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Mancock’s Pants Ablaze! (Again)


There’s no Smoke Without Fibs

by Steve Cook

Hatt Mancock just told the most scurrilous lies to the House and to the British people.  If you read the article below, you will understand the enormity of the crime this scumbag has committed.

It is probably a measure of just how wet or treasonous our Parliament is that this pycho can disrespect the British people with the most calculating, bare-faced, irresponsible, reckless and deadly lies and not raise so much as a freakin’ eyebrow among the feckless poseurs that occupy the benches of Puppet Show Central

Clearly this criminal knows he can brazenly utter the most appallingly misleading and destructive untruths that could well put millions of lives at risk – and not even bother to hide very much the fact that he is lying – secure in the knowledge that there is nobody in the British establishment who cares enough to do a damn thing about it.

My dear old dad had a saying for such people, “All mouth and no trousers” (Trousers =pants for my American readers).

So Mancock’s are on fire and Parliament isn’t wearing any

If Manock’s magic potion starts killing people let us not forget who lied about it and who stood by and let him do it. These people will have the blood of UK citizens on their hands.

EXCLUSIVE: How Health Secretary Matt Hancock misled Parliament about the Pfizer “vaccine”

by John Ward

This is Matthew Hancock announcing the “milestone” of an MHRA approved “vaccine” to the House of Commons yesterday.

He reiterated his promise that “no vaccine will be used until its safety and effectiveness have been clearly established”.
He added that the Pfizer formulation had been “subjected to the closest scrutiny of the MHRA” and been given “a clinical authorisation”.
“This,” he stated baldly, “is a vaccine we can all believe in”.
He finally bragged that “this is the first vaccine in the world to have achieved regulatory approval for use against Covid19”.
Mr Hancock lied to the House.
He further lied to BBCNews viewers earlier in the day, as he told them, “when this vaccine is rolled out, things will get better and we will all return to normality and the things we love”.
He doesn’t know that – he cannot know that – and this is emphatically not what the MHRA Pfizer decision says.
I apologise now for having to resort to The Science Bit. It is however vital that this reckless little man is held to account. I am indebted to Slog reader Martin for digging out the somewhat obscure links on the MHRA website.
The reality of what the regulator has decided blows Hancock’s claims out of the water.
You can get the full strength of such “approval” as has been given here.

These are the key facts about the Pfizer-Biontech product’s assessment under Reg174 at the MRHA:

  • This medicinal product does not have a UK marketing authorisation but has been given authorisation for temporary supply by the UK Department of Health and Social Care
  • It has no approval at all for people aged under 16
  • The administration of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 should be postponed in individuals suffering from acute severe febrile illness
  • No interaction or contraindication studies have been performed. In the absence of compatibility studies, this medicinal product must not be mixed with other medicinal products.
  • COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination
  • It is unknown whether COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is excreted in human milk
  • The effects of the vaccine on fertility are unknown
  • Reporting suspected adverse reactions after authorisation of the medicinal product is important. It allows continued monitoring of the benefit/risk balance of the medicinal product. Healthcare professionals are asked to report any suspected adverse reactions via the Coronavirus Yellow Card reporting site https://coronavirus-yellowcard.mhra.gov.uk/

The MHRA was given just five days to study the mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2.

Hancock called this “the closest scrutiny”.
Its safety and effectiveness have not been “clearly established”.
The Pfizer product has been given a temporary, narrow approval under the emergency Covid19 legal instruments so eagerly approved by our braindead MPs earlier this year.
Following Halfcock’s triumphalist Commons announcement yesterday, not a peep has emanated from Her Majesty’s Opposition pointing out the Grand Canyon of gap between what the Health Secretary claimed, and what the MHRA has “approved”.
Further evidence of how the British Establishment now does what it likes, free from fear of any resistance of a legal, judicial or constitutional nature.
Manflu Halfcock lied when he said this is a vaccine we can all believe in.
He lied when he said it had full regulatory approval.
He lied when he said safety and efficacy had been established.
He lied when he assured the House that this was the beginning of a return to normal.
But then, I’d imagine over-exposure to a Prime Minister who lied about Newscorp phone hacking, Elm House paedophilia, Yeo taxi emissions, Skripal guilt and the EU Withdrawal Agreement might well have that effect on an over-promoted Secretary of State.
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