate when logic gets in the way of healthcare decisions. What happens if the warp-speed rush to polish off the biotech results in some of the mRNA sequencing being off, by just a little? I keep thinking of poor Jeff Goldblum in The Fly (pictured).

I also keep thinking of all the fruitless decades of trying to develop a coronavirus vaccine, with countless mice, cats, and kids who died in the trials. You didn’t know about that? Yes, the problem is that these “vaccines” have a tendency to enhance uptake of the pathogen. This effect is called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE), and I posted a long annotated explanation of this problem HERE. Bottom line, this is the reason why there has never been any sort of coronavirus vaccine. But somehow they found one in ten months?

What about pregnancy, lactation, and the long-term fertility of genetically modified mommies? Ohhh… they don’t want to go there. You want to know how mRNA biotech might interfere with a developing baby, a breastfeeding baby, or mom’s chances of ever getting pregnant again? Too bad, since they purposely avoided trialing any of that, not even in mice. No need to disappear the evidence if no evidence was produced. Then when Pfizer got the UK approval, they issued TEN PAGES of splaining, warnings, disclaimers, etc. HERE

Bill Gates is on video explaining that he wants to reduce world population by 90%, but I’m the crackpot for suggesting that a vaccine that operates via synthetic genetics might pose fertility risks. Yup.

Please start explaining this stuff to friends and family.


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