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COVID19 Special Report and Alert [Canada]

I created a Special Report to share with family, friends, neighbors, and others in Canada and beyond as you see fit or re-write in your own words.

Please allow me to highlight some of what’s driving COVID19 fear mongering and propaganda planet wide. It’s vital to consider and share, to help people wrap their mind around the insanity and uncertainty, and lessen fear.

Just as seasons on Earth change, so do cosmic cycles. Foretold as 2012 by many indigenous cultures and every major religion, many grand cycles within cycles of time are coming to a close, a time when the eternal struggle between good and evil intensifies, also known as the Kali Yuga in Hinduism.


COVID19 is being used to implement The Great Reset [4TH Revolution link below]. It is also shining light for everyone to see how far reaching evil is, so people defend the truth and their freedom otherwise fear and unawareness will own, by consent, everyone’s body, mind, soul/spirit power, children, possessions, livelihood, and future.

Extreme censorship is blocking most people from seeing that a world coup is erasing ‘all’ of man’s fundamental rights, freedoms, health, privacy, wealth, businesses, employment income, ownership, and meaningful future. The great reset will make everyone state dependent and 100% controlled through technology.

What follows is COVID19 legal action to safeguard our species and freedom, indisputable facts, and a heads up. Please note possible Dec 2020 emergency broadcast at the end.


Nov 2020 Portugal https://off-guardian.org/2020/11/20/portuguese-court-rules-pcr-tests-unreliable-quarantines-unlawful/

Nov 2020 Denmarkhttps://summit.news/2020/11/16/forced-vaccination-law-in-denmark-abandoned-after-public-protests/


Nov 25, 2020 Dr. Reiner Fullmich filed a Crimes Against Humanity Defamation lawsuit in Germany focusing on the unreliable PCR test [Polymerase Chain Reaction] fraudulently used to test for SARS-COV 2. The lawsuit forces fact checkers to prove claims of fake news; a tactic used to censor the truth. https://youtu.be/MjrY-I7v–Q

Aug 17, 2020 Nicole Lebrasseur filed a lawsuit of malfeasance against the government of Canada. Included in the lawsuit, using COVID19 measures as proof of malfeasance, is a formal letter dated June 09, 2020 that declared Canada’s independence from the United Kingdom. https://ourgreaterdestiny.org/2020/09/lawsuit-to-take-back-our-rights-and-country-canada/

July 06, 2020 Rocco Galati, Constitutional lawyer, Toronto, Ontario filed a lawsuit forcing the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, the Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto, various public health officials, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to justify COVID19 measures in Canada. https://vaccinechoicecanada.com/media/press-release-legal-challenge-to-covid-19-measures-filed-in-ontario-superior-court/


There is no proof SARS-COV 2 was ever isolated to prove it causes an infectious disease called COVID19. https://off-guardian.org/2020/06/09/scientists-have-utterly-failed-to-prove-that-the-coronavirus-fulfills-kochs-postulates/

HEALTH CANADA No record of “COVID-19 virus” isolation. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Health-Canada-FinalResponse-A-2020-00208-2020-06-13.pdf

NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA No record of “COVID-19 virus” isolation. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/NRC-A2020-0010-Response-NIL.pdf

No record of COVID19 virus isolation also received from City of Mississauga, University of Toronto, McMaster University, Sunnybrook HSC, Mount Sinai Hospital, Ontario. McGill University, Montreal, Quebec. University of Saskatchewan. Public Health UK, Wales, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia.

EVEN MORE ALARMING Virologists found solutions containing SARS-COV 2 — even in high amounts — were NOT infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. This means they proved, on their terms, SARS-COV 2 is not infectious to human beings. https://drtomcowan.com/only-poisoned-monkey-kidney-cells-grew-the-virus/

Not one Canadian province nor territory met the ‘conditions’ to make a Declaration of Emergency. At this link you can also find Provincial/Territorial deaths, which are comparable to a regular flu season. https://standupcanada.solutions/declarations-of-emergency

Minnesota State Senator and family physician talks about new government guidelines to complete death certificates that overinflate COVID19 death numbers. https://youtu.be/_qWmiWf81zI Also applies in Canada and others countries.

Lawsuits are not enough. The great reset that has been gradually and subtly advancing for decades requires a critical mass of people to take a stand for truth and freedom before more draconian restrictions lock everyone down completely to finalize a world coup.

THE 4TH REVOLUTION https://www.anhinternational.org/news/the-great-reset-or-the-great-divide/

Maxim of Law: Qui tacet consentire videtur. He who is silent appears to consent. Jenk. Cent. 32.
In other words, unless the majority of people say no to COVID19 measures they said yes to transhumanism [merging man and machine], and the great reset.


From an alleged Liberal insider for which there is no proof only clues.

A Canada wide emergency may be broadcast ‘early’ Dec 2020 regarding military deployment to all metro centers. A 24 hour curfew will begin and last until mid June 2021. No one will be permitted to leave their home except for an emergency, not even to buy supplies. Local police will set up checkpoints to deal with civil disobedience. The only things open will be hospitals, police, and infrastructures like water treatment and utilities. Military will engage all citizens as a threat. Mobile containments will bus people to COVID19 isolation centres where they will be monitored for the virus. Orders are to move swiftly on anti-mask and anyone resisting lockdown orders. Canadian forces have been instructed to use deadly force on anyone endangering military personnel.

CLUE: Randy Hillier MPP Ontario Parliament:Quarantine/isolation camps across Canada https://youtu.be/3yyKczzyLoU

CLUE: Canada and Australia appear to be running parallel COVID19 scripts.

Nov 2020 intentional media blackout … Australia BILL: TROOPS ON THE STREET 01:57 to 02:52 mins = Argument against use of force by foreign powers and home invasions. https://www.bitchute.com/video/9SZ5FcfnHWpy/ 

CLUE: Newest Australian Defense Bill Authorizes Foreign Troops to Shoot Australian Citizens0 to 5:15mins = DOUG FORD, Ontario announcement.  https://www.bitchute.com/video/Z7rGPLIzyYD3/



When the majority of people realize COVID19 is not demonstrably justified life will likely get very ugly, especially when the food runs out. Stock up!

May I suggest sooner rather than later that you, family, friends, or others meet to plan ahead?

Truth and Freedom,

Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino


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