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Rigged!! Cases, Deaths, Vaccines & the Biden Vote

November 20, 2020

Medical fraud is congruent with the election fraud
“If the globalists can convince healthy people to quarantine because they are somehow spreading infections they do not have, then the globalists can easily manipulate the entire election process using communist-inspired election software.”
“As Trump’s coronavirus task force member, Dr. Scott Atlas said, the only way this ends, is if people rise up!”
by Lance D Johnson

The 2020 Presidential election is just as rigged as Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) case counts, the fraudulent death certificates, and Big Pharma’s vaccine efficacy studies, and these FRAUDULENT REALITIES are on the verge of merging and becoming a weapon of deprivation and medical tyranny, forced onto the American people and the rest of the world.

new wave of lockdowns and economic restrictions are being put in place, and more targeted chokepoints are being planned for vaccine distribution, to force populations to submit to Moderna and Pfizer’s new mRNA cell-altering experiments. The Biden transition team is cozying up to the vaccine makers to make sure their distribution equally suppresses everyone’s lives.


Just as diagnostic criteria have been broadened to tally up more COVID-19 cases, so have ID requirements been cheapened to fraudulently send out more mail-in ballots for Joe Biden. Just as PCR testing kits are made more sensitive to tally up more false-positive COVID-19 cases, so has Dominion election software been used to switch Trump votes to Biden votes.

If the globalists can convince healthy people to quarantine, because they are somehow spreading infections they do not have, then the globalists can easily manipulate the entire election process using communist-inspired election software.

In 2020, FDA-approved COVID-19 testing kits have had major discrepancies, leading to case number anomalies, just like mail-in ballots and election software have shown major discrepancies, leading to statistical anomalies for vote totals and late surge vote percentage gains for Biden. Vaccine efficacy studies are a rigged process, too. These studies do not expose vaccine recipients and placebo recipients equally to the assumed virus to test for true vaccine effectiveness. Much of the information that is being broadcast by the Associated Press & Big Tech is a false realityused to force submission, not critical thinking & independence.


FDA-approved tests have struggled to differentiate various RNA virus strains, leading to statistics that merely represent the average percentage of respiratory illnesses that occur in the population, regardless. In many cases, the tests are oversensitive and unable to differentiate benign virus debris from live shedding viruses, ultimately delivering false positives in people who aren’t even sick, leading to more panic andmedia declared “outbreaks.” The case numbers do not represent reputable data. Many state governors believe they can lock people’s lives down if the positivity rate of the testing kits reaches a certain threshold (i.e. 7 percent).

What if the psychopaths who own the patent on the virus DNA sequences also own the patent on the testing methodology and can control the sensitivity of its detection?

What if both the virus and the proprietary testing kits are being used as a bio-weapon to cause panic, to sell outbreaks that aren’t real, & to ultimately allow a serious viral pathogen to escape detection? What if this is being done to ultimately enslave economic systems to a global reset of communism and to enslave human beings to experimental mRNA technology delivered via Pfizer and Moderna’s new vaccines?

The tests have used faulty reagents, leading to false positives, and some tests have been contaminated, leading to actual respiratory infections and spread. There were even fraudulently attributed COVID-19 positives observed in Florida, where test results were tallied for people who were never tested to begin with. This is akin to dead people voting for Joe Biden or people with a change of address voting in their new state as their mail-in ballot was illegally harvested in their home state to rack up more votes for Biden.

The medical fraud is congruent with the election fraud. There are instances of COVID-19 cases being declared just because someone is a family member to someone who tested positive. There are instances of ID fraud being used to funnel fictitious early ballots to Biden supporters. It’s all one and the same – fraud and terror.

No one has to be a medical patient, mind held down in fear to Big Pharma’s manipulative experiment.

No one has to submit to these insidious communist restrictions on our livelihoods, and no one has to bow at the altar of Biden’s scientific orthodoxy.

No one has to suffer from multiple doctor visits, autoimmune conditions, fever, headache, fatigue, and the threat of transverse myelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and deadly reactions from these vaccines.

As Trump’s coronavirus task force member, Dr. Scott Atlas said, the only way this ends, is if people rise up!




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