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I have been holding on to this for weeks now and what my wife told me won’t leave my thoughts.  My wife works within the Liberal Party of Canada and need to speak up at this time or I won’t be able to live with myself.  On or around December 2nd the entire country will receive an emergency broadcast message regarding military deployment to all metro centres within Canada.  A 24hr curfew will begin and will last until June 15th, 2021.  During this time, you will not be able to leave your home unless the reason is an emergency.  Local police will have checkpoints set up when they expect considerable civil disobedience.  If you and your family need food, it is a good idea to buy it immediately as the emergency orders will not allow you to go out for supplies. The only thing open will be hospitals, police, and critical infrastructures such as water treatment and utilities.  Once military is set up on the streets of Canadian cities, they will be given orders to engage all citizens as a threat.  Mobile containment transport with buses will detain citizens to Covid19 isolation units where they will be monitored for the virus.  Orders have been given to move swiftly on anti-masked individuals and those resisting lockdown orders.  During the Christmas period a breakdown of society will begin due to starvation as well as degrading mental health situations.  Canadian Forces have been instructed to use deadly force on those endangering military personnel.  At this time Trudeau will address Canadians on the next steps his government is prepared to take.

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