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UK Govt Expects Surge of Covid Vaccine Injuries, Posts Bid for AI System

ER Editor: We remind readers of how scared the Establishment is about vaccine refusal and dissemination of relevant information. From yesterday, here is a piece from the Independent revealing the ‘people’s party’ of Labour to be the one calling for censorship of vaccine informationCoronavirus vaccine: Labour calls for emergency censorship laws for anti-vax content. This pathetic article makes no mention of peer-reviewed scientific research showing that certain types of vaccines are dangerous.

Labour has had a poor reaction from its members on Twitter for this move.

The date on this online tender document is October 19, 2020.


VACCINE DEATH WAVE: UK government posts bid for AI system to process the expected flood of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and side effects described as a “direct threat to patient life”


(Natural News) While the lying, treasonous mainstream media is telling us all that covid-19 vaccines are perfectly safe and “95% effective” — and this lie is being repeated by PJ Media, Breitbart and other so-called “conservative” news publishers — the UK government has posted a bid and an award contract notice, seeking an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that can process the expected flood of covid-19 vaccine injuries and side effects.

Titled simply, “Supplies – 506291-2020” and found at this link on Tenders Electronic Daily, this contract award notice we originally posted on October 19th, 2020 and is summed up as follows:

The MHRA urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADRs’ reaction text are missed.

The request for the AI system to process covid-19 vaccine reactions comes from the UK’s Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, the MHRA.

Further in the document, the MHRA describes an “extreme urgency under Regulation 32(2)(c) related to the release of a Covid-19 vaccine” and says that the expected flood of covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions will overwhelm its current “legacy systems.”

“If the MHRA does not implement the AI tool,” the MHRA explains, “it will be unable to process these ADRs effectively. This will hinder its ability to rapidly identify any potential safety issues with the Covid-19 vaccine and represents a direct threat to patient life and public health.”

The extreme urgency status of this bid is further explained:

Reasons of extreme urgency — the MHRA recognises that its planned procurement process for the SafetyConnect programme, including the AI tool, would not have concluded by vaccine launch. Leading to an inability to effectively monitor adverse reactions to a Covid-19 vaccine.

Events unforeseeable — the Covid-19 crisis is novel and developments in the search of a Covid-19 vaccine have not followed any predictable pattern so far.

Does this sound like an agency expecting the covid-19 vaccine to be safe and effective?

What’s clear from the description in the contract award document is that:

  1. The MHRA is expecting covid-19 vaccines to cause a surge of adverse events / side effects.
  2. The MHRA is fully aware that these adverse events will harm and kill many patients. They specifically warn of “a direct threat to patient life.”
  3. The MHRA’s legacy systems are unable to handle the expected volume of incoming reports of covid-19 vaccine injuries, meaning the expected volume of such reports will be very large and unprecedented.
  4. The MHRA recognizes the “extreme urgency” of putting a new system in place to identify the adverse reactions of covid-19 vaccines.
  5. The MHRA states that if a new AI system is not urgently installed, it will be unable to identify many of the adverse reactions stemming from the covid-19 vaccine, and that this failure will negatively impact public health. (i.e. People will die.)

What this shows is the brutal honesty of the MHRA behind the scenes in their contract bid process for AI systems. Yet publicly, nearly all government regulatory agencies around the world — including those in the UK and USA — share no such details with the public and falsely portray covid-19 vaccines are nearly 100% safe and effective.

We now know that even the UK’s MHRA realizes the covid-19 vaccines are going to be extremely dangerous to the public, generating a catastrophic wave of adverse reactions and deadly side effects.

It begs the question: Why isn’t the MHRA saying any of this publicly?

(h/t to the creator of the following video on Brighteon.com, which first brought this bombshell to my attention.)

Culling the human population with deadly bioweapons and toxic vaccines: The “great reset” is medical tyranny and economic communism

No doubt the CDC knows all this, too, and they’re aren’t broadcasting anything that would alert the public to this reality.

Obviously, the public is being deliberately kept in the dark about the dangers of covid-19 vaccines, and sadly, even pro-Trump, conservative media outlets in the USA are parroting vaccine industry propaganda to try to make people think covid-19 vaccines are going to save the world.

Keep in mind that the treasonous tech giants have all conspired over the last several years to censor anyone who questions the safety of efficacy of vaccines. This means that as people are dying from the covid-19 vaccine, no one will be allowed to talk about it or raise the alarm. All covid-19 vaccine deaths will be covered up and kept from the public. The media, of course, will do everything to protect Big Pharma, just like they worked overtime to project Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family from shocking disclosures about communist China’s control over Hunter Biden.

In essence, Big Pharma and the globalist controllers expect humanity to line up, take the shot and die in silence as everything is stolen from us all by the evil globalist “great reset” collaborators. Vaccine shots that achieve their goal of mass genocide and depopulation are just one layer of their grand plan which also involves the coordinated, global theft of all private assets via an engineered fiat currency collapse that renders all currency-denominated savings and assets instantly worthless.


If you want to survive what’s coming, download my two new audio books for free: The Global Reset Survival Guide is at GlobalReset.news and you can pick up Survival Nutrition (also free) at SurvivalNutrition.com.

UK Govt Expects Surge of Covid Vaccine Injuries, Posts Bid for AI System

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