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EXPOSED for BETRAYAL: Institutions and corporations that have betrayed humanity in 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020 by: 

(Natural News) All the “truthers” know that the fraudulent election was an “inside job,” meaning it was well-planned, pre-meditated, and carried out by domestic terrorists, meaning our own citizens, politicians and the mass media. The list of traitors revealed in this article  (Democrats and Globalists) and their heavily-funded organizations (terror cells) are no conspiracy theory cooked up by some right-wing extremists, but rather they are real enemies of the state (the whole republic and the constitution) who support communism, pedophilia and the worship of Satan. That’s why we call them the “Demoncrats.”

Oh, and they’re really, really dumb, leaving a huge trail of evidence of their crimes, thinking the press can always cover it all up afterwards (think 9/11 and Benghazi here).

We’ll start at the bottom of the barrel of rotting crabs and parasites, with the CDC and the FDA, then we’ll work up to reveal some not-so-obvious “presstitutes” who revealed themselves as of late, including Fox News, Breitbart, the Daily Caller, and NewsMax. These fake news outlets and poison-pushing shills are all part of a much bigger “network” they already sold their souls to, and that is the most powerful conglomeration of insidious companies called Big Pharma (previously known as I.G. Farben, dating back to WWII).

The entire Conservative “establishment” is pro-vaccine, pro pedophilia, pro-tyranny

If you have no ethics, no morals and no belief in God, you’re a prime candidate for supporting the reign of terror besieged upon America right now. Maybe you don’t believe in the devil and maybe you don’t desire the absolute destruction of the USA, but if you support the mass media and the “Democrat” Party right now, you are supporting your own demise, including any business you run, your own health, your own safety and the end of your Bill of Rights.

One tell-tale sign that any news outlet supports the destruction of America is the pharma commercials or advertisements run on their station or website. When you see drug commercials marketing dangerous prescription drugs with insane side effects, then you can count on it 100 percent that their goal is to make their viewers dumb, dying and voting for tyranny (all while paying lots of taxes).

Then you’ve got Amazon and Netflix, entities that support pedophilia, rape, torture, human trafficking, perversion, child abuse and demented mentality in general.

CDC, WHO and FDA lead the Commie pharma blitzkrieg with Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Jeff Bezos, George Soros

If you’re not completely familiar with the term “globalist” and not sure what it means, take a look at evil billionaires and “regulatory agencies” around the world, not just in the USA, that pull the strings of the biggest political puppets on the world’s stage. These terrorists kowtow to China’s Communist Party and any large corporation that supports violence, sickness, confusion and upheaval in order to keep rule.

Globalists fund wars and fuel battles and don’t care who comes out the victor, as long as they make billions of dollars and feed their gluttony and perversions in the process. (Think George Soros, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein here.) This has been a tactic since World War II, when Rockefeller Oil and IBM helped Hitler advance his war on the world.

The CDC and the FDA were in on the Plandemic and lockdowns that crushed the US economy. Pharma’s news outlets like Breitbart and Fox News spread disinformation to keep Americans brainwashed and doubting everything, including their own rights.

Since the betrayal of the POTUS election, we’re seeing the true colors of news outlets that pretended to be on the side of patriots, reporting entire articles that support the biggest lie in history – the one that put Communists in charge of the USA (except for the fact that the highly corrupt mass media doesn’t decide who’s President). America has been betrayed, and people are going to go to jail for a long time, including employees of CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, NYT and WaPo.

Oh, did you think the Daily Caller and Breitbart were real news? Remember, if the Democrats do end up taking over the White House, every American will be forced to surrender to the most insidious vaccines ever, all concocted by evil scientists, funded by Bill Gates and George Soros, and pushed by sellout media whores and shills that kowtow to Communist China.

Dirty covid vaccines to contain time-released toxins, GMOs, human abortion cells and GPS-tracking microchips

Get vaccinated (with microchips and time-released toxins) or be put in a FEMA prison for treason, and realize that the news outlets that are pro-vaccine right now are fully accountable for your death and the depopulation agenda that will reduce the world’s population by several billion humans, including children and infants.

They call Trump a Nazi because it’s Nazi tactics that the Democrats and Globalists are employing. The Democrats are Communists, Nazis and Satanists all wrapped up in sheep’s clothing, and there’s no way in Hades that 70 million Americans voted for it. Tune into real news at Trump.news and support your own life and liberty. The Communist takeover of America and the Zombie Apocalypse is all hinged on dirty vaccines, and those who get them will find out the hard way.

This has been a public service announcement from Natural Health News. Stay frosty. Keep your eyes open.


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